References Used for Brachymystax lenok
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
35840 Nichols, J.T., 1943. The freshwater fishes of China. Natural history of Central Asia: Volume IX. The American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA, 322 p. 1943 Brachymystax lenok 21
56502 Podlesnyi, A.V., 1958. Fishes of Enisey, their environments and use. P. 97-178 in Pravdin, I.F. and P.L. Pirozhnikov (Eds.). Commercial fishes of Ob and Enisey and their use. Izv. VNIORH 44. Moscow, Pishchepromizdat. 1958 Brachymystax lenok 97-178
75194 Levanidov, V.Y., 1959. Feeding and trophic relations of fishes in foothill inflows of lower Amur. Vopr. Ikhtiol. 13:139-155. 1959 Brachymystax lenok 139-155
593 Berg, L.S., 1962. Freshwater fishes of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries. volume 1, 4th edition. Israel Program for Scientific Translations Ltd, Jerusalem. (Russian version published 1948). 1962 Brachymystax lenok 318-320
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen, 1966. Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 941 p. 1966 Brachymystax lenok 117; 632-633
29270 Kang, Y.S. and E.H. Park, 1973. Somatic chromosomes of the Manchurian trout, Brachymystax lenok (Salmonidae). CIS. (15):10-11. 1973 Brachymystax lenok -->
48321 Ricker, W.E., 1973. Russian-English dictionary for students of fisheries and aquatic biology. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa. 1973 Brachymystax lenok 125
12218 Chyung, M.-K., 1977. The fishes of Korea. Il Ji Sa Publishing Co. Seoul, Korea. 727 p. 1977 Brachymystax lenok 122
12218 Chyung, M.-K., 1977. The fishes of Korea. Il Ji Sa Publishing Co. Seoul, Korea. 727 p. 1977 Brachymystax coregonoides 122-123
34554 Dorofeeva, E.A., 1977. Ispol'sovanije dannych kariologii dlja reschenija voprosov sysematiki i filogenii lososevych ryb. Nauka (1977):86-95. 1977 Brachymystax lenok -->
6179 Gold, J.R., W.J. Karel and M.R. Strand, 1980. Chromosome formulae of North American fishes. Prog. Fish Cult. 42:10-23. 1980 Brachymystax lenok -->
27563 Sola, L., S. Cataudella and E. Capanna, 1981. New developments in vertebrate cytotaxonomy III. Karyology of bony fishes: A review. Genetica 54:285-328. 1981 Brachymystax lenok 291
30503 Rass, T.S., 1983. Fish. Vol. 4, Life of animals. V.E. Sokolov (ed.), Moscow: Prosveschenie. 575p. 1983 Brachymystax lenok -->
63 ASIH (American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists), 1984. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Based on an international symposium dedicated to the memory of Elbert Halvor Ahlstrom, 15-18 August 1983, La Jolla, California. Spec. Publ. Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol. 1:ix, 760 p. 1984 Brachymystax lenok -->
245 Nelson, J.S., 1984. Fishes of the world. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 523 p. 1984 Brachymystax lenok -->
6178 Allendorf, F.W. and G.H. Thorgaard, 1984. Tetraploidy and the evolution of Salmonid fishes. p. 1-53. In B.J. Turner (ed.) Evolutionary genetics of fishes. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York. 1984 Brachymystax lenok -->
30007 Vasil'ev, V.P., 1985. The evolutionary karyology of fishes. (Evoljuzionnaja kariologiya ryb). 300p. Moscow: Nauka. 1985 Brachymystax lenok -->
30034 Viktorovsky, R.M., A.N. Makoedov and A.A. Shevchishin, 1985. The chromosomal sets of Brachymystax lenok and Hucho taimen and the divergency of the salmonid genera. Tsitologiya (Cytology). 27(6):703-709. Leningrad. 1985 Brachymystax lenok -->
4537 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p. 1991 Brachymystax lenok 77
6313 Grabda, E. and T. Heese, 1991. Polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Wyzsza Szkola Inzynierska w Koszalinie. Koszalin, Poland. 171 p. (in Polish). 1991 Brachymystax lenok -->
51717 Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, Shanghai Natural Museum and Ministry of Agriculture of China, 1993. The freshwater fishes of China in coloured illustrations. Vol. 3. Institute of Hydrobiology , Academia Sinica and Shanghai Natural Museum and Ministry of Agriculture of China. 166p. 1993 Brachymystax lenok -->
34370 Klinkhardt, M, M. Tesche and H. Greven, 1995. Database of fish chromosomes. Westarp Wissenschaften. 1995 Brachymystax lenok 103
13397 Bogutskaya, N.G. and A.M. Naseka, 1996. Cyclostomata and fishes of Khanka Lake drainage area (Amur river basin). An annotated check-list with comments on taxonomy and zoogeography of the region. Zool. Inst. Russ. Acad. Sci. :89 p. 1996 Brachymystax lenok 12
12965 Eschmeyer, W.N., 1997. PISCES. Eschmeyer's PISCES database as published on the Internet in June 1997, URL: gopher:// 1997 Brachymystax lenok -->
26334 Reshetnikov, Y.S., N.G. Bogutskaya, E.D. Vasil'eva, E.A. Dorofeeva, A.M. Naseka, O.A. Popova, K.A. Savvaitova, V.G. Sideleva and L.I. Sokolov, 1997. An annotated check-list of the freshwater fishes of Russia. J. Ichthyol. 37(9):687-736. 1997 Brachymystax lenok 692
38401 Kim, I.-S., 1997. Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna and flora of Korea. Vol. 37. Freshwater fishes. Ministry of Education, Seoul, Korea. 629 p. 1997 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis -->
45563 Wang, S. (ed.), 1998. China red data book of endangered animals. Pisces. National Environmental Protection Agency. Endangered Species Scientific Commision. Science Press, Beijing, China. 247p. 1998 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis 36
30184 Arkhipchuk, V.V., 1999. Chromosome database. Database of Dr. Victor Arkhipchuk. 1999 Brachymystax lenok -->
30405 Nakano, S., 1999. Diet differentiation in polymorphic Brachymystax lenok in streams of southern Primor'e, Russia. Ichthyol. Res. 46(1):100-102. 1999 Brachymystax lenok 100-102
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History, 1999. Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Ichthyology Section, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999 Brachymystax lenok -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Brachymystax lenok -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Brachymystax coregonoides -->
41038 Mitrofanov, V.P. and T. Petr, 1999. Fish and fisheries in the Altai, Northern Tien Shan and Lake Balkhash (Kazakhstan). p. 149-167. In T. Petr (ed.) Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 385. FAO, Rome. 304 p. 1999 Brachymystax lenok 161
41072 Dulmaa, A., 1999. Fish and fisheries in Mongolia. p. 187-236. In T. Petr (ed.) Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 385. FAO, Rome. 304 p. 1999 Brachymystax lenok 197
41093 Walker, K.F. and H.Z. Yang, 1999. Fish and fisheries in western China. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 385:237-278. 1999 Brachymystax lenok 249
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Brachymystax lenok -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Brachymystax coregonoides -->
40637 IGFA, 2001. Database of IGFA angling records until 2001. IGFA, Fort Lauderdale, USA. 2001 Brachymystax lenok -->
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Brachymystax lenok -->
45043 Bogutskaya, N.G., 2002. Common names of Russian freshwater fishes. Spreadsheet with cyrillic names made available for inclusion in FishBase. Unpublished. 2002 Brachymystax lenok -->
58294 Bogutskaya, N.G. and A.M. Naseka, 2002. REGIONAL CHECK-LISTS: Baikal Lake. In Website and Database: "Freshwater Fishes of Russia": A Source of Information on the Current State of the Fauna. Zoological Institute RAS. 2002 Brachymystax lenok -->
58298 Bogutskaya, N.G. and A.M. Naseka, 2002. REGIONAL CHECK-LISTS: Amur River Drainage Area in Russia. In Website and Database: "Freshwater Fishes of Russia": A Source of Information on the Current State of the Fauna. Zoological Institute RAS. 2002 Brachymystax lenok -->
47438 Anonymous, 2003. Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Royal Ontario Museum. 2003 Brachymystax lenok -->
51471 Carl, H., 2003. Danish fish names. Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Unpublished. 2003 Brachymystax lenok -->
55380 Ma, X., X. Bangxi, W. Yindong and W. Mingxue, 2003. Intentionally introduced and transferred fishes in China's inland waters. Asian Fish. Sci. 16(3&4):279-290. 2003 Brachymystax lenok 284
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Brachymystax lenok -->
92309 Sideleva, V.G., 2003. The endemic fishes of Lake Baikal. Backhuys Publ., Leiden, Netherlands, 270 p. 2003 Brachymystax lenok 12-13
51243 Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany. 329 p. 2004 Brachymystax lenok -->
77001 Kim, I.S., Y. Choi, C.L. Lee, Y.J. Lee, B.J. Kim and J.H. Kim, 2005. Illustrated book of Korean fishes. Kyo-Hak Pub Co. Seoul. 615p. (in Korean). 2005 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis -->
113848 Eyo, J.E., 2005. Cytogenetic variations in Clarias species (Clariidae: Siruliformis) of the Anambra river using leucocytes culture techniques. Animal Research International 2(1):275-286. 2005 Brachymystax lenok 277
57778 Kottelat, M., 2006. Fishes of Mongolia. A check-list of the fishes known to occur in Mongolia with comments on systematics and nomenclature. The World Bank, Washington, DC. 103 p. 2006 Brachymystax lenok 15
59236 NFRDI, 2007. Endangered fish in Korea. Accessed on 10/11/07. 2007 Brachymystax lenok -->
81828 Machacek, H. (ed.), 2009. World Records Freshwater Fishing., June 2009. 2009 Brachymystax lenok -->
88165 Huo, T.B., M.Y. Yuan and Z.F. Jiang, 2011. Length-weight relationships of 23 fish species from the Ergis River in Xingjiang, China. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 27:937-938. 2011 Brachymystax lenok -->
105471 eElurikkus, 2015. eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. 2015 Brachymystax lenok -->
130751 Kim, J.-H., J.-D. Yoon, H. Jo and M.-H. Jang, 2015. The study on daily movement patterns of Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis Inhabit in the upper part of the Nakdong River. KJEE 48(2):139-145. 2015 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis 139
110424 Zhang, C. and Y.-H. Zhao, 2016. Species diversity and distribution of inland fishes in China. Beijing (China): Science Press. viii+284 p. 2016 Brachymystax lenok -->
114850 Machacek, H. (ed.), 2017. World Records Freshwater Fishing: News, April 2017 Edition., newsletter April 2017 edition. 2017 Brachymystax lenok -->
116060 Tsogtsaikhan, P., B. Mendsaikhan, G. Jargalmaa, B. Ganzorig, B.C. Weidel, C.M. Filosa, C.M. Free, T. Young and O.P. Jensen, 2017. Age and growth comparisons of Hovsgol grayling (Thymallus nigrescens Dorogostaisky, 1923), Baikal grayling (T. baicalensis Dybowski, 1874), and lenok (Brachymystax lenok Pallas, 1773) in lentic and lotic habitats of Northern Mongolia. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 33:108-115. 2017 Brachymystax lenok -->
116654 Saks, L., 2017. Estonian Common Names, Rank 2. Personal communication 2017 Brachymystax lenok -->
126870 Baek, S.-H., S.-H. Park and J.-H. Kim, 2020. Estimation of standard length-weight relationships of 10 freshwater fish in the South Korea for application of relative weight index. Korean Journal of Ichthyology 32(2):55-62. 2020 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis 113
126730 Ko, M.S., J.K. Choi and H.G. Lee, 2021. The relationship between the population characteristics and physical habitat of Manchurian trout (Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis) in the Geybangcheon stream. Korean J. Environ. Biol. 39(1):108-118. 2021 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis 113
75549 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2022 Brachymystax lenok -->
56631 Machacek, H. (ed.), 2023. World Records Freshwater Fishing., 12 February 2006. 2023 Brachymystax lenok -->
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