分类 / Names
俗名 | 同种异名 | Catalog of Fishes(属, 种) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Teleostei >
Cichliformes (Cichlids, convict blennies)
鱸形目 (Cichlids, convict blennies) >
Cichlidae (Cichlids)
麗魚科 (Cichlids) > Pseudocrenilabrinae
Etymology: Oreochromis: Latin, aurum = gold + Greek, chromis = a fish, perhaps a perch (Ref. 45335); karomo: Karomo is the local name of the species (Ref. 2).
More on author: Poll.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; 淡水 底中水层性. 熱帶; 22°C - 28°C (Ref. 2060); 4°S - 6°S
Africa: endemic to Malagarasi River basin, Tanzania (Ref. 2, 118630, 118638).
非洲: 馬拉噶拉西河流域 (坦尚尼亞).
大小 / 重量 / 年龄
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 28.0 cm SL 雄鱼/尚未辨别雌雄; (Ref. 4967)
背棘 (总数) : 15 - 16; 背的软条 (总数) : 12 - 13; 臀棘: 3; 臀鳍软条: 10 - 11; 脊椎骨: 29. Diagnosis: A large bodied Oreochromis, characterised by elongated jaws, projecting forwards to form a long snout, with the tooth-bands meeting in the horizontal plane; broad bands of tricuspid teeth, with long, slender shafts and curved crowns, arranged in broad bands; maxilla with a flange resting on the premaxilla at the curve between its two arms; and dorsal region and flanks dark green/olive, ventral region lighter (Ref. 2, 118638). A tasseled species (Ref. 2). Fins of ripening males dark with orange lappets on the dorsal, female fins plain grey/olive (Ref. 118638). Females and non-breeding males have 3 large blotches on the flanks (Ref. 118638). Fully ripe males are purplish blue with dark spots on the flank scales, a blue-green head, bright blue lips and have blue-white stripes and spots on the dorsal, anal and tail fins; the dorsal and tailfins have broad orange margins, and there is a long, branched orange/red genital tassel (Ref. 118638).
鉴别: 流苏了种。 (参考文献 2) 成鱼有颚三尖瓣 (参考文献 2,55074) 的所有齿, 有长的, 细长的轴与弯曲的冠, 排列成宽的地带了。 (参考文献 2) 颚非常大的, 向前突出形成一个长的吻 (参考文献 2), 与齿箍在水平的断面碰到.(参考文献 2,4967) 颚骨具有一个在它的二手臂之间的弯曲停留在前颌骨上的边缘。 (参考文献 2)
描述: 嘴与唇大的; 上颌骨不达到眼的前缘。 (参考文献 53528) 上颌骨前的茎 (向上突起) 在后部地强化与, 不对称地, 在他们的侧面面上; 頜齒可動的.(參考文獻 2) 齒的寬地帶看得見的嘴巴何時被關閉.(參考文獻 54836) 低咽的頜的葉片幾乎兩倍長於有齒區域的平均長度; 咽齒細長的﹐擁擠的與可動的.(參考文獻 2) 在頰上的鱗片形成 2 或 3 排。 (參考文獻 2,53528,55078) 在胸鰭基底與腹鰭之間的 4-5 鱗片.(參考文獻 2) 上面的側線有 20-21個鱗片, 低的具有 11-12個鱗片; 在上面的側線與 medioventral 線之間的 14個鱗片; 腹部與尤其胸廓的鱗片相當小的.(參考文獻 53528,55078) 側線為在尾鰭基底上的 2個鱗片延伸.(參考文獻 55078) 背鰭幾乎達到尾鰭的中央當成魚時與在稚魚中尾鰭基底; 臀鰭達到遠達背鰭; 總是被超過排洩孔的胸鰭.(參考文獻 55074) 延伸至排洩孔或生殖乳突 (參考文獻 2) 的腹鰭, 但是從不遠達胸鰭.(參考文獻 55074) 尾鰭細地覆有鱗片的, 除了在邊緣之外.(參考文獻 53528,55078) 生殖乳突增大的﹐兩裂的與樹突狀的在兩性 (參考文獻 2) 的成熟魚中, 在繁殖期的雄性中向上到 10-15 公分, 藉由鮮橘色組織 (參考文獻 2,55077) 的半透明的絲狀突起與一滴, 但是在成熟的雌性中只有大約 5 mm 長.(參考文獻 2)
體色 非繁殖魚: 底色橄欖色, 比較深色的在身體的上半部上在黑色中心情形之下對每個鱗片.(參考文獻 2,55077) 3-4個大又黑色側面中央的斑塊, 在時常被一條模糊條紋結合的保存的標本中; 黑色的斑點伴隨著當時區域的側線系統的開口,前鰓蓋骨的眶下管與垂直肢翼了; 在背鰭上的斑點列或斑紋; 尾部的覆蓋著深色的斑點, 時常混和著灰白的斑點.(參考文獻 2) 在尾鰭上的斑點可能變成瘦長。 (參考文獻 54836) 胸鰭透明; 腹鰭黑色的.(參考文獻 55074) 繁殖期的雄性: 活著時顏色豔麗的, 提供一般印象淡藍色而橘色的 (參考文獻 2,55077), 橘色的顏色邊緣背部的 (參考文獻 2,4967,54836,55077) 與尾鰭 (參考文獻 2,55077), 與長的生殖乳突.(參考文獻 2,54836,55077) 一般的身體色彩藍灰色有帶紫色的光輝; 頭部藍綠色具有孔雀藍的唇; 顯得粉紅的齒的寬條紋; 胸鰭灰色的; 腹鰭有藍色斑紋與黑色的前緣; 尾部的與柔軟背部有淺藍色斑點與條紋.(參考文獻 2,55077) 成熟的雌性: 比較不色彩鮮豔,沒有尾鰭邊緣 (參考文獻 2,55077) 的橘色者,但是有橘色的背鰭邊緣 (參考文獻 2,4967,54836,55077) 以下它列斜的微白色的斑點.(參考文獻 2,55077) 一般的身體色彩綠褐色的.(參考文獻 55077) 唇孔雀藍當在雄魚中; 鰓蓋斑點紫羅蘭色.(參考文獻 2,55077)
Males were seen scooping up algal debris from the bottom, and occasionally they moved to the adjacent weed beds and rasp epiphytic algae (Ref. 2). A maternal mouthbrooder (Ref. 2, 118638); males defend territories in shallow water, building a small platform of fine sand in the centre of a small pit (Ref. 118638). Important in swamp fishery (Ref. 4967), and an important component of the fisheries catch in Lakes Sagera and Nyamagoma; potential as an aquaculture species (Ref. 118638). The IUCN status is critically endangered, based on small range, fishing pressure and habitat degradation (Ref. 118638). Excellent to eat; occurs in shallow water; common but localized (Ref. 53528).
生存在一个 21.5-29.0 °C 的温差; 偶然地形成鱼群; 主要日行性。 (参考文献 2) 雄性被见到铲取来自底部的海藻的残砾, 偶然地移动到毗连的杂草丛用粗锉刀锉附生植物的藻类.(参考文献 2,55077) 母亲的口孵者.(参考文献 55077) 优良的吃.(参考文献 53528)
Life cycle and mating behavior
成熟度 | 繁殖 | 产卵场 | 卵 | 孕卵数 | 仔鱼
A maternal mouthbrooder (Ref. 2, 118638); males defend territories in shallow water, building a small platform of fine sand in the centre of a small pit (Ref. 118638). Males construct and maintain a mating platform which is a circular area of fine sand (Ref. 2), usually only about 10-15cm in diameter which is much smaller than the length of the fish (Ref. 55077), surrounded by a low ridge, on the top of a mound about 10 cm high (Ref. 2), but the mound might be 1m in diameter at its base and 30cm high (Ref. 55074, 55077). The plaque of sand is kept very clean, making the nest visible from a considerable distance (Ref. 55077). Little boundary fighting between close neighbours, but males seen to drive away individuals of other species (e.g. Labeo and Clarias as well as other cichlids)(Ref. 2, 55077). Females are seen in the nests at various times throughout the day; the number of times a male spawns appears to be limited by the number of ripe females available; females cruise over the spawning grounds singly or in small shoals (Ref. 55077). Courtship behaviour short and not particularly complex (Ref. 364), including displaying by the male to attract a female, snout shaking (nose wagging) and tassel dragging (Ref. 364, 55077). Female lays a batch of eggs and immediately picks them up while the male drags his tassel over the nest (Ref. 2, 55077), but it remains unclear whether the eggs are fertilised in the water or in the mouth of the female (Ref. 55077). Two, 3 or more batches of eggs may be laid by the same female before she leaves the nest (Ref. 2, 55077), and the larger the female the more numerous the eggs (Ref. 55077). Normal spawning generally takes less than 5 minutes (Ref. 55077). Breeding individuals spend little time feeding (Ref. 2), and males do not leave their territory to feed (Ref. 5507). Young of 11 mm still with large yolk sacs were the largest seen from the mouth of a female (Ref. 55077). Young of 2-6cm remain in schools in the shallows (Ref. 2, 55077).非洲: 馬拉噶拉西河流域 (坦尚尼亞).
Trewavas, E., 1983. Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia. British Mus. Nat. Hist., London, UK. 583 p. (Ref. 2)
世界自然保护联盟红皮书 (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
极度濒危 (CR) (B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)); Date assessed: 31 January 2006
渔业: 商业性; 养殖: 将来有可能使用; 水族馆: 商业性
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Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.01862 (0.00830 - 0.04177), b=3.01 (2.82 - 3.20), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref.
营养阶层 (Ref.
69278): 2.0 ±0.00 se; based on food items.
回复力 (Ref.
120179): 中等的, 族群倍增时间最少 1.4 - 4.4年 (Fec=250).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (24 of 100).