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Melamphaes succedaneus Kotlyar, 2015

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Image of Melamphaes succedaneus
No image available for this species;
drawing shows typical species in Melamphaidae.

Classification / Names Nomi Comuni | Sinonimi | Catalog of Fishes(Genere, Specie) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

> Beryciformes (Sawbellies) > Melamphaidae (Bigscale fishes or ridgeheads)
Etymology: Melamphaes: Greek, melan, -anos = black + Greek, amphi = both side (Ref. 45335)succedaneus: Name from Latin 'succedaneus', translated into Russian as 'replacing', which indicates that it replaces in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean the closely related species of the complex M. longivelis from the Indian Ocean and western part of the Pacific Ocean. Rema r k s. As other.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Ecologia

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