References Used for Dischistodus melanotus
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
280 Herre, A.W.C.T., 1953. Check list of Philippine fishes. Res. Rep. U.S. Fish Wild. Serv. (20):1-977. 1953 Pomacentrus notophthalmus 630
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen, 1966. Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 941 p. 1966 Dischistodus melanotus 662-663
4966 Allen, G.R., 1975. Damselfishes of the South Seas. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. 240 p. 1975 Dischistodus notophthalmus -->
559 Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino, 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, Japan. 437 p. (text). 1984 Dischistodus melanotus 195;pl.186
13300 David, G., 1985. Pêche de subsistance et milieu naturel: les mangroves de Vanuatu et leur intérêt halieutique. Notes et documents d'océanographie. Mission ORSTOM de Port-Vila, 13:67 p. multigr. 1985 Pomacentrus notophthalmus -->
6192 Kailola, P.J., 1987. The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. II Scorpaenidae to Callionymidae. Research Bulletin No. 41, Research Section, Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua New Guinea. 1987 Dischistodus melanotus 351
36961 Thresher, R.E., P.L. Colin and L.J. Bell, 1989. Planktonic duration, distribution and population structure of western and central Pacific damselfishes (Pomacentridae). Copeia 1989(2):420-434. 1989 Dischistodus notopthalmus 424
2334 Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene, 1990. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 506 p. 1990 Dischistodus melanotus 268
1602 Myers, R.F., 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p. 1991 Dischistodus melanotus 171,82C,E
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Dischistodus melanotus -->
7247 Allen, G.R., 1991. Damselfishes of the world. Mergus Publishers, Melle, Germany. 271 p. 1991 Dischistodus melanotus 244
5399 McManus, J.W., C.L. Nañola Jr., R.B. Reyes Jr. and K.N. Kesner, 1992. Resource ecology of the Bolinao coral reef system. ICLARM Stud. Rev. 22:117 p. 1992 Dischistodus notopthalmus 85
3807 Smith, A. and P. Dalzell, 1993. Fisheries resources and management investigations in Woleai Atoll, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. Inshore Fish. Res. Proj., Tech. Doc., South Pacific Commission. Noumea, New Caledonia. 64 p. 1993 Dischistodus melanotus -->
5756 Mohsin, A.K.M., M.A. Ambak and M.N.A. Salam, 1993. Malay, English, and scientific names of the fishes of Malaysia. Occas. Publ. Fac. Fish. Mar. Sci. Univ. Pertanian Malays. 11:226 p. 1993 Dischistodus melanotus -->
9710 Lieske, E. and R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p. 1994 Dischistodus melanotus 83.3
28888 Allen, G.R. and P.L. Munday, 1994. Kimbe Bay rapid ecological assessment: the coral reefs of Kimbe Bay (West New Britain, Papua New Guinea), Volume 3: Fish diversity of Kimbe Bay. The Nature Conservancy, South Pacific program Office, Auckland, New Zealand. 107 p. 1994 Dischistodus melanotus 14
12846 Nguyen, H.P., P. Le Trong, N.T. Nguyen, P.D. Nguyen, N. Do Thi Nhu and V.L. Nguyen, 1995. Checklist of marine fishes in Vietnam. Vol. 3. Order Perciformes, Suborder Percoidei, and Suborder Echeneoidei. Science and Technics Publishing House, Vietnam. 1995 Pomacentrus notophthalmus 529
43437 Mindanao State University at Naawan, 1995. Rapid resource appraisal of Davao Gulf. Mindanao State University at Naawan Foundation for Science and Techology Development, Inc. 1995 Dischistodus melanotus 338
45334 Garces, L.R., Q.P. Sia, M.J.M. Vega, J. Cabansag and V. Hilomen, 1995. Species composition and abundance of reef fish communities. p. 000-000. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines. 1995 Dischistodus notopthalmus 14
47919 University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, 1995. Resource and ecological assessment of Ragay Gulf Vol.3 Summary tables and figures. University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, Inc. 1995 Dischistodus melanotus 75
27550 Mohsin, A.K.M. and M.A. Ambak, 1996. Marine fishes and fisheries of Malaysia and neighbouring countries. University of Pertanian Malaysia Press, Serdang, Malaysia. 744 p. 1996 Dischistodus melanotus 469;fig.759
42831 Harborne, A.R., A.B. Gill, P.S. Raines and J.M. Ridley, 1996. Danjugan Island marine reserve. Summary report to the Philippine reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation. 1996 Dischistodus melanotus -->
48011 University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, 1996. Resource and ecological assessment of Ragay Gulf Vol.4 Raw data tables. University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, Inc. 1996 Dischistodus melanotus 222
99878 Donaldson, T.J., 1996. Fishes of the remote Southwest Palau Islands: a zoogeographic perspective. Pac. Sci. 50(3):285-308. 1996 Dischistodus melanotus 302
28618 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's tank photos. Collection of 10,000 large-format photos (slides) of dead fishes. Unpublished. 1997 Dischistodus melanotus -->
28620 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's underwater photos. Collection of almost 2,000 underwater photos (slides). Unpublished. 1997 Dischistodus melanotus -->
48445 Chen, J.-P., R.-Q. Jan and K.-T. Shao, 1997. Checklist of reef fishes from Taiping Island (Itu Aba Island), Spratly Islands, South China Sea. Pac. Sci. 51(2):143-166. 1997 Dischistodus melanotus -->
41464 Allen, G.R., 1998. Reef fishes of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. In T. Werner and G. Allen (eds). A rapid biodiversity assessment of the coral reefs of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. RAP Working Papers 11, Conservation International, Washington, D.C. 1998 Dischistodus melanotus 20
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Pomacentrus notophthalmus -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Dischistodus melanotus -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Pomacentrus notophthalmus -->
37816 Myers, R.F., 1999. Micronesian reef fishes: a comprehensive guide to the coral reef fishes of Micronesia, 3rd revised and expanded edition. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 330 p. 1999 Dischistodus melanotus 182
35508 Anonymous, 2000. The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Division of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). 2000 Pomacentrus notophthalmus -->
36648 Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667. 2000 Dischistodus melanotus 626
36656 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.), 2000. Catalog of fishes. Updated database version of November 2000. Catalog databases as made available to FishBase in November 2000. 2000 Dischistodus notophthalmus -->
48613 Werner, T.B. and G.R. Allen, 2000. A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the Calamianes Islands, Palawan province, Philippines. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 17. Washington, D.C.:Conservation International. 2000 Dischistodus melanotus 109
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Pomacentrus notophthalmus -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Dischistodus notophthalmus -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Dischistodus melanotus -->
47843 Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404-463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, USA. 598 p. 2001 Pomacentrus notophthalmus 444
47843 Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404-463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, USA. 598 p. 2001 Dischistodus melanotus -->
48636 Kuiter, R.H. and T. Tonozuka, 2001. Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 2. Fusiliers - Dragonets, Caesionidae - Callionymidae. Zoonetics, Australia. 304-622 p. 2001 Dischistodus melanotus 430;fig.A-C
45419 Dantis, A.L. and P.M. Aliño (comps.), 2002. Checklist of Philippine reef fishes. p. 208-226. In Aliño, P.M.,E.F.B.Miclat,C.L.Nañola Jr.,H.A.Roa-Quiaoit and R.T.Campos(eds.) Atlas of Philippine coral reefs.Philippine Coral Reef Information (Philreefs). Goodwill Trading Co.,Inc.(Goodwill Bookstore),Quezon City,Philippines. xvi + 264p. 2002 Dischistodus melanotus 221
46904 Tettelbach, S., J. Carroll and H. Reisman, 2003. Fishes of Vanuatu. Report of the Tropical Marine Biology group, Southampton College of Long Island University, Southampton, New York. 2003 Dischistodus melanotus -->
47438 Anonymous, 2003. Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Royal Ontario Museum. 2003 Dischistodus melanotus -->
47567 Allen, G.R. and M. Adrim, 2003. Coral reef fishes of Indonesia. Zool. Stud. 42(1):1-72. 2003 Dischistodus melanotus 46
48497 Hardy, J.D. Jr. (comp.), 2003. Coral reef fish species. NOAA\National Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Coral Reef Data and Information Management System. USA. 537 p. 2003 Dischistodus melanotus 318
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Dischistodus melanotus -->
52323 Roldan, R.G. and J.C. Muñoz, 2004. A field guide on Philippine coral reef fishes. Fisheries Resource Management Project, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Department of Agriculture, Quezon City, 51 pp. 2004 Dischistodus melanotus 35
58534 Nguyen, N.T. and V.Q. Nguyen, 2006. Biodiversity and living resources of the coral reef fishes in Vietnam marine waters. Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi. 2006 Dischistodus melanotus 64
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. In Beasley, O.L. and A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35 Australia: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing, 2178 p. 2006 Dischistodus melanotus 1456
106380 Alcala, A.C., J.A. Ingles and A.A. Bucol, 2008. Review of the biodiversity of southern Philippines seas. Philipp. Scient. 45:1-61. 2008 Dischistodus melanotus 44
85449 Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2009. Valid local name of Malaysian marine fishes. Department of Fisheries Malaysia. Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry. 180 p. 2009 Dischistodus melanotus -->
86942 (, 2011. Checklist of the fishes of New Caledonia, and their distribution in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Pisces). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 4:341-463. 2011 Dischistodus melanotus 411
90102 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann, 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth, Australia: Universitiy of Hawai'i Press, Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research. 2012 Dischistodus melanotus 599
118793 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann, 2013. Coral reef fishes of Timor-Leste. p. 33-82. In G.R. Allen and M.V. Erdmann (eds). A rapid biological assessment of Timor-Leste. Conservation International. 2013 Dischistodus melanotus 71;AnnexI
113699 Brandl, S.J. and D.R. Bellwood, 2014. Pair-formation in coral reef fishes: an ecological perspective. Ocean.Mar. Biol.: An Annual Review 52:1-80. 2014 Dischistodus melanotus -->
129178 Cowlishaw, M., 2014. Determinants of home range and territory size in coral reef fishes. James Cook University: Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology, 190 p. 2014 Dischistodus melanotus 43
107629 Samaniego, B.R., 2015. Changes in the fish and benthic communities within marine protected areas of difference ages in Batangas, Verde Island Passage, and the perceived benefit of reef fishers. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna. 151 pp. 2015 Dischistodus melanotus -->
122752 University of Western Australia, 2020. Benthic BRUVS data 2019. Video BRUVS from Jessica Meeuwig. 2020 Dischistodus melanotus -->
126983 IUCN, 2022. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-2. . Downloaded 10 Jan 2023. 2022 Dischistodus melanotus -->
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