分類 / Names
俗名 | 同種異名 | Catalog of Fishes(屬, 種) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Teleostei >
Perciformes/Percoidei (Perchs)
鱸形目 (Perchs) >
Percidae (Perches)
鱸科 (Perches) > Etheostomatinae
Etymology: Etheostoma: Greek, etheo = to strain + Greek, stoma = mouth; Rafinesque said "various mouths", but Jordan and Evermann suggest the name might have been intended as "Heterostoma (Ref. 45335); microperca: From the words micro, meaning small, and perca, perch (Ref. 10294).
More on authors: Jordan & Gilbert.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; 淡水 底中水層性; pH range: 7.0 - 7.8; dH range: ? - 15. 溫帶; 10°C - 22°C (Ref. 12468); 47°N - 34°N
North America: Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins from eastern Ontario in Canada and from Minnesota south to southern Ohio, central Indiana and central Illinois in the USA; Ozarks-Ouachita drainages of southern Missouri, southeastern Kansas, northwestern Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma in the USA.
北美洲: 來自東方的加拿大安大略省與明尼蘇達州的五大湖與密西西比河流域在美國南至俄亥俄州南部,中央的印地安那州與伊利諾州中部; 在美國的密蘇里南部,堪薩斯州東南方的歐薩克山區-歐奇塔河流域, 阿肯色州西北部與俄克拉荷馬州東部。
大小 / 重量 / 年齡
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 4.4 cm TL 雄魚/尚未辨別雌雄; (Ref. 5723); common length : 3.1 cm TL 雄魚/尚未辨別雌雄; (Ref. 12193); 最大年齡: 2.00 年 (Ref. 12193)
Occur in quiet, vegetated lakes, headwaters, creeks and small rivers (Ref. 5723); also found in streams and springs to ponds (Ref. 10294). Usually found over mud and sand (Ref. 5723, 10294). Adults feed on midge larvae, isopods, and microcrustaceans, particularly copepods (Ref. 10294). Eggs are found attached to the substrate unguarded (Ref. 7043).
出現於安靜,長滿植物的湖泊,河川源頭,小溪與小河;(參考文獻 5723) 也發現於溪流與池塘的泉水。 (參考文獻 10294) 通常發現於泥地與沙地之上。 (參考文獻 5723,10294) 吃蚊仔魚,等足目動物與 microcrustacea, 特別地橈腳類的動物.(參考文獻 10294)
Life cycle and mating behavior
成熟度 | 繁殖 | 產卵場 | 卵 | 孕卵數 | 仔魚
Eggs are found attached to the substrate unguarded (Ref. 7043). From Ref. 7043, 'a ripe female is courted by males and when ready to spawn positions herself on vegetation, often vertically. A male mounts the female and clasps her back with his enlarged pelvic fins. The two fish vibrate and one to three eggs are deposited on living or dead vegetation.The pair moves to another spot and more eggs are laid.'北美洲: 來自東方的加拿大安大略省與明尼蘇達州的五大湖與密西西比河流域在美國南至俄亥俄州南部,中央的印地安那州與伊利諾州中部; 在美國的密蘇里南部,堪薩斯州東南方的歐薩克山區-歐奇塔河流域, 阿肯色州西北部與俄克拉荷馬州東部。
Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr, 1991. A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. 432 p. (Ref. 5723)
IUCN 瀕危狀態 (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
無危 (LC) ; Date assessed: 21 December 2011
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Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00676 (0.00301 - 0.01516), b=3.12 (2.94 - 3.30), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this Genus-body shape (Ref.
營養階層 (Ref.
69278): 3.5 ±0.50 se; based on food items.
回復力 (Ref.
120179): 高度, 族群倍增時間少於 15個月 (tm=1; tmax=2; Fec=31-240).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (10 of 100).