References Used for Grammicolepis brachiusculus
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
9594 Berry, F.H., 1978. Grammicolepidae. In W. Fischer (ed.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Central Atlantic (fishing area 31). Vol. 2, FAO, Rome. 1978 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
84958 Quéro, J.C., 1979. Grammicolepididae. p. 351. In J.C. Hureau and Th. Monod (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean (CLOFNAM). UNESCO, Paris, Vol. 1. 1979 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 351
9886 Heemstra, P.C., 1980. A revision of the zeid fishes (Zeiformes: Zeidae) of South Africa. Ichthyol. Bull. J.L.B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. 40:17p. 1980 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
13608 Uyeno, T., K. Matsuura and E. Fujii (eds.), 1983. Fishes trawled off Suriname and French Guiana. Japan Marine Fishery Resource Research Center, Tokyo, Japan. 519 p. 1983 Daramattus americanus 290
559 Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino, 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, Japan. 437 p. (text). 1984 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 118;pl.347
4255 Karrer, C. and P.C. Heemstra, 1986. Grammicolepididae. p. 440-441. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1986 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 440
6749 Quéro, J.-C., 1986. Grammicolepididae. p. 773-774. In P.J.P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (eds.) Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Paris. Vol. 2. 1986 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 773-774
7251 Robins, C.R. and G.C. Ray, 1986. A field guide to Atlantic coast fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, U.S.A. 354 p. 1986 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 117
33779 Borets, L.A., 1986. Ichthyofauna of the northwestern and Hawaiian submarine ranges. J. Ichthyol. 26(3):1-13. 1986 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
5951 Scott, W.B. and M.G. Scott, 1988. Atlantic fishes of Canada. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 219:731 p. 1988 Daramattus americanus 332
7300 Paxton, J.R., D.F. Hoese, G.R. Allen and J.E. Hanley, 1989. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Vol. 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 665 p. 1989 Daramattus armatus 391
7300 Paxton, J.R., D.F. Hoese, G.R. Allen and J.E. Hanley, 1989. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Vol. 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 665 p. 1989 Daramattus americanus 391
4503 Karrer, C., 1990. Grammicolepididae. p. 634-636. In J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris. Vol. 2. 1990 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 634-635
3814 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (20):183 p. 1991 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 37,84
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Daramattus armatus -->
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
26340 Claro, R., 1994. Características generales de la ictiofauna. p. 55-70. In R. Claro (ed.) Ecología de los peces marinos de Cuba. Instituto de Oceanología Academia de Ciencias de Cuba and Centro de Investigaciones de Quintana Roo. 1994 Grammocolepis brachiosculus -->
12204 Coad, B.W., 1995. Encyclopedia of Canadian fishes. Canadian Museum of Nature and Canadian Sportfishing Productions Inc. Singapore. 1995 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Xenolepidichthys americanus -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Daramattus armatus -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Vesposus egregius -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Xenolepidichthys americanus -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
40501 Heemstra, P.C., 1999. Grammicolephididae. Tinselfishes. p. 2260. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). FAO, Rome. 1999 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 2260
36670 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. 2000 Daramattus armatus -->
36670 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. 2000 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
52595 González, J.A., V. Rico and J.J. Santana, 2000. Capture of Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey, 1873 (Grammicolepididae) off the Canary Islands. Sci. Mar. 64(1):107-109. 2000 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 107-109
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Xenolepidichthys americanus -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Vesposus egregius -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Daramattus americanus -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
39531 Crespo, J., J. Gajate and R. Ponce, 2001. Clasificación científica e identificación de nombres vernáculos existentes en la base de datos de seguimiento informático de recursos naturales oceánicos. Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Madrid, Spain. 414 p. 2001 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 83
40919 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. 2001 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
50734 Richer de Forges, B., 2001. Electronic database of ORSTOM sampling on the Norfolk Ridge. ORSTOM. 2001 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
54206 Claro, R. and L.R. Parenti, 2001. The marine ichthyofauna of Cuba. p. 21-57. In Claro, R., K.C. Lindeman and L.R. Parenti (eds) Ecology of the marine fishes of Cuba. Smithsonian Institution Press, Wahsington and London. 253p. 2001 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 44
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Xenolepidichthys americanus -->
49677 Fock, H., F. Uiblein, F. Köster and H. von Westernhagen, 2002. Biodiversity and species-environment relationships of the demersal fish assemblage at the Great Meteor Seamount (subtropical NE Atlantic), sampled by different trawls. Mar. Biol. 141:185-199. 2002 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 190
86779 Collette, B.B. and G. Klein-MacPhee (eds.), 2002. Bigelow and Schroeder’s fishes of the Gulf of Maine, third ed. Caldwell, N.J. : Blackburn Press, 577 p.: ill.; 27 cm. 2002 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 307
49596 Hutchins, J.B., 2003. Fishes checklist for Western Australia., downloaded on 07 November 2003. 2003 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
51200 Heemstra, P.C., 2003. Grammicolepididae. Tinselfishes. p. 1214-1216. In K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 2: Bony fishes part 1 (Acipenseridae to Grammatidae). 2003 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
52299 Nelson, J.S., E.J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R.N. Lea and J.D. Williams, 2004. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 29, Bethesda, Maryland. ix, 386 p. + 1 CD. 2004 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 110
58302 Mundy, B.C., 2005. Checklist of the fishes of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Bishop Mus. Bull. Zool. (6):1-704. 2005 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 316
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. In Beasley, O.L. and A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35 Australia: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing, 2178 p. 2006 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 797-798
86942 (, 2011. Checklist of the fishes of New Caledonia, and their distribution in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Pisces). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 4:341-463. 2011 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 374
87951 Barreiros, J.P., L.F. Machado, R.P. Vieira and F.M. Porteiro, 2011. Occurrence of Grammicolepis brachiusculus Poey, 1873 (Pisces: Grammicolepididae) in the Azores Archipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 28:83-88. 2011 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 83;fig.1
105471 eElurikkus, 2015. eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. 2015 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
115012 De La Hoz-M, J., J. Motta and J. Paramo, 2016. Length-weight relationships for 36 deep sea fish in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 32:1356-1359. 2016 Grammicolepis brachiusculus 1357
75549 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2022 Grammicolepis brachiusculus -->
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