List of Threatened Fishes reported from Philippines
n = 179
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Dangerous Reef-associated Pelagic Deep-water Game fishes Commercial

Note: The IUCN RedList threat category, as used here, is for the species as a whole, not necessarily for the population(s) in this country.

Table 1: 148 species currently present in the country/island (endemic, native, introduced, reintroduced);
Table 2: 31 species possibly present in the country/island (stray, questionable);
Table 3: 0 species demonstrated to be absent in the country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: 179 species reported from the country/island altogether.
Table 1: 148 species currently present in the country/island.
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Family Species FishBase name Threat Category Occurrence
Aetobatidae Aetobatus ocellatusOcellated eagle ray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Myliobatidae Aetomylaeus vespertilioOrnate eagle ray  Endangered (EN) native 
Microdesmidae Aioliops brachypterusShortfin minidartfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Alopiidae Alopias pelagicusPelagic thresher  Endangered (EN) native 
Alopiidae Alopias superciliosusBigeye thresher  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Alopiidae Alopias vulpinusThresher  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Pomacentridae Altrichthys azurelineatusAzure damselfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Pomacentridae Altrichthys curatusGuardian damselfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Pomacentridae Amblyglyphidodon batunaorumBatuna's damselfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Pomacentridae Amblyglyphidodon ternatensisTernate damsel  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Anguillidae Anguilla japonicaJapanese eel  Endangered (EN) native 
Anguillidae Anguilla luzonensis  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Pristidae Anoxypristis cuspidataPointed sawfish  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Atherinidae Atherinomorus lineatusLined silverside  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Cyprinidae Barbodes cataractae  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes hemictenus  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes ivis  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes joaquinae  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes lindog  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes manguaoensis  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes montanoi  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes sirang  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes tumba  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Cyprinidae Barbodes umalii  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Dasyatidae Bathytoshia lataBrown stingray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Scaridae Bolbometopon muricatumGreen humphead parrotfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Butidae Bostrychus expatria  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Gobiidae Caecogobius cryptophthalmus  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus albimarginatusSilvertip shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoidesGraceful shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus amblyrhynchosBlacktail reef shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus brevipinnaSpinner shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus falciformisSilky shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus hemiodonPondicherry shark  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus leucasBull shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus limbatusBlacktip shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus longimanusOceanic whitetip shark  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus melanopterusBlacktip reef shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus sealeiBlackspot shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carchariidae Carcharias taurusSand tiger shark  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Lamnidae Carcharodon carchariasGreat white shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Centrophoridae Centrophorus granulosusGulper shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Centrophoridae Centrophorus isodonBlackfin gulper shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Centrophoridae Centrophorus lusitanicusLowfin gulper shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Centrophoridae Centrophorus moluccensisSmallfin gulper shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Centrophoridae Centrophorus squamosusLeafscale gulper shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Ariidae Cephalocassis manillensis  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Labridae Cheilinus undulatusHumphead wrasse  Endangered (EN) native 
Chimaeridae Chimaera phantasmaSilver chimaera  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Clupeidae Clupea manulensis  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Cyprinidae Cyclocheilichthys schoppeae  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Zenarchopteridae Dermogenys palawanensis  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Blenniidae Ecsenius kurtiKurt's coralblenny  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Blenniidae Ecsenius tricolorTricolor coralblenny  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Epinephelidae Epinephelus bruneusLongtooth grouper  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Epinephelidae Epinephelus fuscoguttatusBrown-marbled grouper  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Epinephelidae Epinephelus polyphekadionCamouflage grouper  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Sphyrnidae Eusphyra blochiiWinghead shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Sparidae Evynnis cardinalisThreadfin porgy  Endangered (EN) native 
Gobiidae Exyrias volcanus  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Glaucostegidae Glaucostegus typusGiant shovelnose ray  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Gobiidae Gobiodon aoyagii  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Gobiidae Gobiodon fulvus  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Phallostethidae Gulaphallus bikolanus  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Phallostethidae Gulaphallus eximius  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Gymnuridae Gymnura japonicaJapanese butterflyray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Gymnuridae Gymnura poeciluraLong-tailed butterfly ray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Gymnuridae Gymnura zonuraZonetail butterfly ray  Endangered (EN) native 
Cyprinidae Hampala lopezi  Endangered (EN) native 
Hemigaleidae Hemigaleus microstomaSicklefin weasel shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Hemigaleidae Hemipristis elongataSnaggletooth shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Triakidae Hemitriakis leucoperipteraWhitefin topeshark  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Dasyatidae Himantura leoparda  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Dasyatidae Himantura uarnakHoneycomb stingray  Endangered (EN) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus barbouriBarbour's seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus comesTiger tail seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus histrixThorny seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus kelloggiGreat seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus kudaSpotted seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus spinosissimusHedgehog seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Syngnathidae Hippocampus trimaculatusLongnose seahorse  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Istiophoridae Istiophorus platypterusIndo-Pacific sailfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Lamnidae Isurus oxyrinchusShortfin mako  Endangered (EN) native 
Terapontidae Leiopotherapon plumbeus  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Dasyatidae Maculabatis macrura  Endangered (EN) native 
Syngnathidae Microphis pleurostictus  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Gobiidae Mistichthys luzonensisSinarapan  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Mobulidae Mobula alfrediAlfred manta  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Mobulidae Mobula birostrisGiant manta  Endangered (EN) native 
Mobulidae Mobula eregoodootenkeeLonghorned mobula  Endangered (EN) native 
Mobulidae Mobula kuhliiShortfin devil ray  Endangered (EN) native 
Mobulidae Mobula mobularDevil fish  Endangered (EN) native 
Mobulidae Mobula tarapacanaChilean devil ray  Endangered (EN) native 
Mobulidae Mobula thurstoniSmoothtail mobula  Endangered (EN) native 
Molidae Mola molaOcean sunfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Gobiidae Mugilogobius cagayanensis  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Narcinidae Narcine lingulaChinese numbfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Narcinidae Narcine maculataDarkfinned numbfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Narcinidae Narcine timleiSpotted numbfish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Ginglymostomatidae Nebrius ferrugineusTawny nurse shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Negaprion acutidensSicklefin lemon shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Nemipteridae Nemipterus virgatusGolden threadfin bream  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Phallostethidae Neostethus ctenophorus  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Phallostethidae Neostethus robertsi  Critically Endangered (CR) endemic 
Phallostethidae Neostethus thessa  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Zenarchopteridae Nomorhamphus rossi  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Rajidae Okamejei meerdervoortiiBigeye skate  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Adrianichthyidae Oryzias luzonensis  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Monacanthidae Oxymonacanthus longirostrisHarlequin filefish  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Dinematichthyidae Paradiancistrus cuyoensisCuyo coralbrotula  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Dasyatidae Pastinachus aterBroad cowtail ray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Dasyatidae Pateobatis faiPink whipray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Dasyatidae Pateobatis jenkinsiiJenkins whipray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Epinephelidae Plectropomus areolatusSquaretail coralgrouper  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Ariidae Plicofollis magatensis  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Pristidae Pristis zijsronLongcomb sawfish  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Danionidae Rasbora lateristriataYellow rasbora  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Danionidae Rasbora taytayensis  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Scombridae Rastrelliger brachysomaShort mackerel  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Scombridae Rastrelliger faughniIsland mackerel  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Gobiidae Redigobius dispar  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Rhinidae Rhina ancylostomusBowmouth guitarfish  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Rhincodontidae Rhincodon typusWhale shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Rhinobatidae Rhinobatos whiteiPhilippine guitarfish  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Gobiidae Rhinogobius bucculentus  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Rhinopteridae Rhinoptera javanicaFlapnose ray  Endangered (EN) native 
Rhinopteridae Rhinoptera jayakariOman cownose ray  Endangered (EN) native 
Carcharhinidae Rhizoprionodon acutusMilk shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Rhinidae Rhynchobatus australiaeBottlenose wedgefish  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Rhinidae Rhynchobatus springeriBroadnose wedgefish  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Dorosomatidae Sardinella tawilisFreshwater sardinella  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Gobiidae Schismatogobius insignis  Endangered (EN) native 
Sphyrnidae Sphyrna lewiniScalloped hammerhead  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Sphyrnidae Sphyrna mokarranGreat hammerhead  Critically Endangered (CR) native 
Sphyrnidae Sphyrna zygaenaSmooth hammerhead  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Squalidae Squalus japonicusJapanese spurdog  Endangered (EN) native 
Squalidae Squalus montalbaniPhilippiines spurdog  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Stegostomatidae Stegostoma tigrinumZebra shark  Endangered (EN) native 
Gobiidae Stenogobius kyphosus  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Gobiidae Stigmatogobius elegans  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Gobiidae Stiphodon pulchellus  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
Dasyatidae Taeniurops meyeniRound ribbontail ray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Gobiidae Tamanka siitensis  Endangered (EN) endemic 
Scombridae Thunnus obesusBigeye tuna  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Carcharhinidae Triaenodon obesusWhitetip reef shark  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Dasyatidae Urogymnus asperrimusPorcupine whipray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Dasyatidae Urogymnus granulatusMangrove whipray  Vulnerable (VU) native 
Soleidae Zebrias lucapensis  Vulnerable (VU) endemic 
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php script by eagbayani, 15/08/07, last modified by mbactong, 24/10/19