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Centrophorus longipinnis White, Ebert & Naylor, 2017

Longfin gulper shark
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Centrophorus longipinnis   AquaMaps   Data sources: GBIF OBIS
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Image of Centrophorus longipinnis (Longfin gulper shark)
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drawing shows typical species in Centrophoridae.

Classification / Names Noms communs | Synonymes | Catalog of Fishes(Genre, Espèce) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

Élasmobranches (requins et raies) (sharks and rays) > Squaliformes (Sleeper and dogfish sharks) > Centrophoridae (Gulper sharks)
Etymology: Centrophorus: centr[um] (L.), prickle or sharp point; phorus, from phoreus (Gr.), bearer or carrier, referring to grooved spines on dorsal fins (See ETYFish)longipinnis: longus (L.), long; pinnis (L.) fins, referring to very distinctive long-based first dorsal fin (See ETYFish).

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Écologie

marin bathydémersal; profondeur 330 - 460 m (Ref. 116740). Tropical

Distribution Pays | Zones FAO | Écosystèmes | Occurrences | Point map | Introductions | Faunafri

Western Pacific: Taiwan, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Taille / Poids / Âge

Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 77.5 cm TL mâle / non sexé; (Ref. 116740); 93.0 cm TL (female)

Description synthétique Clés d'identification | Morphologie | Morphométrie

This medium sized (<1 m maximum total length) species is distinguished by the following set of characters: body relatively slender and head moderately long (20.5-25.1% TL); snout relatively short (horizontal preorbital length 6.4-8.4% TL) and is rounded in dorsal view; the first dorsal is extremely long based (base length 20.8-23.3% TL, soft fin length 16.9-20.2% TL) and relatively high (height 5.7-7.2% TL), the inner margin relatively short (5.3-6.8% TL, 2.6-3.2 in soft fin length); second dorsal fin is much smaller in area to first, similar in height to first dorsal fin (height 1.0-1.3 in first dorsal-fin height); pectoral fins large (anterior margin length 11.0-13.0% TL), free rear tip elongate in larger individuals (2.2-4.0% TL); lateral trunk denticles of larger individuals are sessile (not raised on pedicels), block-like, not elevated; upper teeth of larger individuals with erect to slightly oblique cusps; lower teeth of all sized specimens are much larger than upper teeth, strongly oblique, blade-like; total vertebral centra 112-122; teeth 38-43/29-31 (Ref. 116740).

Biologie     Glossaire (ex. epibenthic)

Size of specimens at postnatal stage 40.8-90.5 cm TL; immature make 63.7 cm TL; mature or adult males 71.9-77.6 cm TL; a pregnant female 89.0 cm TL with a 34.6 cm TL late-term embryo. Recorded: females up to 93.0 cm TL; a pregnant female 87.3 cm TL with a single 4.5 cm TL early-term embryo; adult males between 67.9-77.5 mm TL, while a 65.7 cm TL male was immature (73.7 cm TL in Compagno et al., 2005, Ref. 58085) (Ref. 116740).

Life cycle and mating behavior Maturité | Reproduction | Frai | Œufs | Fécondité | Larves

Référence principale Upload your references | Références | Coordinateur : Compagno, Leonard J.V. | Collaborateurs

White, W.T., D.A. Ebert and G.J.P. Naylor, 2017. Revision of the genus Centrophorus (Squaliformes: Centrophoridae): Part 2 - Description of two new species of Centrophorus and clarification of the status of Centrophorus lusitanicus Barbosa du Bocage & de Brito Capello, 1864. Zootaxa 4344(1):086-114. (Ref. 116740)

Statut dans la liste rouge de l'IUCN (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)

  Menacé (EN) (A2d); Date assessed: 29 April 2019


Not Evaluated

CMS (Ref. 116361)

Not Evaluated

Menace pour l'homme


Utilisations par l'homme

FAO - Publication: search | FishSource |

Plus d'informations

Trophic ecology
Éléments du régime alimentaire
Composition du régime alimentaire
Consommation alimentaire
Food rations
Population dynamics
Paramètres de croissance
Max. ages / sizes
Length-weight rel.
Length-length rel.
Fréquences de longueurs
Mass conversion
Life cycle
Maturity/Gills rel.
Spawning aggregations
Développement de l'œuf
Dynamique des populations larvaires
Zones FAO
BRUVS - Videos
Surface branchiale
Body composition
Consommation d'oxygène
Type de nage
Vitesse de nage
Visual pigments
Fish sound
Diseases & Parasites
Toxicity (LC50s)
Human related
Aquaculture systems
Profils d'aquaculture
Ciguatera cases
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Sources Internet

AFORO (otoliths) | Aquatic Commons | BHL | Cloffa | BOLDSystems | Websites from users | FishWatcher | CISTI | Catalog of Fishes: Genre, Espèce | DiscoverLife | ECOTOX | FAO - Publication: search | Faunafri | Fishipedia | Fishtrace | GenBank: génôme, nucléotide | GloBI | Google Books | Google Scholar | Google | IGFA World Record | MitoFish | Bases de données nationales | Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes | PubMed | Reef Life Survey | Socotra Atlas | Arbre de Vie | Wikipedia: aller à, chercher | World Records Freshwater Fishing | Zoobank | Zoological Record

Estimates based on models

Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82804):  PD50 = 0.5001   [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.01122 (0.00514 - 0.02450), b=3.04 (2.87 - 3.21), in cm total length, based on all LWR estimates for this body shape (Ref. 93245).
Niveau trophique (Ref. 69278):  4.3   ±0.3 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives
Résilience (Ref. 120179):  Très faible, temps minimum de doublement de population supérieur à 14 ans (Preliminary K or Fecundity.).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref. 59153):  High vulnerability (57 of 100).