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Definition of Term

growth model
(English) Mathematical description or representation of the rate at which an animal or plant grows at different sizes or ages; the most commonly used growth model for aquatic (gill-breathing) animals is that of von Bertalanffy, i.e., the von Bertalanffy Growth Function of VBGF. (See also: growth, population dynamics)
modèle de croissance
(French) Description ou représentation mathématique du taux de croissance d’un animal ou d’une plante à différents âges ou tailles ; le modèle de croissance le plus souvent utilisé pour les animaux aquatiques (respiration branchiale) est celui de von Bertalanffy. (See also: growth, population dynamics)
modelo de crescimento
(Portuguese) Representação ou descrição matemática da taxa a que um animal ou planta cresce numa determinada idade ou tamanho; o modelo mais utilizado para descrever o crescimento dos animais aquáticos é o de von Bertalanffy (See also: growth, population dynamics)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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