References Used for Eubleekeria splendens
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
1918 Cuvier, G.L., 1829. Le règne animal, distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Nouvelle édition, revue et augmentée. Tome II. Chez Déterville, Paris. 406 p. 1829 Leiognathus splendens -->
1539 Cantor, T.E., 1849. Catalogue of Malayan fishes. J. R. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 18(2):981-1443. 1849 Leiognathus splendens -->
3440 Günther, A., 1860. Catalogue of the Acantopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. 2. Squamipinnes, Cirrhitidae, Triglidae, Trachinidae, Sciaenidae, Polynemidae, Sphyraenidae, Trichiuridae, Scombridae, Carangidae, Xiphiidae. British Museum, London] 1860 Leiognathus splendens -->
3441 Macleay, W., 1884. Supplement to descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 9:2-64. 1884 Leiognathus splendens -->
2462 Day, F., 1889. Fishes. Vol. I. p. 1-548. In W.T. Blanford (ed.). The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Taylor and Francis, London. 1889 Leiognathus splendens -->
12744 Seale, A., 1908. The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands. Part I, commercial fishes. Philipp. J. Sci. 3(6):513-531. 1908 Leognathus splendens 529
12554 Fowler, H.W., 1918. New or little-known fishes from the Philippine Islands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 70:2-71. 1918 Leiognathus philippinus 15;fig.7
3439 Fowler, H.W., 1936. A synopsis of the fishes of China. Part 6. The mackerels and related fishes. Family Carangidae, continued. Hong Kong Nat. 7(1):61-80. Reprint edition (1972) Vol. 1. Antiquariat Junk, Netherlands. 1936 Leiognathus splendens -->
3444 Hardenberg, J.D.F., 1936. On a collection of fishes from the estuary and lower and middle course of the river Kapuas (W. Borneo). Treubia 15(3):225-254. 1936 Leiognathus splendens -->
2857 Herre, A.W.C.T. and A.F. Umali, 1948. English and local common names of Philippine fishes. U. S. Dept. of Interior and Fish and Wildl. Serv. Circular No. 14, U. S. Gov't Printing Office, Washington. 128 p. 1948 Leiognathus splendens 109
3433 Khin, U., 1948. Fisheries in Burma. Gov't. Printing, Rangoon. 180 p. 1948 Leiognathus splendens -->
7100 Khin, U., 1948. Fisheries in Burma. Gov't. Printing, Rangoon. 180 p. 1948 Leiognathus splendens 114
4963 Durand, J. and F. Le Poulain, 1949. La pêche le long des côtes cambodgiennes. 1ère liste des poissons des côtes cambodgiennes. Cybium 3:1-44. 1949 Leiognathus splendens -->
3431 Tham, A.K., 1950. The food and feeding relationships of the fishes of Singapore Straits. Colon. Off. Fishery Publ. 1(1):35 p. 1950 Leiognathus splendens -->
3649 Arora, H.L., 1952. A contribution to the biology of the silver belly, Leiognathus splendens (Cuv.). Indo-Pac. Fish. Counc. Tech. Pap. 4:75-80. 1952 Leiognathus splendens -->
6107 Schuster, W.H. and R. Djajadiredja, 1952. Local common names of Indonesian fishes. W.V. Hoeve, Bandung, Indonesia. 276 p. 1952 Leiognathus splendens -->
280 Herre, A.W.C.T., 1953. Check list of Philippine fishes. Res. Rep. U.S. Fish Wild. Serv. (20):1-977. 1953 Leiognathus splendens 295
3437 Central Fisheries Department Pakistan, 1955. Marine fishes of Karachi and the coasts of Sind and Makran. Govt. of Pakistan Press, Karachi. 1955 Leiognathus splendens -->
3436 Canagaratnam, P. and J.C. Medcof, 1956. Ceylon's beach seine fishery. Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon 4(4):1-32. 1956 Leiognathus splendens -->
5346 Chen, C.F., 1956. A synopsis of the vertebrates of Taiwan, Volume 1. The Commercial Press Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan. (in Chinese). 1956 Leiognathus splendens -->
573 Fowler, H.W., 1959. Fishes of Fiji. Government of Fiji, Suva. 670 p. 1959 Leiognathus splendens -->
1617 Scott, J.S., 1959. An introduction to the sea fishes of Malaya. Ministry of Agriculture, Federation of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 180 p. 1959 Leiognathus splendens -->
3442 Misra, K.S., 1959. An aid to commercial fishes. Rec. Indian Mus. 57:255-259. 1959 Leiognathus splendens -->
3430 Munro, I.S.R., 1960. Handbook of Australian fishes No. 33. Reprinted (Leiognathidae) from Fish. News Lett. Aust. 19(6):17-20 by Publicity Press Pty. Ltd., 71-75 Regent St., Sydney. 1960 Leiognathus splendens -->
3434 Venkataraman, G., 1960. Studies on the food and feeding relationships of the inshore fishes off Calicut on the Malabar Coast. Indian J. Fish. 7(2):275-306. 1960 Leiognathus splendens -->
4880 Danil'chenko, P.G., 1960. Bony fishes of the Maikop beds of the Caucasus. Akad. Nank. SSSR Trud. Paleo. Inst. Moscow 78:1-208. Transl. 1967 Israel Progr. Sci. Transl. Jerusalem. 1960 Leiognathus splendens -->
2682 Kuronuma, K., 1961. A check list of fishes of Vietnam. United States Consultants, Inc.; International Cooperation Administration Contract-IV-153. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, United States Operations Mission to Vietnam. 66 p. 1961 Leiognathus splendens -->
3435 Tiews, K., 1962. Report to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on marine fishery resources. Philipp. J. Fish. 6(2):107-208. 1962 Leiognathus splendens -->
3151 Rofen, R.R., 1963. Handbook of the food fishes of the Gulf of Thailand. Compiled and edited by the George Vanderbilt Foundation and the University of California Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. 736 p. 1963 Leiognathus splendens -->
13763 Goo, F.C.C. and A.H. Banner, 1963. A preliminary compilation of animal and plant names of the Mariana Islands. Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. 30 p. 1963 Leiognathus equula 16
1633 Taylor, W.R., 1964. Fishes of Arnhem Land. Rec. Am.-Aust. Exped. Arnhem Land 4:454-307. 1964 Leiognathus splendens -->
1016 Tiews, K. and P. Caces-Borja, 1965. On the availability of fish of the Family Leiognathidae Lacepède in Manila Bay and San Miguel Bay and their accessibility to controversial fishing gears. Philipp. J. Fish. 7(1):59-86. 1965 Leiognathus splendens -->
3667 Mangalik, A., 1965. Makanan dan tabiat makan dari dua djenis `ikan peperek', Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier), dan Gazza minuta (Bleeker). Thesis, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia. 30 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia). 1965 Leiognathus splendens -->
3432 Thiemmedh, J., 1966. Fishes of Thailand: their English, scientific and Thai names. Bull. Kasetsart Univ. Fish. Res. (4):1-212; (Reprint 1968). 1966 Leiognathus splendens -->
3655 Rao, K.S., 1967. Reproductive cycles and lipid levels in Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India 9(2):303-322. 1967 Leiognathus splendens -->
47699 Anonymous, 1968. Kerala Fisheries (facts and figures). Kerala, Superintendent Government Press. 1968 Leiognathus splendens 63
52498 Tiews, K, P. Divino, I. Ronquillo and J. Marquez, 1968. On the food and feeding habits of eight species of Leiognathus found in Manila Bay and San Miguel Bay. Indo-Pac. Fish. Council 13(3):93-99. 1968 Leiognathus splendens -->
1286 Tiews, K., A. Mines and I.A. Ronquillo, 1972. On the biology of Saurida tumbil (Bloch 1801), Family Synodontidae in Philippine waters. The Philipp. J. of Fish. 10(1-2):1-29. 1972 Leiognathus splendens 11
2108 Kühlmorgen-Hille, G., 1974. Leiognathidae. In W. Fischer and P.J.P. Whitehead (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (fishing area 71). Rome, FAO. Vol. II, pag. var. 1974 Leiognathus splendens -->
3555 Ronquillo, I.A., 1975. A review of the roundscad fishery in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Fish. 1(1 & 2):86-126. 1975 Leiognathus splendens -->
45766 Legasto, R.M., C.M. del Mundo and K.E. Carpenter, 1975. On the hydro-biological and socio-economic surveys of San Miguel Bay for the proposed fish nurseries/reservations. Philipp. J. Fish. 13(2):205-246. 1975 Leiognathus splendens 220
2045 Martosubroto, P. and D. Pauly, 1976. R/V Mutiara-IV survey data. November 1974 to July 1976. Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Contributions of the Demersal Fisheries Project No. 3, Jakarta. 136 p. 1976 Leiognathus splendens -->
30951 Anonymous, 1976. Survey results 1974/75. UNDP/ FAO Pelagic fishery Project (IND 69/593), Progress Report No. 13. 1976 Leiognathus splendens -->
1724 Carcasson, R.H., 1977. A field guide to the coral reef fishes of the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, Glasgow. 320 p. 1977 Leiognathus splendens -->
2089 Pauly, D., 1977. The Leiognathidae (Teleostei): their species, stocks and fisheries in Indonesia, with notes on the biology of Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier). Penelitian Laut Indones./Marine Research Indonesia (19):73-93. 1977 Leiognathus splendens -->
4962 Pauly, D., 1977. The Leiognathidae (Teleosts): a hypothesis relating their mean depth occurence to the intensity of their countershading biolomunescence. Mar. Res. Indonesia (19):137-146. 1977 Leiognathus splendens -->
71000 Schroeder, R.E., 1977. Preliminary results of the size maturity surveys of commercially important fishes of Honda Bay. Philipp. J. Fish. 15(2):127-173. 1977 Leiognathus splendens 127-173
312 Pauly, D., 1978. A preliminary compilation of fish length growth parameters. Ber. Inst. Meereskd. Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel (55):1-200. 1978 Leiognathus splendens -->
3438 Chua, T.E. and H.C. Lai, 1978. Fishes. p. 49-87. In T.E. Chua and J.A. Mathias (eds.) Coastal resources of West Sabah. Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. 1978 Leiognathus splendens -->
2505 Donaldo, S.S., 1979. Contributions to the biology of common slipmouth, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier, 1829) caught from Manila Bay. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. 55 p. M.Sc. thesis. 1979 Leiognathus splendens -->
3557 Aprieto, V.L. and E.P. Villoso, 1979. Catch composition and relative abundance of trawl-caught fishes in the Visayan Sea. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 4(1):9-18. 1979 Leiognathus splendens 13
393 Rau, N. and A. Rau, 1980. Commercial marine fishes of the Central Philippines (bony fish). German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Germany. 623 pp. 1980 Leiognathus splendens 316
1139 Pauly, D., 1980. On the interrelationships between natural mortality, growth parameters, and mean environmental temperature in 175 fish stocks. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 39(2):175-192. 1980 Leiognathus splendens -->
4544 Pauly, D., 1980. The use of pseudo catch-curve for the estimation of mortality rates in Leiognathus splendens (Pisces: Leiognathidae) in Western Indonesian Waters. Meeresforschung 28(1):56-60. 1980 Leiognathus splendens -->
3443 Jayaram, K.C., 1981. The freshwater fishes of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka - a handbook. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. 475 p. 1981 Leiognathus splendens -->
4585 Venkataraman, G., M. Badrudeen and R. Thiagarajan, 1981. Population dynamics of silverbelly Leiognathus jonesi in Palk Bay. Indian J. Fish. 28(1/2):65-86. 1981 Leiognathus splendens -->
4961 Pauly, D. and S. Wade-Pauly, 1981. An annotated bibliography of slipmouth (Pisces: Leiognathidae). ICLARM Bibliographies 2. 62 p. 1981 Leiognathus splendens -->
6567 Aglen, A., L. Føyn, O.R. Godø, S. Myklevoll and O.J. Østvedt, 1981. A survey of the marine fish resources of the north and west coast of Sumatra, August 1980. Reports on Surveys with the R/V 'Dr. Fridtjof Nansen', Institute of Marine Research. Bergen. 55 p. 1981 Leiognathus splendens -->
3605 Schroeder, R.E., 1982. Length-weight relationships of fishes from Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 7(2):50-53. 1982 Leiognathus splendens -->
6992 Sudradjat, A., U. Rempe and S. Ehrich, 1982. Biometric comparison of the splendid ponyfish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier) from the Sunda shelf. Bull. Pen. Perikanan 2(1):17-36. 1982 Leiognathus splendens -->
12517 Kyushin, K., K. Amaoka, K. Nakaya, H. Ida, Y. Tanino and T. Senta, 1982. Fishes of the South China Sea. Japan Marine Fishery Resource Research Center, Nori Otsuru, Tokyo, Japan. 333 p. 1982 Leiognathus splendens 130
43020 Aprieto, V.L. and E.P. Villoso, 1982. Demersal fish resources of Lingayen Gulf. Fish. Res. J. Phillips. 7(2):40-49. 1982 Leiognathus splendens 45
45674 Pauly, D., 1982. The fishes and their ecology. p.15-33. In D. Pauly and A.N. Mines (eds.) Small-scale fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: biology and stock assessment. ICLARM Techn. Rep. 7, 124 p. 1982 Leiognathus splendens 29
46402 Kharbhari, J.P., 1982. Scientific, common and local names of commercially important marine fishes and shell fishes of Maharashtra and Gujarat coasts. Mar. Fish. Inf. Serv., Techn. Ext. Ser., 44:18-23. 1982 Leiognathus splendens 21
29039 Villoso, E.P., G.V. Hermosa and C. Dizon, 1983. Species composition and diversity of fishes caught by otter trawling in Samar Sea. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 8(2):33-49. 1983 Leiognathus splendens 42
559 Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino, 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, Japan. 437 p. (text). 1984 Leiognathus splendens 159;pl.349
1263 Ingles, J. and D. Pauly, 1984. An atlas of the growth, mortality and recruitment of Philippines fishes. ICLARM Tech. Rep. 13. 127 p. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines. 1984 Leiognathus splendens -->
3424 James, P.S.B.R., 1984. Leiognathidae. In W. Fischer and G. Bianchi (eds.) FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 51). Vol. 2. FAO, Rome. pag. var. 1984 Leiognathus splendens -->
6867 Talwar, P.K. and R.K. Kacker, 1984. Commercial sea fishes of India. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. 997 p. 1984 Leiognathus splendens 513
1449 Corpuz, A., J. Saeger and V. Sambilay, 1985. Population parameters of commercially important fishes in Philippine waters. Tech. Rep. Dep. Mar. Fish. Univ. Philipp. Visayas. (6):99 p. 1985 Leiognathus splendens -->
3131 Sainsbury, K.J., P.J. Kailola and G.G. Leyland, 1985. Continental shelf fishes of the northern and north-western Australia. An illustrated guide. CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research; Clouston & Hall and Peter Pownall Fisheries Information Service, Canberra, Australia. 375 p. 1985 Leiognathus splendens -->
3607 Jones, G., 1985. Revision of the Australian species of the fish family Leiognathidae. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 36(4):559-613. 1985 Leiognathus splendens -->
11338 Dela Paz, R. and N. Aragones, 1985. Mangrove fishes of Pagbilao (Quezon Province, Luzon Island), with notes on their abundance and seasonality. Natural and Applied Sci. Bull. 37(2):171-190. 1985 Leiognathus splendens 180
1314 Dwiponggo, A., T. Hariati, S. Banon, M.L.D. Palomares and D. Pauly, 1986. Growth, mortality and recruitment of commercially important fishes and penaeid shrimps in Indonesian waters. ICLARM Tech. Rep. 17, 91 p. 1986 Leiognathus splendens -->
1486 Silvestre, G.T., 1986. Preliminary analysis of the growth, mortality and yield-per-recruit of ten trawl-caught fish species from the Samar Sea, Phiippines. Univ. Phil., Coll. Fish., Dept. Mar. Fish. Tech. Rep. (7):1-41. 1986 Leiognathus splendens -->
2858 Conlu, P.V., 1986. Guide to Philippine flora and fauna. Fishes. Volume IX. Natural Resources Management Center, Quezon City. 495 p. 1986 Leiognathus splendens 135
3653 James, P.S.B.R. and M. Badrudeen, 1986. Studies on the maturation and spawning of the fishes of the family Leiognathidae from the seas around India. Indian J. Fish. 33(1):1-26. 1986 Leiognathus splendens -->
68980 De la Cruz, M.D.L.T., 1986. Catch composition and seasonal abundance of fish corral caught fishes in Guiuan, Eastern Samar with notes on the biology of some commercially important species. University of the Philippines-Visayas. MS thesis. 157 p. 1986 Leiognathus splendens 14
2178 Dalzell, P. and R.A. Ganaden, 1987. A review of the fisheries for small pelagic fishes in Philippine waters. Tech. Pap. Ser. Bur. Fish. Aquat. Resour. (Philipp.) 10(1):58 p. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Quezon City, Philippines. 1987 Leiognathus splendens -->
5736 Hla Win, U., 1987. Checklist of fishes of Burma. Ministry of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries, Department of Fisheries, Burma. 1987 Leiognathus splendens -->
6192 Kailola, P.J., 1987. The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. II Scorpaenidae to Callionymidae. Research Bulletin No. 41, Research Section, Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua New Guinea. 1987 Leiognathus splendens 287
2504 Peñaflor, G.C., 1988. Growth of Leiognathus splendens based on daily otolith rings and length-frequency analysis. Asian Fish. Sci. 2:83-92. 1988 Leiognathus splendens -->
3614 Jayabalan, N., 1988. Age and growth of the ponyfish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier) caught off Porto Novo coast. p. 259-261. In M. Mohan Joseph (ed.) The First Indian Fisheries Forum, Proceedings. Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch, Mangalore. 1988 Leiognathus splendens -->
5450 Bouhlel, M., 1988. Poissons de Djibouti. Placerville (California, USA): RDA International, Inc. 416 p. 1988 Leiognathus splendens 169
45808 Ochavillo, D., H. Hernandez, S. Resma and G. Silvestre, 1989. Preliminary results of a study of the commercial trawl fisheries in Lingayen Gulf. p.31-42. In G. Silvestre, E. Miclat and T.-E. Chua (eds.) Towards sustainable development of the coastal resources of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 17, 200 p. PCAMRD, Los Baños, Lag. and ICLARM, Makati, Metro Manila,Phil. 1989 Leiognathus splendens 36
1830 Eschmeyer, W.N., 1990. Catalog of the genera of recent fishes. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA. 697 p. 1990 Leiognathus splendens -->
5213 Fischer, W., I. Sousa, C. Silva, A. de Freitas, J.M. Poutiers, W. Schneider, T.C. Borges, J.P. Feral and A. Massinga, 1990. Fichas FAO de identificaçao de espécies para actividades de pesca. Guia de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Moçambique. Publicaçao preparada em collaboraçao com o Instituto de Investigaçao Pesquiera de Moçambique, com financiamento do Projecto PNUD/FAO MOZ/86/030 e de NORAD. Roma, FAO. 1990. 424 p. 1990 Leiognathus splendens 123
43510 Shao, K.-T., P.-H. Kao and C.C. Lee, 1990. Fish fauna and species composition in the waters around Tunghsiao, northwest Taiwan. to be filled. 1990 Leiognathus splendens -->
43538 Shao, K.-T., C.-P. Lin, L.-T. Ho and P.-L. Lin, 1990. Study on the fish communities from northern and southern waters of Taiwan by analyzing the impingement data. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan 17(2):73-90. 1990 Leiognathus splendens 80
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Leiognathus splendens -->
4537 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p. 1991 Leiognathus splendens 107
6313 Grabda, E. and T. Heese, 1991. Polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Wyzsza Szkola Inzynierska w Koszalinie. Koszalin, Poland. 171 p. (in Polish). 1991 Leiognathus splendens -->
7328 Cabanban, A.S., 1991. The dynamics of Leiognathidae in tropical demersal ichthyofaunal community. James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia. 262 p. Ph.D. dissertation. 1991 Leiognathus splendens -->
12261 Formacion, S.P., J.M. Rongo and V.C. Sambilay Jr., 1991. Extreme value theory applied to the statistical distribution of the largest lengths of fish. Asian Fish. Sci. 4:123-135. 1991 Leiognathus splendens -->
45856 Ochavillo, D., A. Calud and G. Silvestre, 1991. Population parameters and exploitation rates of trawl-caught fish species in Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. p.37-40. In L.M.Chou,T.-E.Chua,H.W. Khoo,P.E. Lim, J.N.Paw, G.T.Silvestre, M.J.Valencia, A.T.White and P.K.Wong (eds.). Towards an integrated management of tropical coastal resources.ICLARM Conf.Proc.22, 455p.NUS, Sing.; NSTB, Sing.; and ICLARM, Phil. 1991 Leiognathus splendens 39
45859 Calud, A., E. Cinco and G. Silvestre, 1991. The gill net fishery of Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. p.45-50. In L.M.Chou, T.-E.Chua, H.W. Khoo, P.E. Lim, J.N.Paw, G.T.Silvestre, M.J.Valencia, A.T.White and P.K.Wong (eds.)Towards an integrated management of tropical coastal resources.ICLARM Conf.Proc.22, 455p.NUS, Sing.; NSTB, Sing.; and ICLARM, Phil. 1991 Leiognathus splendens 48
38601 Federizon, R.R., 1992. Description of the subareas of Ragay Gulf, Philippines, and their fish assemblages by exploratory data analysis. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 43:379-391. 1992 Leiognathus splendens 384
5381 Federizon, R., 1993. Using vital statistics and survey catch composition data for tropical multispecies fish stock assessment: application to the demersal resources of the central Philippines. Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven. 201 p. Ph.D. dissertation. 1993 Leiognathus splendens -->
5525 Kulbicki, M., G. Mou Tham, P. Thollot and L. Wantiez, 1993. Length-weight relationships of fish from the lagoon of New Caledonia. Naga, ICLARM Q. 16(2-3):26-29. 1993 Leiognathus splendens -->
5756 Mohsin, A.K.M., M.A. Ambak and M.N.A. Salam, 1993. Malay, English, and scientific names of the fishes of Malaysia. Occas. Publ. Fac. Fish. Mar. Sci. Univ. Pertanian Malays. 11:226 p. 1993 Leiognathus splendens -->
7050 Kottelat, M., A.J. Whitten, S.N. Kartikasari and S. Wirjoatmodjo, 1993. Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi. Periplus Editions, Hong Kong. 221 p. 1993 Leiognathus splendens 111;pl.54
9070 Wantiez, L., 1993. Les poissons des fonds meubles du lagon Nord et de la Baie de Saint-Vincent de Nouvelle-Calédonie: Description des peuplements, structure et fonctionnement des communautés. Ph.D. Thesis, Université d' Aix-Marseille II, France. 1993 Leiognathus splendens 128,135
43515 Shao, K.-T., J.-P. Chen, P.-H. Kao and C.-Y. Wu, 1993. Fish fauna and their geographical distribution along the western coast of Taiwan. Acata Zoologica Taiwanica 4(2):113-140. 1993 Leiognathus splendens 124
45205 U.P. Visayas Foundation, 1993. Resource and ecological assessment of Ormoc Bay. Vol.5. The fisheries of Ormoc Bay. Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. IMFO Tech. Rep. No.15. 1993 Leiognathus splendens 81
46323 Calumpong, H.P., L.J. Raymundo, E.P. Solis-Duran and R.O. de Leon (eds.), 1993. Resource and ecological assessment of Carigara Bay, Leyte, Philippines - Final Report Vol.2 Fisheries resources and exploitation. Siliman University Marine Laboratory. 342 p. 1993 Leiognathus splendens 31
36921 Monkolprasit, S., 1994. Fish composition and food habits in mangrove forests at Phang-Nga Bay and Ban Don Bay, Thailand. Kasetsart Univ. Fish. Res. Bull. (20):21. 1994 Leiognathus splendens 21
43275 Cinco, E.A., J.C. Diaz, Q.P. Sia III and G.T. Silvestre, 1994. A checklist of fishes caught in San Miguel Bay, Philippines. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines. 1994 Leiognathus splendens -->
45187 Cinco, E. and J. Diaz Jr., 1994. Length-weight relationship of fishes caught in San Miguel Bay, Philippines. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines. 1994 Leiognathus splendens 4
45190 Sia, Q.P. III, L.R. Garces and E.A. Cinco, 1994. Reef fisheries of northwestern San Miguel Bay. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines. 1994 Leiognathus splendens 15
45210 Cinco, E., J. Diaz, R. Gatchalian and G. Silvestre, 1994. Results of the San Miguel Bay trawl survey. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines. 1994 Leiognathus splendens 11
45214 Cinco, E. and G. Silvestre, 1994. Population parameters and exploitation ratios of fishes caught in San Miguel Bay, Philippines. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines. 1994 Leiognathus splendens 7
46392 Calumpong, H.P., L.J. Raymundo and E.P. Solis-Duran (eds.), 1994. Resource and ecological assessment of of Sogod Bay, Leyte, Philippines - Final Report Vol.1 Fisheries Assessment. Siliman University Marine Laboratory. 1994 Leiognathus splendens 35
11298 De Bruin, G.H.P., B.C. Russell and A. Bogusch, 1995. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The marine fishery resources of Sri Lanka. Rome, FAO. 400 p. 1995 Leiognathus splendens 235
12846 Nguyen, H.P., P. Le Trong, N.T. Nguyen, P.D. Nguyen, N. Do Thi Nhu and V.L. Nguyen, 1995. Checklist of marine fishes in Vietnam. Vol. 3. Order Perciformes, Suborder Percoidei, and Suborder Echeneoidei. Science and Technics Publishing House, Vietnam. 1995 Leiognathus splendens 228
43283 Dioneda, R.R., L.R. Pura, Q.P. Sia III and L.O. Basmayor, 1995. A checklist of fishes and invertebrates caught and observed in Lagonoy Gulf. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna, V. Soliman and L. Garces (eds.) Resource and ecological assessment of Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines: Terminal Report Vol.2 Technical Monograph. ICLARM Tech Rep. 000,000 p. 1995 Leiognathus splendens -->
45227 Silvestre, G.T., L.R. Garces and C.Z. Luna, 1995. Resource and ecological assessment of Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines: Terminal Report Vol.1 Final Report. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna, V. Soliman and L. Garces (eds.) Resource and ecological assessment of Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines. ICLARM Tech. Rep. 000, 000 p. 1995 Leiognathus splendens 86
47565 Cinco, E.A., P.R. Confiado, G.C. Trono and D.J.R. Mendoza, 1995. Resource and ecological assessment of Sorsogon Bay, Philippines - Technical reports Vol.5 Inputs to an integrated coastal resources management plan of Sorsogon Bay. Fisheries Sector Program Department of Agriculture-Asian Development Bank, United Business Technologies, Inc., Pasig, Philippines. 1995 Leiognathus splendens 39
47919 University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, 1995. Resource and ecological assessment of Ragay Gulf Vol.3 Summary tables and figures. University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, Inc. 1995 Leiognathus splendens 4
6959 Pauly, D. and F.C. Gayanilo Jr., 1996. Estimating the parameters of length-weight relationships from length-frequency samples and their weights. p. 136. In D. Pauly and P. Martosubroto (eds.) Baseline studies of biodiversity:the fish resource of western Indonesia. ICLARM Stud. Rev. 23. 1996 Leiognathus splendens -->
10937 Anonymous, 1996. Fish collection database of the University of British Columbia Fish Museum Fish Museum. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1996 Leiognathus splendens -->
11889 Thollot, P., 1996. Les poissons de mangrove du lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie. ORSTOM Éditions, Paris. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 68,310
12260 Pauly, D., A. Cabanban and F.S.B. Torres Jr., 1996. Fishery biology of 40 trawl-caught teleosts of western Indonesia. p. 135-216. In D. Pauly and P. Martosubroto (eds.) Baseline studies of biodiversity:the fish resource of western Indonesia. ICLARM Studies and Reviews 23. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 178-179
27550 Mohsin, A.K.M. and M.A. Ambak, 1996. Marine fishes and fisheries of Malaysia and neighbouring countries. University of Pertanian Malaysia Press, Serdang, Malaysia. 744 p. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 349;fig.576
30573 Sommer, C., W. Schneider and J.-M. Poutiers, 1996. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of Somalia. FAO, Rome. 376 p. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 223
46240 Anonymous, 1996. Resource and ecological assessment of San Pedro Bay, Philippines Vol.4-B, Part II: Marine communities of San Pedro Bay, Philippines. Fishery Sector Program Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Department of Agriculture and Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology. IMFO Tech. Rep. No.16. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 40
46241 Anonymous, 1996. Resource and ecological assessment of San Pedro Bay, Philippines Vol.5 The fisheries of San Pedro Bay, Philippines. Fishery Sector Program, U.P. Visayas Foundation, Inc. and Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography. IMFO Tech. Rep. No.16. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 39
47531 Cinco, E.A., 1996. Resource and ecological assessment of Sorsogon Bay, Philippines - Technical reports Vol.3 Capture fisheries assessment. Fisheries Sector Program Department of Agriculture-Asian Development Bank, United Business Technologies, Inc., Pasig Philippines. 158 p. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 66
48011 University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, 1996. Resource and ecological assessment of Ragay Gulf Vol.4 Raw data tables. University of the Philippines at Los Baños Foundation, Inc. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 4
50314 Wantiez, L., 1996. Comparison of fish assemblages sampled by a shrimp trawl and a fish trawl in St. Vincent bay, New Caledonia. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 76(4):759-775. 1996 Leiognathus splendens 774
28618 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's tank photos. Collection of 10,000 large-format photos (slides) of dead fishes. Unpublished. 1997 Leiognathus splendens -->
37773 Monkolprasit, S., S. Sontirat, S. Vimollohakarn and T. Songsirikul, 1997. Checklist of Fishes in Thailand. Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Bangkok, Thailand. 353 p. 1997 Leiognathus splendens 171
45155 Sergio, M.H.F.A., V.S. Soliman, E.B. Bola and F.B. Bustamante, 1997. Aspects of the reproductive biology of trawl-caught fishes in San Miguel Bay. p.65-90. In V.S. Soliman and R.D. Dioneda (eds.) Capture Fisheries Assessment of San Miguel Bay, Post-Resource and Ecological Assessment of San Miguel Bay, Phil., Vol.1 BFAR, Fish. Sect. Prog. and Bicol Univ. Coll. of Fish. SMB Post-REA Tech. Rep 1,90 pp. 1997 Leiognathus splendens 73
45158 Dioneda, R.R., V.S. Soliman, F.B. Bustamante and E.B. Bola, 1997. Size and species composition of trawl-caught trashfish in San Miguel Bay. p.58-64. In V.S. Soliman and R.D. Dioneda (eds.) Capture Fisheries Assessment of San Miguel Bay, Post-Resource and Ecological Assessment of San Miguel Bay, Philippines. BFAR, Fish. Sect. Prog. and Bicol Univ. Coll. of Fish. SMB Post-REA Tech. Rep. 1,60 p. 1997 Leiognathus splendens 61
45161 Basmayor, L.O., R.D. Dioneda and V.S. Soliman, 1997. The fishes and invertebrates of San Miguel Bay. p.36-47. In V.S. Soliman and R.D. Dioneda (eds.) Capture Fisheries Assessment of San Miguel Bay, Post-Resource and Ecological Assessment of San Miguel Bay, Phil., Vol.1. BFAR, Fish. Sect. Prog. and Bicol Univ. Coll. of Fish. SMB Post-REA Tech. Rep. 1,60 p. 1997 Leiognathus splendens 45
26587 Letourneur, Y., M. Kulbicki and P. Labrosse, 1998. Length-weight relationships of fish from coral reefs and lagoons of New Caledonia, southwestern Pacific Ocean: an update. Naga, ICLARM Q. 21(4):39-46. 1998 Leiognathus splendens -->
41469 Pollnac, R.B. and M.L.G. Gorospe, 1998. Aspects of the human ecology of the coral reefs of Atulayan Bay. p. 77-139. In R.B. Pollnac (ed.) Rapid assessment of management parameters for coral reefs. Coastal Resources Center, University of Rhode Island. CMR 2205, ICLARM 1445. 1998 Leiognathus splendens 126
49141 Mansor, M.I., H. Kohno, H. Ida, H.T. Nakamura, Z. Aznan and S. Abdullah, 1998. Field guide to important commercial marine fishes of the South China Sea. SEAFDEC MFRDMD/SP/2. 1998 Eubleekeria splendens -->
30463 Lin, H.-J., K.-T. Shao, S.-R. Kuo, H.-L. Hsieh, S.-L. Wong, I.-M. Chen, W.-T. Lo and J.-J. Hung, 1999. A trophic model of a sandy barrier lagoon at Chiku in southwestern Taiwan. Estuar.Coast. Shelf Sci. 48(5):575-588. 1999 Leiognathus splendens -->
31075 Ni, I.-H. and K.-Y. Kwok, 1999. Marine fish fauna in Hong Kong waters. Zool. Stud. 38(2):130-152. 1999 Leiognathus splendens 140
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History, 1999. Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Ichthyology Section, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999 Leiognathus splendens -->
31411 Ganaden, S.R. and F. Lavapie-Gonzales, 1999. Common and local names of marine fishes of the Philippines. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines. 385 p. 1999 Leiognathus splendens 370
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Leiognathus splendens -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Leiognathus spilotus -->
31522 Gibbons, S., 1999. Collect fish on stamps. Stanley Gibbons Ltd., London and Ringwood. 418 p. 1999 Leiognathus splendens -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Equula splendens -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Equula gomorah -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Leiognathus splendens -->
33390 Fricke, R., 1999. Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez): an annotated checklist, with descriptions of new species. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, Theses Zoologicae, Vol. 31:759 p. 1999 Leiognathus splendens 262
36073 Kuo, S.-R. and K.-T. Shao, 1999. Species composition of fish in the coastal zones of the Tsengwen estuary, with descriptions of five new records from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 38(4):391-404. 1999 Leiognathus splendens 397
48455 Kuo, S.-R., H.-J. Lin and K.-T. Shao, 1999. Fish assemblages in the mangrove creeks of northern and southern Taiwan. Estuaries 22(4):1004-1015. 1999 Leiognathus splendens 1008
35508 Anonymous, 2000. The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Division of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). 2000 Leiognathus splendens -->
35509 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the Intitut fur Seefischerei (ISH). BIOLAB Forschungsinstitut, Hohenwestedt, Germany. 2000 Leiognathus splendens -->
36648 Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667. 2000 Leiognathus splendens 617
37813 Harrison, T.D., 2001. Length-weight relationships of fishes from South African estuaries. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 17(1):46-48. 2001 Eubleekeria splendens -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Leiognathus splendens -->
46893 Duong, T.T., 2001. Mot so loai ca thuong gap o bien Viet Nam (Viet Nam's Common Marine Fishes Catalogue). Ministry of Fisheries of Viet Nam-Fisheries Information Center of Viet Nam. 195 p. 2001 Leiognathus splendens 92
47573 Resource Combines and Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, 2001. Resource and ecological assessment of Tayabas Bay - Final Report Vol.1 Introduction and assessment of fishery resources. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Fisheries Sector Program, Department of Agriculture. 306 p. 2001 Leiognathus splendens 40
47581 Woodland, D.J., S. Premcharoen and A.S. Cabanban, 2001. Leiognathidae. Slipmouths (ponyfishes). p. 2792-2823. In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 5. Bony fishes part 3 (Menidae to Pomacentridae). Rome, FAO. pp. 2791-3380. 2001 Eubleekeria splendens -->
47588 Resource Combines and Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, 2001. Resource and ecological assessment of Tayabas Bay - Final Report Vol.2 Ecological assessment. Fisheries Sector Program, Department of Agriculture. 2001 Leiognathus splendens 597
47691 Acuña, R.E., A.E. Openiano and A.B. Apongan, 2001. Finfish resources. In Resource and ecological assessment of Panguil Bay-Terminal Report Vol.3 Resources of Panguil Bay. Mindanao State University at Naawan. 2001 Leiognathus splendens 31
47843 Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404-463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, USA. 598 p. 2001 Leiognathus splendens 432
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Leiognathus splendens -->
42982 Chuenpagdee, R., 2002. Checklist of Thai names and scripts. Personal communication, April 2002. 2002 Leiognathus splendens -->
43309 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas Museum. UPV Museum. 2002 Leiognathus splendens -->
43856 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the UP Marine Science Institute. Marine Sciece Insititute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 2002 Leiognathus splendens -->
45255 Kapoor, D., R. Dayal and A.G. Ponniah, 2002. Fish biodiversity of India. National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources Lucknow, India.775 p. 2002 Leiognathus splendens 439
52823 Fish Team of the Trang Project, 2002. Illustrated fish fauna of a mangrove estuary at Sikao, southwestern Thailand. Trang Project for Biodiversity and Ecological Significance of Mangrove Estuaries in Southeast Asia, Rajamangala Institute of Technology and the University of Tokyo, Trang and Tokyo. 60p. 2002 Leiognathus splendens 14
46970 Van Quan, N., 2003. List of 400 marine Vietnamese names from museum records of Haiphong Institute of Oceanography. Personal Communication, May 2003. (word file). 2003 Leiognathus splendens -->
47438 Anonymous, 2003. Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Royal Ontario Museum. 2003 Leiognathus splendens -->
51036 Anonymous, 2003. Assessment of mangrove degradation and resilience in the Indian subcontinent: the cases of Godavari estuary and south-west Sri Lanka. Final Report ICO-DC: IC18-CT98-0295. 2003 Leiognathus splendens -->
52110 Ahmad, A.T.B., M.M. Isa, M.S. Ismail and S. Yusof, 2003. Status of demersal fishery resources of Malaysia. p. 83-135. In G. Silvestre, L. Garces, I. Stobutzki, M. Ahmed, R.A. Valmonte-Santos, C. Luna, L. Lachica-Aliño, P. Munro, V. Christensen and D. Pauly (eds.) Assessment, management and future directions for coastal fisheries in Asian countries. WorldFish Center Conference Proceedings 67. 2003 Leiognathus splendens -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Leiognathus splendens -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Leiognathus spilotus -->
58652 Broad, G., 2003. Fishes of the Philippines. Anvil Publishing, Inc., pasi City. 510 pp. 2003 Leiognathus splendens 445
51243 Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany. 329 p. 2004 Leiognathus splendens -->
52132 Silvestre, G. and L. Garces, 2004. Population parameters and exploitation rate of demersal fishes in Brunei Darussalam (1989-1990). Fish. Res. 69(1):73-90. 2004 Leiognathus splendens -->
55073 Chen, C.-H., 2004. Checklist of the fishes of Penghu. FRI Special Publication No. 4. 175 p. 2004 Leiognathus splendens 79
54980 Randall, J.E., 2005. Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 720 p. 2005 Eubleekeria splendens 240
55787 Kulbicki, M., N. Guillemot and M. Amand, 2005. A general approach to length-weight relationships for New Caledonian lagoon fishes. Cybium 29(3):235-252. 2005 Leiognathus splendens -->
75583 Kimura, S., T. Ito, T. Peristiwady, Y. Iwatsuki, T. Yoshino and P.N. Dunlap, 2005. The Leiognathus splendens complex (Perciformes: Leignothidae) with the description of a new species, Leiognathus kupanensis kimura and Peristiwady. Ichthyol. Res. 52 (3):275-291. 2005 Leiognathus splendens 285;fig.10-11;tab.4
58534 Nguyen, N.T. and V.Q. Nguyen, 2006. Biodiversity and living resources of the coral reef fishes in Vietnam marine waters. Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi. 2006 Leiognathus splendens 57
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. In Beasley, O.L. and A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35 Australia: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing, 2178 p. 2006 Eubleekeria splendens 1181
74926 Kimura, S., R. Kimura and K. Ikejima, 2008. Revision of the genus Nuchequula with descriptions of three new species (Perciformes: Leiognathidae). Ichthyol. Res. 55:22-42. 2008 Leiognathus splendens 35
75739 Kimura, S., K. Ikejima and Y. Iwatsuki, 2008. Eubleekeria Fowler 1904, a valid genus of Leiognathidae (Perciformes). Ichthyol. Res. 55:202-203. 2008 Eubleekeria splendens 202
79890 Thaman, R.R., T. Fong and A. Balawa, 2008. Ilava Ni Navakavu: Finfishes of Vanua Navakavu, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. SPRH-FIO Biodiversity and Ethnobiodiversity Report No. 4, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands. 2008 Leiognathus splendens -->
85449 Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 2009. Valid local name of Malaysian marine fishes. Department of Fisheries Malaysia. Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry. 180 p. 2009 Eubleekeria splendens -->
84159 Golani, D. and S. V. Bogorodsky, 2010. The fishes of the Red Sea - reappraisal and updated checklist. Zootaxa 2463:1-135. 2010 Eubleekeria splendens 31
85272 Seeto, J. and W.J. Baldwin, 2010. A checklist of the fishes of Fiji and a bibliography of Fijian fish. Division of Marine Studies Technical Report 1/2010. The University of the South Pacific. Suva, Fiji. 102 p. 2010 Leiognathus splendens 24
86942 (, 2011. Checklist of the fishes of New Caledonia, and their distribution in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Pisces). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 4:341-463. 2011 Eubleekeria splendens 396
87596 Rajan, P.T., C.R. Sreeraj and T. Immanuel, 2011. Fish fauna of coral reef, mangrove, freshwater, offshore and seagrass beds of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Zoological Survey of India, Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre, Haddo, Port Blair. 2011 Leiognathus splendens -->
94837 Chu, W.-S., J.-P. Wang, Y.-Y. Hou, Y.-T. Ueng and P.H. Chu, 2011. Length-weight relationships for fishes off the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10(19):3945-3950. 2011 Eubleekeria splendens 3946
95460 Chilika Development Authority, 2014. Fishes of Lake Chilika. Letter from S.K. Mohanty, Fishery consultant. Chilika Development Authority. (March 2014). 2014 Eubleekeria splendens -->
114805 Torres, F. Jr., 2017. Species list for the five municipalities in Southern Palawan. Personal Communication [31/03/17]. 2017 Leiognathus splendens -->
75549 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2022 Leiognathus splendens -->
127962 Heemstra, P.C., E. Heemstra, D.A. Ebert, W. Holleman and J.E. Randall (eds.), 2022. Coastal fishes of the Western Indian Ocean Vol. 3. South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, a National Research Facility of the National Research Foundation (NRF-SAIAB), 642 p. 2022 Eubleekeria splendens 421
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