Species in the Red Sea

Comments on faunal list:
Area from SAU (November 2015).
     n= 1465 (Complete)
See pictures
Species Name Family Habitat Length (cm) Trophic Level Status
Abalistes stellatus Starry triggerfish Balistidae demersal 60.0 TL 3.4 native
Abantennarius coccineus Scarlet frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 4.2 native
Abantennarius nummifer Spotfin frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 4.2 native
Abantennarius rosaceus Spiny-tufted frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 5.8 SL 3.8 native
Ablennes hians Flat needlefish Belonidae reef-associated 140.0 TL 4.2 native
Abudefduf bengalensis Bengal sergeant Pomacentridae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.1 error
Abudefduf septemfasciatus Banded sergeant Pomacentridae reef-associated 23.0 TL 3.0 native
Abudefduf sexfasciatus Scissortail sergeant Pomacentridae reef-associated 19.0 TL 2.7 native
Abudefduf sordidus Blackspot sergeant Pomacentridae reef-associated 24.0 TL 2.7 native
Abudefduf vaigiensis Indo-Pacific sergeant Pomacentridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 2.6 native
Acanthopagrus arabicus Arabian yellowfin seabream Sparidae pelagic-neritic 34.5 SL 3.2 questionable
Acanthopagrus berda Goldsilk seabream Sparidae demersal 90.0 TL 3.5 native
Acanthopagrus bifasciatus Twobar seabream Sparidae reef-associated 36.2 SL 3.4 native
Acanthoplesiops cappuccino Red Sea spiny basslet Plesiopidae reef-associated 1.6 SL 3.0 native
Acanthurus gahhm Black surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.8 native
Acanthurus mata Elongate surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 50.0 TL 2.5 native
Acanthurus nigricans Whitecheek surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 36.0 FL 2.0 error
Acanthurus nigrofuscus Brown surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 21.0 TL 2.0 native
Acanthurus sohal Sohal surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.0 native
Acanthurus tennentii Doubleband surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 31.0 TL 2.0 misidentification
Acanthurus xanthopterus Yellowfin surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 70.0 TL 2.9 error
Acentrogobius nebulosus Shadow goby Gobiidae reef-associated 18.0 SL 3.5 native
Acentrogobius signatus Tusk goby Gobiidae demersal 5.5 TL 3.2 native
Acentronura tentaculata Shortpouch pygmy pipehorse Syngnathidae reef-associated 6.3 TL 3.2 native
Acropoma japonicum Glowbelly Acropomatidae bathypelagic 8.1 SL 3.3 native
Acropoma neglectum Red Sea lanternbelly Acropomatidae bathypelagic 16.9 SL 3.5 native
Adelotremus leptus Blenniidae pelagic-neritic 3.5 SL 3.2 native
Aeoliscus punctulatus Speckled shrimpfish Centriscidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.1 native
Aesopia cornuta Unicorn sole Soleidae reef-associated 25.0 SL 3.5 native
Aethaloperca rogaa Redmouth grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.1 native
Aetobatus flagellum Longheaded eagle ray Aetobatidae benthopelagic 72.0 WD 3.6 error
Aetobatus ocellatus Ocellated eagle ray Aetobatidae benthopelagic 300.0 WD 3.6 native
Aetomylaeus milvus Myliobatidae benthopelagic 3.8 native
Aetomylaeus vespertilio Ornate eagle ray Myliobatidae benthopelagic 240.0 WD 3.8 native
Albula glossodonta Roundjaw bonefish Albulidae reef-associated 90.0 SL 3.7 native
Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae reef-associated 104.0 TL 3.7 error
Alectis ciliaris African pompano Carangidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 4.0 native
Alepes djedaba Shrimp scad Carangidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.6 native
Alepes vari Herring scad Carangidae pelagic-neritic 61.0 TL 3.7 error
Alloblennius jugularis Jugular blenny Blenniidae demersal 5.0 SL 2.3 native
Alloblennius pictus Blenniidae demersal 2.6 SL 2.7 native
Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher Alopiidae pelagic-oceanic 428.0 TL 4.5 native
Alopias vulpinus Thresher Alopiidae pelagic-oceanic 573.3 TL 4.5 misidentification
Alticus magnusi Blenniidae demersal 2.0 native
Alticus saliens Leaping blenny Blenniidae demersal 10.0 TL 2.0 native
Aluterus monoceros Unicorn leatherjacket filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 76.2 TL 2.0 native
Aluterus scriptus Scribbled leatherjacket filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 110.0 TL 2.8 native
Amanses scopas Broom filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 2.9 native
Ambassis dussumieri Malabar glassy perchlet Ambassidae demersal 10.0 SL 3.4 native
Ambassis gymnocephalus Bald glassy Ambassidae demersal 16.0 TL 3.9 misidentification
Ambassis natalensis Slender glassy Ambassidae demersal 10.0 SL 3.4 questionable
Ambassis urotaenia Banded-tail glassy perchlet Ambassidae demersal 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Amblyeleotris diagonalis Diagonal shrimp goby Gobiidae reef-associated 11.0 SL 3.4 native
Amblyeleotris neglecta Gobiidae benthopelagic 5.4 SL 3.2 native
Amblyeleotris periophthalma Periophthalma prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 11.0 SL 3.4 error
Amblyeleotris steinitzi Steinitz' prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 13.0 SL 3.4 native
Amblyeleotris sungami Magnus' prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 native
Amblyeleotris triguttata Triplespot shrimpgoby Gobiidae demersal 9.0 TL 3.3 native
Amblyeleotris wheeleri Gorgeous prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 10.0 SL 3.3 native
Amblygaster leiogaster Smoothbelly sardinella Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 23.0 SL 3.4 error
Amblygaster sirm Spotted sardinella Dorosomatidae reef-associated 27.0 SL 2.9 native
Amblyglyphidodon flavilatus Yellowfin damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 2.7 native
Amblyglyphidodon indicus Maldives damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 8.3 SL 2.7 native
Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster Yellowbelly damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.4 TL 3.4 misidentification
Amblygobius albimaculatus Butterfly goby Gobiidae reef-associated 18.0 SL 3.3 native
Amblygobius esakiae Snoutspot goby Gobiidae reef-associated 8.5 SL 3.0 native
Amblygobius magnusi Gobiidae demersal 5.3 SL 3.0 native
Amblygobius nocturnus Nocturn goby Gobiidae reef-associated 10.0 SL 3.0 native
Amblygobius sewardii Gobiidae benthopelagic 3.0 native
Amblypomacentrus annulatus Footballer demoiselle Pomacentridae reef-associated 8.0 TL 2.8 native
Amphiprion bicinctus Twoband anemonefish Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 2.7 native
Anampses caeruleopunctatus Bluespotted wrasse Labridae reef-associated 42.0 TL 3.4 native
Anampses lineatus Lined wrasse Labridae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Anampses meleagrides Spotted wrasse Labridae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.5 native
Anampses twistii Yellowbreasted wrasse Labridae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.5 native
Ancistrogobius yanoi Yano’s cheek-hook goby Gobiidae benthopelagic 3.7 SL 3.2 questionable
Anoxypristis cuspidata Pointed sawfish Pristidae benthopelagic 470.0 TL 4.5 native
Antennablennius adenensis Aden blenny Blenniidae demersal 5.0 TL 2.4 native
Antennablennius australis Moustached rockskipper Blenniidae demersal 7.0 SL 2.0 native
Antennablennius hypenetes Arabian blenny Blenniidae demersal 6.5 TL 2.2 native
Antennablennius velifer Blenniidae demersal 2.2 native
Antennarius commerson Commerson's frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 4.2 native
Antennarius hispidus Shaggy angler Antennariidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 4.2 error
Antennarius maculatus Warty frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 4.2 native
Antennarius pictus Painted frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.4 native
Antennarius striatus Striated frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 4.2 native
Antennatus tuberosus Tuberculated frogfish Antennariidae reef-associated 9.0 SL 3.8 error
Antigonia indica Antigoniidae demersal 9.3 TL 2.9 native
Antigonia rubescens Indo-Pacific boarfish Antigoniidae benthopelagic 15.0 SL 2.8 error
Anyperodon leucogrammicus Slender grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 65.0 TL 3.9 native
Aphaniops dispar Arabian pupfish Aphaniidae benthopelagic 7.0 TL 2.9 native
Aphareus furca Small toothed jobfish Lutjanidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 4.1 native
Aphareus rutilans Rusty jobfish Lutjanidae reef-associated 110.0 TL 4.1 native
Apistus carinatus Ocellated waspfish Apistidae demersal 20.0 TL 3.6 native
Apogon campbelli Apogonidae reef-associated 3.9 SL 3.3 native
Apogon coccineus Ruby cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.5 native
Apogon erythrosoma Apogonidae reef-associated 3.8 SL 3.3 native
Apogon fugax Elusive cardinalfish Apogonidae demersal 6.0 SL 3.4 native
Apogon latus Apogonidae reef-associated 3.5 questionable
Apogon semiornatus Oblique-banded cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 7.5 TL 3.4 native
Apogon talboti Flame cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.6 native
Apogonichthyoides heptastygma Apogonidae reef-associated 3.3 SL 3.2 native
Apogonichthyoides nigripinnis Bullseye Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.4 native
Apogonichthyoides pharaonis Pharaoh cardinalfish Apogonidae demersal 9.5 TL 3.4 native
Apogonichthyoides pseudotaeniatus Doublebar cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.5 native
Apogonichthyoides taeniatus Twobelt cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.7 native
Apogonichthyoides timorensis Timor cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.4 native
Apogonichthys infuscus Tan cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 5.0 SL 3.3 native
Apogonichthys perdix Perdix cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.3 native
Apolemichthys xanthotis Yellow-ear angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 20.0 SL 2.8 native
Aprion virescens Green jobfish Lutjanidae reef-associated 112.0 TL 4.3 native
Apsilus fuscus African forktail snapper Lutjanidae demersal 75.0 TL 4.0 misidentification
Arcygobius baliurus Isthmus goby Gobiidae demersal 10.2 SL 3.3 native
Argyrops filamentosus Soldierbream Sparidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 3.5 native
Argyrops megalommatus Red Sea soldierbream Sparidae demersal 20.7 SL 3.5 native
Argyrops spinifer King soldierbream Sparidae demersal 80.0 TL 3.7 native
Argyrosomus regius Meagre Sciaenidae benthopelagic 230.0 TL 4.3 native
Ariomma brevimanus Ariommatidae benthopelagic 80.0 TL 3.7 native
Ariomma indica Indian driftfish Ariommatidae benthopelagic 25.0 SL 3.6 native
Ariosoma balearicum Bandtooth conger Congridae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.9 misidentification
Ariosoma mauritianum Blunt-tooth conger Congridae bathydemersal 30.0 TL 3.8 misidentification
Ariosoma sanzoi Congridae benthopelagic 3.9 native
Ariosoma scheelei Tropical conger Congridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.7 misidentification
Arnoglossus macrolophus Large-crested lefteye flounder Bothidae demersal 13.0 TL 3.5 native
Arnoglossus marisrubri Bothidae bathydemersal 3.6 native
Arnoglossus tapeinosoma Drab flounder Bothidae demersal 12.7 TL 3.5 misidentification
Arothron diadematus Masked puffer Tetraodontidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.4 native
Arothron hispidus White-spotted puffer Tetraodontidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.4 native
Arothron immaculatus Immaculate puffer Tetraodontidae reef-associated 37.5 TL 3.3 native
Arothron nigropunctatus Blackspotted puffer Tetraodontidae reef-associated 33.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Arothron reticularis Reticulated pufferfish Tetraodontidae reef-associated 45.0 SL 3.4 native
Arothron stellatus Stellate puffer Tetraodontidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 3.7 native
Aseraggodes kruppi Soleidae reef-associated 2.4 SL 3.1 native
Aseraggodes macronasus Soleidae reef-associated 6.2 SL 3.4 native
Aseraggodes sinusarabici Soleidae demersal 7.9 SL 3.5 native
Aseraggodes steinitzi Soleidae demersal 3.6 SL 3.2 native
Aspidontus dussumieri Lance blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 2.0 native
Aspidontus taeniatus False cleanerfish Blenniidae reef-associated 11.5 TL 3.8 native
Asterorhombus intermedius Intermediate flounder Bothidae reef-associated 20.0 SL 3.6 native
Asterropteryx semipunctata Starry goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.5 TL 2.4 native
Astronesthes martensii Stomiidae bathypelagic 14.0 TL 3.8 native
Ateleopus natalensis Jelly-head fish Ateleopodidae benthopelagic 60.0 TL 4.0 native
Atherinomorus forskalii Red Sea hardyhead silverside Atherinidae reef-associated 13.3 SL 3.3 native
Atherinomorus lacunosus Wide-banded hardyhead silverside Atherinidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.3 native
Atrobucca geniae Sciaenidae bathypelagic 24.8 SL 3.5 native
Atropus armatus Longfin trevally Carangidae reef-associated 58.0 TL 4.1 native
Atropus mentalis Longrakered trevally Carangidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 3.7 native
Atrosalarias fuscus Blenniidae reef-associated 14.5 TL 2.0 native
Atule mate Yellowtail scad Carangidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.2 native
Aulacocephalus temminckii Goldribbon soapfish Liopropomatidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 4.0 native
Aurigequula fasciata Striped ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 21.0 TL 3.4 native
Auxis rochei Bullet tuna Scombridae pelagic-neritic 50.0 FL 4.4 native
Auxis thazard Frigate tuna Scombridae pelagic-neritic 65.0 FL 4.4 native
Balistapus undulatus Orange-lined triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.4 native
Balistoides viridescens Titan triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 3.3 native
Barchatus cirrhosus Toadfish Batrachoididae demersal 35.0 TL 3.6 native
Bathygobius cyclopterus Spotted frillgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 7.5 TL 3.4 native
Bathygobius fishelsoni Gobiidae demersal 3.5 questionable
Bathygobius fuscus Dusky frillgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.4 native
Bembrops caudimacula Bembropidae bathydemersal 24.1 TL 4.0 native
Benthosema pterotum Skinnycheek lanternfish Myctophidae benthopelagic 7.0 TL 3.1 native
Bleekeria mitsukurii Mitsukuri's sandlance Ammodytidae benthopelagic 16.0 TL 3.2 misidentification
Blenniella cyanostigma Striped rockskipper Blenniidae reef-associated 8.1 SL 2.8 native
Blenniella periophthalmus Blue-dashed rockskipper Blenniidae reef-associated 15.0 SL 3.3 native
Bodianus anthioides Lyretail hogfish Labridae reef-associated 24.0 SL 3.4 native
Bodianus axillaris Axilspot hogfish Labridae reef-associated 20.0 SL 3.4 native
Bodianus bimaculatus Twospot hogfish Labridae reef-associated 5.9 SL 3.5 native
Bodianus diana Diana's hogfish Labridae reef-associated 16.9 SL 3.9 native
Bodianus leucosticticus Lined hogfish Labridae reef-associated 24.2 SL 3.5 misidentification
Bodianus opercularis Blackspot hogfish Labridae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.5 native
Bodianus trilineatus Fourline hogfish Labridae reef-associated 28.0 TL 3.5 native
Bolbometopon muricatum Green humphead parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 130.0 TL 2.7 native
Bothus myriaster Indo-Pacific oval flounder Bothidae demersal 27.0 TL 3.5 error
Bothus pantherinus Leopard flounder Bothidae reef-associated 39.0 TL 3.5 native
Bothus tricirrhitus Bothidae demersal 3.7 native
Brachaluteres fahaqa Monacanthidae reef-associated 2.9 native
Brachirus orientalis Oriental sole Soleidae demersal 38.0 TL 3.5 native
Brachysomophis cirrocheilos Stargazer snake eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 159.0 TL 4.0 native
Branchiostegus sawakinensis Freckled tilefish Latilidae demersal 60.0 TL 3.6 native
Bregmaceros arabicus Bregmacerotidae pelagic-neritic 5.0 SL 3.1 native
Bregmaceros mcclellandi Unicorn cod Bregmacerotidae pelagic-oceanic 9.6 SL 3.3 questionable
Bregmaceros nectabanus Smallscale codlet Bregmacerotidae pelagic-neritic 7.6 SL 3.2 misidentification
Brevitrygon manjajiae Sandwich whipray Dasyatidae demersal 3.5 questionable
Brosmophyciops pautzkei Slimy cuskeel Bythitidae reef-associated 7.5 TL 3.3 native
Brotula multibarbata Goatsbeard brotula Ophidiidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 3.7 native
Bryaninops discus Gobiidae reef-associated 1.9 SL 3.0 native
Bryaninops erythrops Erythrops goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.3 TL 3.0 misidentification
Bryaninops loki Loki whip-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 4.5 SL 3.2 native
Bryaninops natans Redeye goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.5 TL 3.0 native
Bryaninops ridens Ridens goby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.8 SL 3.0 native
Bryaninops spongicolus Gobiidae reef-associated 2.5 SL 3.1 native
Bryaninops tigris Black coral goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.5 SL 3.4 native
Bryaninops yongei Whip coral goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.5 SL 3.2 native
Bryx analicarens Pink pipefish Syngnathidae benthopelagic 12.5 SL 3.3 native
Cabillus macrophthalmus Bigeye cabillus Gobiidae bathydemersal 2.5 SL 3.1 native
Cabillus nigrostigmus Gobiidae bathydemersal 4.2 SL 3.2 native
Caesio caerulaurea Blue and gold fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 45.4 FL 3.4 native
Caesio lunaris Lunar fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.4 native
Caesio striata Striated fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.4 native
Caesio suevica Suez fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.4 native
Caesio varilineata Variable-lined fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.4 native
Callechelys catostoma Black-striped snake eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 85.0 TL 3.9 native
Callechelys marmorata Marbled snake eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 87.0 TL 3.9 native
Callionymus bentuviai Ben-Tuvia’s deepwater dragonet Callionymidae demersal 6.3 SL 3.2 native
Callionymus delicatulus Delicate dragonet Callionymidae reef-associated 6.7 TL 3.2 native
Callionymus erythraeus Smallhead dragonet Callionymidae demersal 10.0 TL 3.2 native
Callionymus filamentosus Blotchfin dragonet Callionymidae demersal 20.0 TL 3.3 native
Callionymus flavus Yellow ruddertail dragonet Callionymidae reef-associated 3.3 native
Callionymus gardineri Longtail dragonet Callionymidae demersal 28.0 TL 3.3 native
Callionymus marleyi Sand dragonet Callionymidae demersal 13.0 TL 3.3 misidentification
Callionymus muscatensis Muscat dragonet Callionymidae demersal 7.5 TL 3.2 native
Callionymus oxycephalus Red Sea spiny dragonet Callionymidae demersal 3.3 native
Callogobius amikami Gobiidae demersal 3.9 TL 3.1 native
Callogobius bifasciatus Doublebar goby Gobiidae reef-associated 7.0 TL 3.2 native
Callogobius dori Gobiidae demersal 2.4 SL 3.1 native
Callogobius flavobrunneus Slimy goby Gobiidae demersal 7.0 TL 3.2 native
Callogobius maculipinnis Ostrich goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.8 TL 3.2 native
Callogobius pilosimentum Hairy-chinned flapheaded goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.7 SL 3.3 native
Calloplesiops altivelis Comet Plesiopidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 4.0 native
Calotomus viridescens Viridescent parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 21.0 SL 2.0 native
Cantherhines dumerilii Whitespotted filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 38.0 TL 3.1 error
Cantherhines pardalis Honeycomb filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.5 native
Canthidermis macrolepis Largescale triggerfish Balistidae benthopelagic 60.0 TL 3.5 native
Canthidermis maculata Rough triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.5 native
Canthigaster aziz Aziz's toby Tetraodontidae reef-associated 2.0 SL 3.0 native
Canthigaster cyanospilota Blue-spotted toby Tetraodontidae demersal 10.4 SL 3.1 native
Canthigaster margaritata Tetraodontidae reef-associated 11.5 TL 3.1 native
Canthigaster pygmaea Pygmy toby Tetraodontidae reef-associated 5.6 TL 3.0 native
Carangichthys dinema Shadow trevally Carangidae reef-associated 85.0 TL 4.0 error
Caranx heberi Blacktip trevally Carangidae reef-associated 88.0 TL 4.0 questionable
Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally Carangidae reef-associated 170.0 TL 4.2 native
Caranx melampygus Bluefin trevally Carangidae reef-associated 117.0 FL 4.5 native
Caranx sexfasciatus Bigeye trevally Carangidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.5 native
Carapus mourlani Star pearlfish Carapidae reef-associated 21.0 TL 3.6 native
Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 300.0 TL 4.2 native
Carcharhinus altimus Bignose shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 300.0 TL 4.5 native
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Blacktail reef shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 255.0 TL 4.1 native
Carcharhinus brevipinna Spinner shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 300.0 TL 4.2 native
Carcharhinus dussumieri Whitecheek shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 121.0 TL 4.1 misidentification
Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 350.0 TL 4.3 native
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 286.0 TL 4.4 native
Carcharhinus longimanus Oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinidae pelagic-oceanic 400.0 TL 4.2 native
Carcharhinus melanopterus Blacktip reef shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 200.0 TL 3.9 native
Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 420.0 TL 4.3 native
Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark Carcharhinidae benthopelagic 300.0 TL 4.3 native
Carcharhinus sorrah Spot-tail shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 160.0 TL 4.2 native
Carcharias taurus Sand tiger shark Carchariidae reef-associated 330.0 TL 4.5 native
Carcharodon carcharias Great white shark Lamnidae pelagic-oceanic 640.0 TL 4.5 error
Centriscus scutatus Grooved razor-fish Centriscidae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.3 misidentification
Centropyge bicolor Bicolor angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.0 native
Centropyge multispinis Dusky angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 2.8 native
Cephalopholis argus Peacock hind Epinephelidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.3 native
Cephalopholis boenak Chocolate hind Epinephelidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.1 native
Cephalopholis hemistiktos Yellowfin hind Epinephelidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 4.1 native
Cephalopholis miniata Coral hind Epinephelidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 4.3 native
Cephalopholis oligosticta Vermilion hind Epinephelidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.0 native
Cephalopholis sexmaculata Sixblotch hind Epinephelidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 4.0 native
Cercamia spio Red Sea nymph cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 3.3 native
Cetoscarus bicolor Bicolour parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 50.0 SL 2.0 native
Chaetodon auriga Threadfin butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.7 native
Chaetodon austriacus Blacktail butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 13.0 SL 3.3 native
Chaetodon citrinellus Speckled butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.5 questionable
Chaetodon collare Redtail butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.8 error
Chaetodon falcula Blackwedged butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 error
Chaetodon fasciatus Diagonal butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.3 native
Chaetodon guttatissimus Peppered butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.1 error
Chaetodon kleinii Sunburst butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 2.9 error
Chaetodon larvatus Hooded butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.4 native
Chaetodon leucopleura Somali butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 18.0 SL 2.8 native
Chaetodon lineolatus Lined butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.4 native
Chaetodon melannotus Blackback butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 4.3 native
Chaetodon melapterus Arabian butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.3 native
Chaetodon mesoleucos White-face butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.3 native
Chaetodon paucifasciatus Eritrean butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.2 native
Chaetodon pictus Horseshoe butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 15.4 3.3 native
Chaetodon semilarvatus Bluecheek butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 23.0 TL 3.5 native
Chaetodon trifascialis Chevron butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.3 native
Chaetodon trifasciatus Melon butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.3 native
Chaetodon vagabundus Vagabond butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 23.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Champsodon capensis Gaper Champsodontidae demersal 14.2 TL 4.2 native
Champsodon omanensis Champsodontidae bathydemersal 10.6 SL 4.1 native
Chanos chanos Milkfish Chanidae benthopelagic 180.0 SL 2.6 native
Chauliodus sloani Sloane's viperfish Stomiidae bathypelagic 35.0 SL 4.2 error
Cheilinus abudjubbe Labridae demersal 21.8 SL 3.5 native
Cheilinus fasciatus Redbreasted wrasse Labridae reef-associated 40.0 SL 3.4 native
Cheilinus lunulatus Broomtail wrasse Labridae reef-associated 50.0 TL 4.3 native
Cheilinus quinquecinctus Whitebarred wrasse Labridae reef-associated 35.0 SL 3.6 native
Cheilinus trilobatus Tripletail wrasse Labridae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.9 misidentification
Cheilinus undulatus Humphead wrasse Labridae reef-associated 229.0 SL 4.0 native
Cheilio inermis Cigar wrasse Labridae reef-associated 50.0 SL 3.5 native
Cheilodipterus arabicus Tiger cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 18.0 SL 3.5 native
Cheilodipterus lachneri Aqaba Cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 12.0 SL 3.9 native
Cheilodipterus macrodon Large toothed cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 4.1 native
Cheilodipterus novemstriatus Indian Ocean twospot cardinalfish Apogonidae demersal 8.0 TL 3.7 native
Cheilodipterus pygmaios Apogonidae demersal 5.0 SL 3.5 native
Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus Five-lined cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.9 native
Cheilopogon altipennis Smallhead flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 38.0 SL 3.7 native
Cheilopogon cyanopterus Margined flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-oceanic 40.0 TL 3.3 native
Cheimerius nufar Santer seabream Sparidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 3.5 native
Chelidoperca pleurospilus Arafura perchlet Serranidae demersal 13.0 SL 3.6 native
Chelon auratus Golden grey mullet Mugilidae pelagic-neritic 61.0 FL 2.8 error
Chiloscyllium griseum Grey bambooshark Hemiscylliidae reef-associated 77.0 TL 3.7 error
Chiloscyllium indicum Slender bambooshark Hemiscylliidae demersal 65.0 TL 4.0 error
Chirocentrus dorab Dorab wolf-herring Chirocentridae reef-associated 100.0 SL 4.4 native
Chirocentrus nudus Whitefin wolf-herring Chirocentridae pelagic-neritic 100.0 SL 4.2 native
Chlidichthys auratus Golden dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 3.9 SL 3.3 native
Chlidichthys johnvoelckeri Cerise dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Chlidichthys rubiceps Pseudochromidae demersal 3.7 TL 3.2 native
Chlorurus genazonatus Sinai parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 31.0 TL 2.0 native
Chlorurus gibbus Heavybeak parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 70.0 TL 2.0 native
Chlorurus sordidus Daisy parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.6 native
Choerodon robustus Robust tuskfish Labridae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.8 native
Choeroichthys brachysoma Short-bodied pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 7.0 TL 3.4 native
Choridactylus multibarbus Orangebanded stingfish Synanceiidae demersal 14.0 TL 3.8 native
Chorisochismus dentex Rocksucker Gobiesocidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.2 native
Chromis axillaris Grey chromis Pomacentridae demersal 10.0 SL 3.0 error
Chromis flavaxilla Arabian chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 7.2 TL 3.4 native
Chromis pelloura Duskytail chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 2.7 native
Chromis pembae Pemba chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 13.0 TL 2.7 native
Chromis ternatensis Ternate chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.5 TL 3.4 misidentification
Chromis trialpha Trispot chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 6.0 TL 2.7 native
Chromis viridis Blue green damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 2.9 native
Chromis weberi Weber's chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 13.5 TL 3.4 native
Chrysiptera biocellata Twinspot damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 12.5 TL 2.0 native
Chrysiptera unimaculata Onespot demoiselle Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 2.1 native
Cirrhilabrus blatteus Purple-boned wrasse Labridae reef-associated 16.0 TL 3.4 native
Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis Longfin fairy wrasse Labridae reef-associated 7.5 TL 3.4 native
Cirrhimuraena playfairii Ophichthidae demersal 39.0 TL 3.7 native
Cirrhitichthys calliurus Spottedtail hawkfish Cirrhitidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus Coral hawkfish Cirrhitidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 4.0 native
Cirrhitus pinnulatus Stocky hawkfish Cirrhitidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.7 native
Cirripectes castaneus Chestnut eyelash-blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 9.2 SL 2.0 native
Cirripectes filamentosus Filamentous blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 7.5 SL 2.0 native
Cociella crocodilus Crocodile flathead Platycephalidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.9 native
Cociella punctata Spotted flathead Platycephalidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.8 native
Cocotropus steinitzi Steinitz' velvetfish Aploactinidae demersal 5.0 TL 3.2 native
Conger cinereus Longfin African conger Congridae reef-associated 140.0 TL 4.3 native
Congresox talabonoides Indian pike conger Muraenesocidae bathydemersal 250.0 TL 4.3 native
Coris aygula Clown coris Labridae reef-associated 120.0 TL 3.7 native
Coris caudimacula Spottail coris Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.4 native
Coris cuvieri Labridae reef-associated 38.0 TL 3.4 native
Coris formosa Queen coris Labridae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.8 native
Coris gaimard African coris Labridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Coris variegata Dapple coris Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 endemic
Coryogalops anomolus Anomolous goby Gobiidae demersal 5.8 TL 3.2 native
Coryogalops guttatus Gobiidae reef-associated 2.4 SL 3.1 native
Coryogalops nanus Gobiidae pelagic-neritic 1.5 SL 3.0 native
Coryogalops ocheticus Suez goby Gobiidae demersal 6.2 TL 3.2 native
Coryogalops pseudomonospilus Gobiidae reef-associated 2.2 SL 3.0 native
Coryphaena equiselis Pompano dolphinfish Coryphaenidae pelagic-oceanic 145.7 TL 4.5 native
Coryphaena hippurus Common dolphinfish Coryphaenidae pelagic-neritic 210.0 TL 4.2 native
Corythoichthys flavofasciatus Network pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 4.0 native
Corythoichthys nigripectus Black-breasted pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 11.0 SL 3.7 native
Corythoichthys schultzi Schultz's pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 16.0 TL 3.8 native
Cosmocampus banneri Roughridge pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 5.8 SL 3.2 native
Cosmocampus maxweberi Maxweber's pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 native
Craterognathus plagiotaenia Barcheek trevally Carangidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 4.0 native
Crenidens crenidens Karanteen seabream Sparidae demersal 30.0 TL 2.8 introduced
Crenimugil crenilabis Fringelip mullet Mugilidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 2.3 native
Crenimugil seheli Bluespot mullet Mugilidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 2.3 native
Cryptocentroides arabicus Arabian goby Gobiidae demersal 13.5 TL 3.4 native
Cryptocentrus caeruleopunctatus Harlequin prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Cryptocentrus cryptocentrus Ninebar prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Cryptocentrus fasciatus Y-bar shrimp goby Gobiidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Cryptocentrus lutheri Luther's prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 3.3 native
Ctenochaetus striatus Striated surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 26.0 TL 2.0 native
Ctenogobiops crocineus Gobiidae reef-associated 5.5 SL 3.5 native
Ctenogobiops feroculus Sandy prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 8.0 SL 3.4 native
Ctenogobiops maculosus Seychelles shrimpgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.7 SL 3.4 native
Cyclichthys orbicularis Birdbeak burrfish Diodontidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.6 native
Cyclichthys spilostylus Spotbase burrfish Diodontidae reef-associated 34.0 TL 3.5 native
Cynoglossus acutirostris Sharpnose tonguesole Cynoglossidae bathydemersal 25.0 TL 3.5 native
Cynoglossus arel Largescale tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 40.0 TL 3.5 error
Cynoglossus bilineatus Fourlined tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 44.0 SL 3.9 native
Cynoglossus crepida Bluntnose deepwater tonguesole Cynoglossidae benthopelagic 20.3 SL 3.4 native
Cynoglossus dollfusi Cynoglossidae demersal 12.9 SL 3.4 native
Cynoglossus gilchristi Ripplefin tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 16.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Cynoglossus kopsii Shortheaded tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 60.0 SL 3.6 native
Cynoglossus lachneri Lachner's tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 46.0 TL 3.5 native
Cynoglossus lingua Long tongue sole Cynoglossidae demersal 45.0 TL 3.5 native
Cynoglossus pottii Cynoglossidae demersal 3.5 native
Cynoglossus sealarki Cynoglossidae demersal 19.0 TL 3.4 error
Cynoglossus sinusarabici Red Sea tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 17.1 TL 3.4 native
Cypselurus hexazona Darkbar flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 18.0 SL 4.0 native
Cypselurus oligolepis Largescale flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 27.7 TL 4.0 error
Dactyloptena gilberti Dactylopteridae demersal 25.0 SL 3.5 native
Dactyloptena orientalis Oriental flying gurnard Dactylopteridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.7 native
Dactyloptena peterseni Starry flying gurnard Dactylopteridae demersal 36.0 TL 3.5 native
Dascyllus aruanus Whitetail dascyllus Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 native
Dascyllus marginatus Marginate dascyllus Pomacentridae reef-associated 6.0 TL 2.7 native
Dascyllus trimaculatus Threespot dascyllus Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.0 native
Dasyatis pastinaca Common stingray Dasyatidae demersal 69.5 WD 4.1 misidentification
Decapterus macarellus Mackerel scad Carangidae pelagic-oceanic 46.0 TL 4.0 native
Decapterus macrosoma Shortfin scad Carangidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.4 native
Decapterus russelli Indian scad Carangidae benthopelagic 45.0 TL 3.7 native
Dendrochirus brachypterus Dwarf lionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.6 native
Dendrochirus hemprichi Red Sea dwarf lionfish Scorpaenidae pelagic-neritic 10.3 SL 3.7 native
Dendrochirus zebra Zebra turkeyfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 25.0 SL 4.0 native
Dermatolepis striolata Smooth grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 85.0 TL 4.0 native
Deveximentum insidiator Pugnose ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 11.3 SL 2.8 native
Deveximentum ruconius Deep pugnose ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 8.0 TL 2.7 error
Diagramma pictum Painted sweetlips Haemulidae reef-associated 100.0 FL 3.7 native
Diagramma punctatum Haemulidae benthopelagic 33.5 SL 3.6 native
Diaphus coeruleus Blue lantern fish Myctophidae bathypelagic 13.7 SL 3.8 native
Dinematichthys iluocoeteoides Yellow pigmy brotula Dinematichthyidae reef-associated 12.0 SL 2.6 native
Diodon holocanthus Longspined porcupinefish Diodontidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.8 native
Diodon hystrix Spot-fin porcupinefish Diodontidae reef-associated 91.0 TL 4.0 native
Diodon liturosus Black-blotched porcupinefish Diodontidae reef-associated 65.0 TL 3.5 native
Diploconger polystigmatus Headband conger Congridae demersal 30.0 TL 3.7 native
Diplodus noct Red Sea seabream Sparidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 2.7 native
Diplogrammus gruveli Gruvel’s dragonet Callionymidae demersal 3.6 native
Diplogrammus infulatus Sawspine dragonet Callionymidae demersal 12.0 TL 3.8 native
Diplogrammus paucispinis Saudi Arabian dragonet Callionymidae reef-associated 4.0 SL 3.4 native
Diplogrammus randalli Randall’s fold dragonet Callionymidae demersal 7.0 TL 3.5 native
Diploprion drachi Yellowfin soapfish Liopropomatidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 4.1 native
Discordipinna griessingeri Spikefin goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.0 SL 3.1 native
Doryrhamphus abbreviatus Syngnathidae reef-associated 4.3 SL 3.4 native
Doryrhamphus excisus Bluestripe pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 7.0 TL 3.5 native
Drepane longimana Concertina fish Drepaneidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.7 native
Drepane punctata Spotted sicklefish Drepaneidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.3 misidentification
Dunckerocampus boylei Broad-banded Pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 16.0 TL 3.7 native
Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus Ringed pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 19.0 TL 3.8 native
Dunckerocampus multiannulatus Many-banded pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 19.0 TL 3.8 native
Dussumieria acuta Rainbow sardine Dussumieriidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 SL 3.4 misidentification
Dussumieria elopsoides Slender rainbow sardine Dussumieriidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 SL 3.5 native
Dysomma alticorpus Pale cutthroat eel Synaphobranchidae demersal 32.3 TL 3.8 native
Dysomma fuscoventralis Synaphobranchidae bathydemersal 3.8 native
Echeneis naucrates Live sharksucker Echeneidae reef-associated 110.0 TL 3.7 native
Echidna nebulosa Starry moray Muraenidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.2 native
Echidna polyzona Barred moray Muraenidae reef-associated 72.3 TL 3.5 native
Ecsenius aroni Aron's blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 5.5 TL 2.0 native
Ecsenius dentex Dentex blenny Blenniidae demersal 4.8 SL 2.0 native
Ecsenius frontalis Smooth-fin blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 8.0 TL 2.0 native
Ecsenius gravieri Red Sea mimic blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 8.0 TL 2.0 native
Ecsenius midas Persian blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 2.6 native
Ecsenius nalolo Nalolo Blenniidae reef-associated 6.5 TL 2.0 misidentification
Elagatis bipinnulata Rainbow runner Carangidae reef-associated 180.0 TL 4.3 native
Ellochelon vaigiensis Squaretail mullet Mugilidae reef-associated 63.0 TL 2.2 native
Elops machnata Tenpounder Elopidae pelagic-neritic 118.0 FL 4.0 native
Emmelichthys marisrubri Emmelichthyidae benthopelagic 7.4 SL 3.2 native
Encheliophis gracilis Graceful pearlfish Carapidae reef-associated 30.0 SL 3.0 native
Encheliophis homei Silver pearlfish Carapidae reef-associated 19.0 TL 3.7 native
Enchelycore bayeri Bayer's moray Muraenidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 4.5 native
Enchelycore schismatorhynchus White-margined moray Muraenidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.6 native
Enchelyurus kraussii Krauss' blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 4.5 SL 3.3 native
Enchelyurus petersi Blenniidae demersal 5.4 SL 3.3 native
Encrasicholina gloria Red Sea anchovy Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 7.2 SL 3.2 native
Encrasicholina heteroloba Shorthead anchovy Engraulidae reef-associated 12.0 SL 3.3 native
Encrasicholina macrocephala Largehead anchovy Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 5.6 SL 3.2 native
Encrasicholina punctifer Buccaneer anchovy Engraulidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 SL 3.1 native
Engyprosopon grandisquama Largescale flounder Bothidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.6 native
Engyprosopon hureaui Hureau's flounder Bothidae demersal 5.0 SL 3.3 native
Engyprosopon latifrons Bothidae demersal 8.0 SL 3.4 native
Engyprosopon macrolepis Largescale dwarf flounder Bothidae demersal 16.0 TL 3.6 native
Engyprosopon maldivense Olive wide-eyed flounder Bothidae demersal 12.7 SL 3.6 misidentification
Enneapterygius abeli Yellow triplefin Tripterygiidae reef-associated 2.5 SL 3.1 native
Enneapterygius altipinnis Tripterygiidae reef-associated 2.0 SL 3.0 native
Enneapterygius clarkae Barred triplefin Tripterygiidae demersal 2.7 SL 3.1 native
Enneapterygius destai Tripterygiidae demersal 2.1 SL 3.0 native
Enneapterygius obscurus Tripterygiidae demersal 2.5 SL 3.1 native
Enneapterygius pallidus Tripterygiidae reef-associated 3.0 SL 3.1 native
Enneapterygius pusillus Highcrest triplefin Tripterygiidae demersal 3.0 SL 3.1 native
Enneapterygius qirmiz Crimson triplefin Tripterygiidae demersal 1.7 SL 3.0 native
Enneapterygius tutuilae High-hat Triplefin Tripterygiidae reef-associated 4.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Enneapterygius ventermaculus Blotched triplefin Tripterygiidae demersal 4.0 TL 3.1 native
Entomacrodus epalzeocheilos Fringelip rockskipper Blenniidae demersal 11.0 SL 2.0 native
Epibulus insidiator Sling-jaw wrasse Labridae reef-associated 54.0 SL 4.0 native
Epigonus marisrubri Epigonidae benthopelagic 14.0 SL 3.4 native
Epinephelus areolatus Areolate grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 47.0 TL 3.7 native
Epinephelus chlorostigma Brownspotted grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 4.0 native
Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus Whitespotted grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 76.0 TL 3.7 native
Epinephelus coioides Orange-spotted grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.0 native
Epinephelus epistictus Dotted grouper Epinephelidae demersal 80.0 TL 4.0 native
Epinephelus fasciatus Blacktip grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 52.0 TL 3.7 native
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Brown-marbled grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.1 native
Epinephelus geoffroyi Epinephelidae reef-associated 40.8 SL 3.8 native
Epinephelus lanceolatus Giant grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 270.0 TL 4.0 native
Epinephelus latifasciatus Striped grouper Epinephelidae demersal 137.0 SL 4.0 native
Epinephelus malabaricus Malabar grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 234.0 TL 4.2 native
Epinephelus merra Honeycomb grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 36.5 TL 3.7 misidentification
Epinephelus morrhua Comet grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 90.0 TL 4.0 native
Epinephelus polyphekadion Camouflage grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 90.0 SL 4.0 native
Epinephelus radiatus Oblique-banded grouper Epinephelidae demersal 70.0 SL 3.8 native
Epinephelus stoliczkae Epaulet grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 38.0 TL 3.7 native
Epinephelus summana Summan grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 52.0 TL 3.8 native
Epinephelus tauvina Greasy grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.1 native
Epinephelus tukula Potato grouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 200.0 TL 4.1 native
Equulites aethopos Red Sea elongate ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 7.2 SL 3.3 native
Equulites berbis Berber ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 11.0 TL 3.3 questionable
Equulites klunzingeri Klunzinger's ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 13.4 SL 3.5 native
Equulites leuciscus Whipfin ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 25.0 TL 3.1 native
Equulites lineolatus Ornate ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.5 error
Equulites oblongus Oblong ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 14.6 TL 3.4 native
Equulites popei Pope's ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 12.0 TL 3.0 native
Etrumeus golanii Dussumieriidae pelagic-neritic 20.8 SL 3.5 native
Eubleekeria splendens Splendid ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 23.0 TL 2.9 native
Euleptorhamphus viridis Ribbon halfbeak Hemiramphidae pelagic-oceanic 53.0 TL 3.4 native
Eurypegasus draconis Short dragonfish Pegasidae demersal 10.0 TL 3.2 native
Euthynnus affinis Kawakawa Scombridae pelagic-neritic 100.0 FL 4.3 native
Eviota distigma Twospot dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.0 SL 3.0 native
Eviota geminata Geminate dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.4 SL 3.0 native
Eviota guttata Spotted dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.2 TL 3.1 native
Eviota marerubrum Red Sea dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.7 SL 3.0 native
Eviota oculopiperita Pepperminteye dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.2 SL 2.9 native
Eviota pardalota Leopard dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.2 TL 3.0 native
Eviota prasina Greenbubble dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.1 SL 3.1 native
Eviota punyit Punyit dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.8 3.0 native
Eviota sebreei Sebree's dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.5 SL 3.1 native
Evoxymetopon moricheni Trichiuridae benthopelagic 83.0 SL 4.2 native
Exallias brevis Leopard blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 14.5 TL 4.3 native
Exocoetus volitans Tropical two-wing flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 30.0 TL 3.0 error
Exyrias belissimus Mud reef-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 15.0 SL 2.8 native
Facciolella karrerae Nettastomatidae bathydemersal 36.1 TL 3.3 native
Facciolella saurencheloides Nettastomatidae bathydemersal 3.4 native
Favonigobius melanobranchus Blackthroat goby Gobiidae demersal 8.3 TL 3.5 native
Favonigobius reichei Indo-Pacific tropical sand goby Gobiidae demersal 8.3 TL 3.5 native
Feia nympha Nymph goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.7 TL 3.1 native
Ferdauia ferdau Blue trevally Carangidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 4.3 native
Ferdauia orthogrammus Island trevally Carangidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 3.9 native
Fibramia lateralis Humpback cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 4.0 native
Fistularia commersonii Bluespotted cornetfish Fistulariidae reef-associated 160.0 TL 4.3 native
Fistularia petimba Red cornetfish Fistulariidae reef-associated 200.0 TL 4.4 native
Flavocaranx bajad Orangespotted trevally Carangidae reef-associated 55.0 TL 4.3 native
Foa brachygramma Weed cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 6.4 SL 3.5 misidentification
Foa fo Weedy cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 3.5 SL 3.2 native
Forcipiger flavissimus Longnose butterfly fish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.1 native
Forcipiger longirostris Longnose butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.5 native
Fowleria aurita Crosseyed cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.5 native
Fowleria isostigma Dotted cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 7.0 SL 3.5 native
Fowleria marmorata Marbled cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 7.5 TL 3.5 native
Fowleria punctulata Spotcheek cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 9.0 SL 3.6 native
Fowleria vaiulae Mottled cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 5.0 TL 3.3 native
Fowleria variegata Variegated cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 8.0 TL 3.5 native
Fusigobius humeralis Shoulderspot sandgoby Gobiidae demersal 4.4 SL 3.2 native
Fusigobius longispinus Orange-spotted sand-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 8.0 TL 3.3 native
Fusigobius maximus Large sandgoby Gobiidae demersal 7.5 SL 3.3 native
Fusigobius neophytus Common fusegoby Gobiidae reef-associated 7.5 TL 2.9 native
Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark Galeocerdonidae benthopelagic 750.0 TL 4.6 native
Gazza minuta Toothpony Leiognathidae demersal 21.0 FL 3.0 native
Genicanthus caudovittatus Zebra angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.4 native
Gerres filamentosus Whipfin silver-biddy Gerreidae demersal 39.0 TL 3.3 misidentification
Gerres infasciatus Nonbanded whipfin mojarra Gerreidae pelagic-neritic 15.3 SL 3.3 native
Gerres longirostris Strongspine silver-biddy Gerreidae reef-associated 44.5 TL 3.5 native
Gerres macracanthus Longspine silverbiddy Gerreidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.4 native
Gerres methueni Striped silver biddy Gerreidae benthopelagic 30.0 TL 3.6 native
Gerres oblongus Slender silver-biddy Gerreidae reef-associated 30.0 SL 3.5 native
Gerres oyena Common silver-biddy Gerreidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 2.7 native
Gladiogobius ensifer Gladiator goby Gobiidae reef-associated 7.5 SL 3.3 misidentification
Gladiogobius rex King goby Gobiidae demersal 3.9 SL 3.2 native
Glaucostegus cemiculus Blackchin guitarfish Glaucostegidae demersal 242.0 TL 4.0 error
Glaucostegus granulatus Granulated guitarfish Glaucostegidae demersal 280.0 SL 3.5 error
Glaucostegus halavi Halavi ray Glaucostegidae benthopelagic 120.0 WD 4.1 native
Glaucostegus obtusus Widenose guitarfish Glaucostegidae demersal 93.0 TL 3.5 error
Glaucostegus thouin Thouin ray Glaucostegidae benthopelagic 300.0 TL 3.5 native
Glossogobius giuris Tank goby Gobiidae benthopelagic 50.0 SL 3.7 native
Gnathanodon speciosus Golden trevally Carangidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.0 native
Gnatholepis anjerensis Eye-bar goby Gobiidae reef-associated 8.4 SL 3.4 native
Gnatholepis caudimaculata Gobiidae reef-associated 4.3 SL 3.2 native
Gnatholepis cauerensis Eyebar goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.0 SL 3.3 native
Gobiodon ater Black coralgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.7 SL 3.2 native
Gobiodon bilineatus Two-lined coralgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.6 SL 3.3 native
Gobiodon citrinus Poison goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.6 TL 3.3 native
Gobiodon fuscoruber Brown-red coralgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.7 SL 3.3 native
Gobiodon histrio Broad-barred goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.5 TL 3.2 native
Gobiodon irregularis Rufous coralgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.2 SL 3.3 native
Gobiodon prolixus Elongate coralgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.2 SL 3.3 native
Gobiodon reticulatus Reticulate goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.1 TL 3.0 native
Gobiodon rivulatus Rippled coralgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.4 TL 3.5 native
Gobius cobitis Giant goby Gobiidae demersal 15.7 TL 3.0 native
Gobius koseirensis Gobiidae demersal 3.2 native
Gobius leucomelas Gobiidae demersal 3.2 native
Gobius paganellus Rock goby Gobiidae demersal 13.0 TL 3.3 native
Gomphosus caeruleus Green birdmouth wrasse Labridae reef-associated 32.0 TL 3.5 native
Gorgasia cotroneii Congridae demersal 3.4 native
Gorgasia sillneri Congridae demersal 83.8 TL 3.4 native
Grammatorcynus bicarinatus Shark mackerel Scombridae reef-associated 112.0 FL 4.5 misidentification
Grammatorcynus bilineatus Double-lined mackerel Scombridae reef-associated 100.0 FL 4.2 native
Grammistes sexlineatus Goldenstriped soapfish Grammistidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.0 native
Grammonus robustus Bythitidae bathydemersal 21.0 SL 3.6 native
Grammoplites suppositus Spotfin flathead Platycephalidae demersal 31.0 TL 3.8 native
Gunnellichthys monostigma Onespot wormfish Microdesmidae reef-associated 15.0 SL 3.3 native
Gymnapogon melanogaster Apogonidae reef-associated 2.3 SL 3.1 native
Gymnocaesio gymnoptera Slender fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.4 native
Gymnocranius grandoculis Blue-lined large-eye bream Lethrinidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.5 native
Gymnocranius griseus Grey large-eye bream Lethrinidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.2 misidentification
Gymnomuraena zebra Zebra moray Muraenidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 3.8 native
Gymnosarda unicolor Dogtooth tuna Scombridae reef-associated 248.0 FL 4.5 native
Gymnothorax afer Dark moray Muraenidae demersal 100.0 TL 4.1 misidentification
Gymnothorax angusticauda Narrowtail moray Muraenidae demersal 50.3 SL 4.0 native
Gymnothorax baranesi Barane’s moray Muraenidae benthopelagic 85.7 TL 4.1 native
Gymnothorax buroensis Vagrant moray Muraenidae reef-associated 38.7 TL 3.8 native
Gymnothorax elegans Elegant moray Muraenidae reef-associated 64.7 TL 4.0 native
Gymnothorax favagineus Laced moray Muraenidae reef-associated 300.0 TL 4.4 native
Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Yellow-edged moray Muraenidae reef-associated 240.0 TL 4.2 native
Gymnothorax griseus Geometric moray Muraenidae reef-associated 65.0 TL 4.0 native
Gymnothorax hepaticus Liver-colored moray eel Muraenidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.1 native
Gymnothorax herrei Herre's moray Muraenidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.8 misidentification
Gymnothorax javanicus Giant moray Muraenidae reef-associated 300.0 TL 3.9 native
Gymnothorax johnsoni Whitespotted moray Muraenidae demersal 130.0 TL 4.2 native
Gymnothorax meleagris Turkey moray Muraenidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.0 error
Gymnothorax moluccensis Moluccan moray Muraenidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 4.2 native
Gymnothorax monochrous Drab moray Muraenidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 4.0 misidentification
Gymnothorax nudivomer Yellowmouth moray Muraenidae reef-associated 180.0 TL 4.5 native
Gymnothorax pharaonis Pharaoh’s moray Muraenidae demersal 47.5 TL 3.9 native
Gymnothorax pictus Paintspotted moray Muraenidae reef-associated 140.0 TL 4.2 native
Gymnothorax pindae Pinda moray Muraenidae reef-associated 39.0 TL 3.8 native
Gymnothorax pseudoherrei False brown moray Muraenidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.8 native
Gymnothorax punctatofasciatus Bars'n spots moray Muraenidae reef-associated 50.5 TL 3.9 misidentification
Gymnothorax punctatus Red Sea whitespotted moray Muraenidae reef-associated 90.0 TL 4.1 native
Gymnothorax randalli Randall's moray Muraenidae demersal 36.3 TL 3.8 native
Gymnothorax reticularis Muraenidae demersal 60.0 TL 4.0 native
Gymnothorax rueppelliae Banded moray Muraenidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 4.0 native
Gymnothorax thyrsoideus Greyface moray Muraenidae reef-associated 73.2 TL 4.0 error
Gymnothorax undulatus Undulated moray Muraenidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 3.6 native
Gymnoxenisthmus tigrellus Xenisthmidae pelagic-neritic 1.5 SL 3.0 native
Gymnura poecilura Long-tailed butterfly ray Gymnuridae demersal 250.0 WD 3.8 native
Gymnura tentaculata Tentacled butterfly ray Gymnuridae demersal 3.8 error
Halicampus dunckeri Duncker's pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.3 native
Halicampus grayi Gray's pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 20.0 SL 3.3 native
Halicampus macrorhynchus Ornate pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.3 native
Halicampus mataafae Samoan pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.3 native
Halichoeres hortulanus Checkerboard wrasse Labridae reef-associated 27.0 TL 3.4 native
Halichoeres iridis Labridae reef-associated 11.5 TL 3.4 native
Halichoeres margaritaceus Pink-belly wrasse Labridae reef-associated 12.5 SL 3.7 questionable
Halichoeres marginatus Dusky wrasse Labridae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.2 native
Halichoeres nebulosus Nebulous wrasse Labridae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.3 native
Halichoeres scapularis Zigzag wrasse Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Halichoeres zeylonicus Goldstripe wrasse Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Haliophis guttatus African eel blenny Pseudochromidae reef-associated 15.5 TL 3.8 native
Harpadon erythraeus Synodontidae bathydemersal 4.1 native
Hazeus elati Eilat sandgoby Gobiidae benthopelagic 3.2 native
Helcogramma obtusirostris Hotlips triplefin Tripterygiidae demersal 3.8 SL 3.0 native
Helcogramma steinitzi Red triplefin Tripterygiidae reef-associated 6.0 SL 3.1 native
Hemigaleus microstoma Sicklefin weasel shark Hemigaleidae demersal 114.0 TL 4.2 native
Hemigymnus fasciatus Barred thicklip Labridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.5 error
Hemigymnus melapterus Blackeye thicklip Labridae reef-associated 39.6 TL 3.5 native
Hemigymnus sexfasciatus Labridae reef-associated 36.5 TL 3.5 native
Hemipristis elongata Snaggletooth shark Hemigaleidae demersal 240.0 TL 4.3 native
Hemiramphus convexus Halfbeak Hemiramphidae pelagic-neritic 23.0 TL 3.3 native
Hemiramphus far Black-barred halfbeak Hemiramphidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 2.7 native
Hemiramphus marginatus Yellowtip halfbeak Hemiramphidae pelagic-neritic 26.0 SL 3.4 native
Heniochus acuminatus Pennant coralfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.8 native
Heniochus diphreutes False moorish idol Chaetodontidae reef-associated 21.0 TL 3.3 native
Heniochus intermedius Red Sea bannerfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.5 native
Heniochus monoceros Masked bannerfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 24.0 TL 3.5 native
Herklotsichthys lossei Gulf herring Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 8.0 SL 3.1 error
Herklotsichthys punctatus Spotback herring Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 11.7 TL 3.1 native
Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus Bluestripe herring Dorosomatidae reef-associated 25.0 SL 3.6 native
Hetereleotris aurantiaca Orange goggle goby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.5 SL 3.0 native
Hetereleotris bipunctata Gobiidae demersal 3.1 native
Hetereleotris diademata Gobiidae demersal 2.7 SL 3.1 endemic
Hetereleotris dorsovittata Gobiidae reef-associated 2.2 SL 3.0 endemic
Hetereleotris psammophila Gobiidae benthopelagic 2.7 SL 3.1 native
Hetereleotris semisquamata Semiscaly goggle goby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.3 SL 3.0 native
Hetereleotris vulgaris Gobiidae demersal 4.0 TL 3.1 native
Heteroconger balteatus Congridae demersal 33.1 TL 3.4 native
Heteroconger congroides Congridae bathypelagic 3.4 native
Heteroconger hassi Spotted garden-eel Congridae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.3 native
Heteronarce bentuviai Elat electric ray Narkidae demersal 17.6 NG 3.2 native
Hilsa kelee Kelee shad Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 35.0 TL 2.8 error
Himantura uarnak Honeycomb stingray Dasyatidae reef-associated 200.0 WD 3.6 native
Hippichthys cyanospilos Blue-spotted pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 16.0 SL 3.4 native
Hippichthys spicifer Bellybarred pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 18.0 TL 3.3 native
Hippocampus debelius Softcoral seahorse Syngnathidae reef-associated 2.4 SL 3.1 native
Hippocampus fuscus Sea pony Syngnathidae demersal 14.4 OT 3.4 native
Hippocampus histrix Thorny seahorse Syngnathidae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Hippocampus jayakari Jayakar's seahorse Syngnathidae demersal 14.0 OT 3.4 native
Hippocampus kelloggi Great seahorse Syngnathidae bathydemersal 28.0 OT 3.4 native
Hippocampus kuda Spotted seahorse Syngnathidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.6 misidentification
Hippocampus lichtensteinii Lichtenstein's Seahorse Syngnathidae demersal 4.0 OT 3.4 questionable
Hippocampus suezensis Egyptian seahorse Syngnathidae pelagic-neritic 27.5 TL 3.5 native
Hipposcarus harid Candelamoa parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 75.0 TL 2.0 native
Hirculops cornifer Highbrow rockskipper Blenniidae demersal 6.0 SL 2.2 native
Hirundichthys rondeletii Black wing flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-oceanic 30.0 TL 3.0 misidentification
Hirundichthys socotranus Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 3.0 error
Histiopterus typus Sailfin armourhead Pentacerotidae reef-associated 42.0 TL 3.5 native
Histrio histrio Sargassumfish Antennariidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.9 native
Hologymnosus annulatus Ring wrasse Labridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 4.2 native
Hologymnosus doliatus Pastel ringwrasse Labridae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.8 native
Hoplolatilus geo Malacanthidae pelagic-neritic 3.4 native
Hoplolatilus oreni Malacanthidae demersal 14.1 SL 3.5 native
Hoplostethus marisrubri Red Sea roughy Trachichthyidae bathypelagic 12.2 SL 3.4 native
Hoplostethus mediterraneus Mediterranean slimehead Trachichthyidae benthopelagic 42.0 SL 3.5 error
Hypoatherina barnesi Barnes' silverside Atherinidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 error
Hypoatherina golanii Red Sea silverside Atherinidae pelagic-neritic 7.6 SL 3.3 native
Hypoatherina temminckii Samoan silverside Atherinidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.4 native
Hyporhamphus acutus Pacific halfbeak Hemiramphidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.0 error
Hyporhamphus affinis Tropical halfbeak Hemiramphidae reef-associated 38.0 SL 3.5 native
Hyporhamphus balinensis Balinese garfish Hemiramphidae reef-associated 16.5 SL 3.0 native
Hyporhamphus gamberur Red Sea halfbeak Hemiramphidae reef-associated 37.0 TL 3.0 native
Hyporhamphus xanthopterus Red-tipped halfbeak Hemiramphidae pelagic-neritic 29.6 TL 3.0 error
Iago omanensis Bigeye houndshark Triakidae bathydemersal 58.0 TL 4.2 native
Iniistius baldwini Baldwin's razorfish Labridae benthopelagic 20.4 SL 3.5 native
Iniistius bimaculatus Two-spot razorfish Labridae demersal 28.5 TL 3.5 native
Iniistius melanopus Yellowpatch razorfish Labridae reef-associated 26.0 TL 3.5 native
Iniistius pavo Peacock wrasse Labridae reef-associated 42.0 TL 3.5 native
Iniistius pentadactylus Fivefinger wrasse Labridae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.5 native
Inimicus filamentosus Two-stick stingfish Synanceiidae reef-associated 25.0 SL 4.1 native
Istiblennius edentulus Rippled rockskipper Blenniidae reef-associated 16.0 TL 2.0 native
Istiblennius flaviumbrinus Blenniidae demersal 9.0 SL 2.0 native
Istiblennius pox Scarface rockskipper Blenniidae demersal 13.0 TL 2.0 native
Istiblennius rivulatus Blenniidae reef-associated 9.3 SL 2.0 native
Istiblennius unicolor Pallid rockskipper Blenniidae demersal 10.2 SL 2.0 native
Istigobius decoratus Decorated goby Gobiidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Istigobius ornatus Ornate goby Gobiidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 4.3 native
Istiompax indica Black marlin Istiophoridae pelagic-oceanic 465.0 FL 4.5 native
Istiophorus platypterus Indo-Pacific sailfish Istiophoridae pelagic-oceanic 348.0 FL 4.5 native
Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako Lamnidae pelagic-oceanic 445.0 TL 4.5 native
Jaydia hungi Apogonidae demersal 3.5 error
Jaydia novaeguineae Apogonidae reef-associated 8.9 SL 3.4 native
Jaydia queketti Spotfin cardinal Apogonidae benthopelagic 12.3 TL 3.5 native
Jaydia smithi Smith's cardinalfish Apogonidae demersal 14.5 TL 3.6 native
Jaydia truncata Flagfin cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.6 native
Kaiwarinus equula Whitefin trevally Carangidae reef-associated 50.0 FL 4.0 native
Kajikia audax Striped marlin Istiophoridae pelagic-oceanic 420.0 TL 4.5 native
Katsuwonus pelamis Skipjack tuna Scombridae pelagic-oceanic 110.0 FL 4.4 native
Kaupichthys atronasus Black-nostril false moray Chlopsidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.6 native
Koumansetta hectori Hector's goby Gobiidae reef-associated 8.5 SL 2.0 misidentification
Koumansetta hoesei Gobiidae reef-associated 4.1 SL 3.2 native
Kraemeria nuda Kraemeriidae demersal 4.0 TL 3.1 native
Kraemeria samoensis Samoan sand dart Kraemeriidae reef-associated 3.5 TL 3.1 native
Kuhlia mugil Barred flagtail Kuhliidae reef-associated 40.0 SL 3.8 native
Kyonemichthys rumengani Thread pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 2.7 TL 3.0 native
Kyphosus bigibbus Brown chub Kyphosidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 2.1 native
Kyphosus cinerascens Blue sea chub Kyphosidae reef-associated 53.0 FL 2.8 native
Kyphosus vaigiensis Brassy chub Kyphosidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 2.1 native
Labroides dimidiatus Bluestreak cleaner wrasse Labridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.5 native
Lactarius lactarius False trevally Lactariidae pelagic-neritic 40.0 TL 4.2 error
Lactoria cornuta Longhorn cowfish Ostraciidae reef-associated 46.0 TL 3.5 native
Laeops natalensis Khaki flounder Bothidae bathydemersal 14.0 TL 3.5 native
Lagocephalus lunaris Lunartail puffer Tetraodontidae demersal 45.0 SL 3.7 native
Lagocephalus sceleratus Silver-cheeked toadfish Tetraodontidae reef-associated 110.0 TL 3.7 native
Lagocephalus spadiceus Half-smooth golden pufferfish Tetraodontidae demersal 43.1 TL 3.7 native
Lagocephalus suezensis Tetraodontidae demersal 19.5 TL 3.5 native
Lamnostoma orientale Oriental worm-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 36.0 TL 3.7 error
Larabicus quadrilineatus Fourline wrasse Labridae reef-associated 11.5 TL 3.3 native
Leiognathus equula Common ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 28.0 TL 3.0 native
Lepadichthys erythraeus Gobiesocidae demersal 3.7 SL 3.5 native
Lepidamia multitaeniata Smallscale cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.5 native
Lepidotrigla bispinosa Bullhorn gurnard Triglidae demersal 16.0 TL 3.5 native
Lepidotrigla spiloptera Spotwing gurnard Triglidae demersal 15.4 SL 3.5 native
Leptocephalus ophichthoides Ophichthidae pelagic-neritic 4.2 native
Leptoscarus vaigiensis Marbled parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 35.2 TL 2.0 native
Lestidiops jayakari Pacific barracudina Lestidiidae bathypelagic 20.0 TL 4.2 native
Lestidiops luetkeni Naked barracuda Lestidiidae bathypelagic 4.1 native
Lestrolepis luxiocula Lestidiidae pelagic-neritic 14.8 SL 4.0 native
Lestrolepis pofi Lestidiidae bathypelagic 19.3 SL 4.1 misidentification
Lethrinus borbonicus Snubnose emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.5 native
Lethrinus erythracanthus Orange-spotted emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 3.4 native
Lethrinus harak Thumbprint emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 54.9 FL 3.6 native
Lethrinus lentjan Pink ear emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 52.0 TL 3.9 native
Lethrinus mahsena Sky emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 65.0 TL 3.8 native
Lethrinus microdon Smalltooth emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.8 native
Lethrinus nebulosus Spangled emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 87.0 TL 3.8 native
Lethrinus obsoletus Orange-striped emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.9 native
Lethrinus olivaceus Longface emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.0 native
Lethrinus variegatus Slender emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Lethrinus xanthochilus Yellowlip emperor Lethrinidae reef-associated 70.0 FL 3.8 native
Limnichthys marisrubri Creediidae benthopelagic 2.2 SL 3.1 native
Limnichthys nitidus Sand submarine Creediidae demersal 3.5 TL 3.1 native
Liopropoma lunulatum Liopropomatidae demersal 18.7 SL 4.0 native
Liopropoma mitratum Pinstriped basslet Liopropomatidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.6 native
Liopropoma susumi Meteor perch Liopropomatidae reef-associated 9.1 TL 3.6 native
Liparis fishelsoni Liparidae demersal 3.5 native
Lissocampus bannwarthi Syngnathidae demersal 13.2 SL 3.3 native
Lithognathus mormyrus Sand steenbras Sparidae demersal 55.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Lobotes surinamensis Tripletail Lobotidae benthopelagic 110.0 TL 4.0 native
Lobulogobius bentuviai Gobiidae benthopelagic 1.8 TL 3.0 native
Lophiomus setigerus Blackmouth angler Lophiidae demersal 40.0 TL 4.0 native
Lotilia graciliosa Whitecap goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.1 SL 3.1 native
Loxodon macrorhinus Sliteye shark Carcharhinidae demersal 98.0 TL 4.0 native
Luposicya lupus Wolfsnout goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.5 SL 3.2 native
Lutjanus argentimaculatus Mangrove red snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 3.6 native
Lutjanus bengalensis Bengal snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.9 native
Lutjanus bohar Two-spot red snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 90.0 TL 4.3 native
Lutjanus coeruleolineatus Blueline snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 44.2 TL 3.9 native
Lutjanus ehrenbergii Blackspot snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.6 native
Lutjanus erythropterus Crimson snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 81.6 FL 4.5 misidentification
Lutjanus fulviflamma Dory snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.8 native
Lutjanus fulvus Blacktail snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.6 questionable
Lutjanus gibbus Humpback red snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 56.8 FL 4.1 native
Lutjanus johnii John's snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 97.0 TL 4.2 error
Lutjanus kasmira Common bluestripe snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.9 native
Lutjanus lemniscatus Yellowstreaked snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 65.0 TL 4.0 misidentification
Lutjanus lutjanus Bigeye snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 4.1 native
Lutjanus malabaricus Malabar blood snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.5 misidentification
Lutjanus monostigma One-spot snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.3 native
Lutjanus quinquelineatus Five-lined snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 38.0 TL 3.7 misidentification
Lutjanus rivulatus Blubberlip snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 4.0 native
Lutjanus russellii Russell's snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 4.1 native
Lutjanus sanguineus Humphead snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.5 native
Lutjanus sebae Emperor red snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 116.0 FL 4.1 native
Macolor niger Black and white snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 4.0 native
Macrodontogobius wilburi Largetooth goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.5 SL 2.8 native
Macropharyngodon bipartitus Rare wrasse Labridae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.5 questionable
Macropharyngodon marisrubri Labridae reef-associated 9.5 SL 3.5 native
Maculabatis gerrardi Sharpnose stingray Dasyatidae demersal 200.0 TL 3.7 questionable
Malacanthus brevirostris Quakerfish Malacanthidae reef-associated 32.0 TL 3.5 native
Malacanthus latovittatus Blue blanquillo Malacanthidae reef-associated 45.0 SL 3.5 native
Masturus lanceolatus Sharptail mola Molidae bathypelagic 337.0 TL 3.8 native
Maurolicus mucronatus Sternoptychidae bathypelagic 3.4 SL 3.2 native
Maurolicus muelleri Silvery lightfish Sternoptychidae bathypelagic 8.0 TL 3.0 misidentification
Megalaspis cordyla Torpedo scad Carangidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.9 native
Megalops cyprinoides Indo-Pacific tarpon Megalopidae benthopelagic 150.0 TL 3.5 native
Meiacanthus nigrolineatus Blackline fangblenny Blenniidae reef-associated 9.5 TL 3.4 native
Melichthys indicus Indian triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.0 misidentification
Mene maculata Moonfish Menidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.5 error
Microbrotula bentleyi Many-ray cusk Bythitidae reef-associated 4.1 SL 3.2 native
Micrognathus andersonii Shortnose pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 8.5 TL 3.2 native
Micrognathus brevirostris Thorntail pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 67.5 SL 3.6 native
Mimoblennius cirrosus Fringed blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 5.4 TL 2.3 native
Minilabrus striatus Minute wrasse Labridae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.4 native
Minous coccineus Onestick stingfish Synanceiidae demersal 10.5 TL 3.7 native
Minous inermis Alcock's scorpionfish Synanceiidae demersal 14.0 TL 3.8 error
Minous monodactylus Grey stingfish Synanceiidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.8 native
Minous trachycephalus Striped stingfish Synanceiidae demersal 12.0 TL 3.8 misidentification
Mixomyrophis longidorsalis Red Sea worm eel Ophichthidae benthopelagic 7.7 TL 3.5 native
Mobula alfredi Alfred manta Mobulidae benthopelagic 500.0 WD 3.5 native
Mobula birostris Giant manta Mobulidae reef-associated 910.0 WD 3.5 native
Mobula eregoodootenkee Longhorned mobula Mobulidae pelagic-oceanic 100.0 WD 3.4 native
Mobula tarapacana Chilean devil ray Mobulidae reef-associated 328.0 WD 3.8 native
Mobula thurstoni Smoothtail mobula Mobulidae pelagic-oceanic 220.0 WD 3.1 native
Mola mola Ocean sunfish Molidae pelagic-oceanic 333.0 TL 3.1 native
Monocentris japonica Pineconefish Monocentridae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.5 native
Monodactylus argenteus Silver moony Monodactylidae pelagic-neritic 27.0 SL 3.1 native
Monodactylus falciformis Full moony Monodactylidae demersal 31.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Monotaxis grandoculis Humpnose big-eye bream Lethrinidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.5 native
Mugil cephalus Flathead grey mullet Mugilidae benthopelagic 100.0 SL 2.5 native
Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Yellowstripe goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 43.0 TL 3.8 native
Mulloidichthys vanicolensis Yellowfin goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 39.8 FL 3.9 native
Muraena helena Mediterranean moray Muraenidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 4.2 native
Muraenesox cinereus Daggertooth pike conger Muraenesocidae demersal 220.0 TL 4.4 native
Muraenichthys schultzei Maimed snake eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 24.0 TL 3.9 native
Mustelus manazo Starspotted smooth-hound Triakidae demersal 220.0 TL 3.7 misidentification
Mustelus mosis Arabian smooth-hound Triakidae demersal 150.0 TL 4.0 native
Myrichthys colubrinus Harlequin snake eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 97.0 TL 3.5 native
Myrichthys maculosus Tiger snake eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 3.5 native
Myripristis berndti Blotcheye soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.7 native
Myripristis chryseres Yellowfin soldierfish Holocentridae benthopelagic 25.0 TL 4.0 native
Myripristis hexagona Doubletooth soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.1 native
Myripristis murdjan Pinecone soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.4 native
Myripristis xanthacra Yellowtip soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.4 native
Myrophis microchir Ordinary snake eel Ophichthidae demersal 39.0 TL 4.1 native
Naso annulatus Whitemargin unicornfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 100.0 TL 2.1 native
Naso brevirostris Spotted unicornfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 60.0 TL 2.2 native
Naso elegans Elegant unicornfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 45.0 SL 2.0 native
Naso hexacanthus Sleek unicornfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 75.0 FL 3.1 native
Naso lituratus Orangespine unicornfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 46.0 SL 2.3 misidentification
Naso unicornis Bluespine unicornfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 70.0 FL 2.2 native
Naucrates ductor Pilotfish Carangidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 3.4 native
Neamia octospina Eightspine cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 7.0 TL 3.4 native
Nebrius ferrugineus Tawny nurse shark Ginglymostomatidae reef-associated 320.0 TL 4.1 native
Nectamia annularis Ringtail cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 7.0 SL 3.3 native
Nectamia bandanensis Bigeye cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 native
Nectamia fusca Ghost cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 11.2 TL 3.3 native
Nectamia savayensis Samoan cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 SL 3.3 native
Nectamia zebrina Apogonidae reef-associated 7.4 SL 3.3 native
Neenchelys microtretus Small-fin worm eel Ophichthidae demersal 18.3 TL 3.8 endemic
Negaprion acutidens Sicklefin lemon shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 380.0 TL 4.1 native
Nemateleotris decora Elegant firefish Microdesmidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.0 native
Nemipterus bipunctatus Delagoa threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 30.0 TL 3.9 native
Nemipterus celebicus Celebes threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 22.0 SL 3.5 misidentification
Nemipterus japonicus Japanese threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 34.0 TL 4.2 native
Nemipterus marginatus Red filament threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 15.6 SL 3.5 misidentification
Nemipterus peronii Notchedfin threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 29.0 SL 3.7 native
Nemipterus randalli Randall's threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 27.0 TL 3.8 native
Nemipterus zysron Slender threadfin bream Nemipteridae demersal 34.0 TL 3.5 native
Neobythites stefanovi Dark fin cusk eel Ophidiidae bathydemersal 16.3 TL 3.4 native
Neocentropogon mesedai Meseda waspfish Tetrarogidae bathydemersal 6.5 SL 3.2 native
Neoglyphidodon melas Bowtie damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 18.0 TL 3.4 native
Neomerinthe erostris Round scorpionfish Scorpaenidae benthopelagic 11.6 SL 3.7 native
Neoniphon sammara Sammara squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 32.0 TL 3.6 native
Neopomacentrus anabatoides Silver demoiselle Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.5 TL 3.4 misidentification
Neopomacentrus cyanomos Regal demoiselle Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.4 native
Neopomacentrus flavicauda Pomacentridae reef-associated 3.4 native
Neopomacentrus miryae Miry's demoiselle Pomacentridae reef-associated 12.5 TL 3.4 native
Neopomacentrus taeniurus Freshwater demoiselle Pomacentridae demersal 10.0 TL 3.4 native
Neopomacentrus xanthurus Red Sea demoiselle Pomacentridae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.4 native
Neotrygon kuhlii Blue-spotted stingray Dasyatidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 3.3 misidentification
Nettenchelys bellottii Nettastomatidae bathypelagic 3.4 native
Netuma thalassina Giant catfish Ariidae demersal 185.0 TL 3.5 native
Norfolkia brachylepis Tropical scaly-headed triplefin Tripterygiidae reef-associated 7.3 TL 3.2 native
Novaculichthys taeniourus Rockmover wrasse Labridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.3 native
Novaculoides macrolepidotus Seagrass wrasse Labridae reef-associated 16.0 TL 3.4 native
Obliquogobius turkayi Gobiidae bathydemersal 3.1 native
Odonus niger Red-toothed triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.3 native
Omobranchus fasciolatus Arab blenny Blenniidae demersal 6.8 TL 2.7 native
Omobranchus punctatus Muzzled blenny Blenniidae benthopelagic 9.5 SL 2.5 native
Omobranchus steinitzi Blenniidae demersal 3.2 SL 2.8 native
Onigocia bimaculata Two-spotted flathead Platycephalidae demersal 6.6 SL 3.4 native
Ophichthus echeloides Ophichthidae bathydemersal 51.0 TL 3.9 native
Ophichthus erabo Blotched snake-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 72.0 TL 4.0 native
Ophichthus olivaceus Olivaceous snake eel Ophichthidae bathydemersal 75.6 TL 4.0 endemic
Ophidion smithi Ophidiidae demersal 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Opistognathus dipharus Tail beacon jawfish Opistognathidae pelagic-neritic 4.7 SL 3.3 native
Opistognathus muscatensis Robust jawfish Opistognathidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.8 misidentification
Opistognathus nigromarginatus Birdled jawfish Opistognathidae demersal 18.6 TL 3.4 native
Oplopomus oplopomus Spinecheek goby Gobiidae reef-associated 10.0 SL 3.3 native
Osteomugil cunnesius Longarm mullet Mugilidae demersal 41.0 SL 2.4 native
Ostichthys acanthorhinus Spinesnout soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 11.2 SL 3.7 native
Ostichthys hypsipterygion Highfin soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 17.0 SL 3.8 native
Ostichthys sufensis Red Sea soldierfish Holocentridae reef-associated 15.1 SL 3.8 native
Ostorhinchus angustatus Broadstriped cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 3.3 native
Ostorhinchus apogonoides Short-tooth cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.5 native
Ostorhinchus aureus Ring-tailed cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 14.5 TL 3.6 native
Ostorhinchus bryx Offshore cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 5.2 SL 3.4 native
Ostorhinchus cookii Cook's cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.5 native
Ostorhinchus cyanosoma Yellowstriped cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 8.0 TL 3.6 native
Ostorhinchus fasciatus Broadbanded cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 12.6 TL 3.6 native
Ostorhinchus fleurieu Flower cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 14.2 TL 3.6 native
Ostorhinchus gularis Gular cardinalfish Apogonidae demersal 6.6 TL 3.4 native
Ostorhinchus kiensis Rifle cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 8.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Ostorhinchus nigrofasciatus Blackstripe cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.6 native
Ostorhinchus pselion Apogonidae reef-associated 4.0 SL 3.3 native
Ostorhinchus spilurus Apogonidae reef-associated 7.4 SL 3.5 native
Ostorhinchus taeniophorus Reef-flat cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 11.5 TL 3.5 native
Ostracion cubicum Yellow boxfish Ostraciidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.3 native
Ostracion cyanurus Bluetail trunkfish Ostraciidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.2 native
Oxycheilinus arenatus Speckled maori wrasse Labridae reef-associated 21.0 TL 3.9 native
Oxycheilinus bimaculatus Two-spot wrasse Labridae reef-associated 16.4 TL 3.5 native
Oxycheilinus digramma Cheeklined wrasse Labridae reef-associated 40.0 SL 3.7 native
Oxycheilinus mentalis Mental wrasse Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.8 native
Oxycheilinus orientalis Oriental maori wrasse Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.8 native
Oxycirrhites typus Longnose hawkfish Cirrhitidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.3 native
Oxymonacanthus halli Red Sea longnose filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 7.0 TL 3.6 native
Oxyurichthys papuensis Frogface goby Gobiidae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.5 native
Palutrus meteori Meteor goby Gobiidae reef-associated 6.2 TL 3.2 native
Palutrus scapulopunctatus Scapular goby Gobiidae demersal 6.3 SL 3.3 native
Papilloculiceps longiceps Tentacled flathead Platycephalidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 4.0 native
Parablennius cyclops Blenniidae demersal 2.8 native
Parabothus budkeri Bothidae demersal 3.6 native
Paracaesio sordida Dirty ordure snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 48.0 TL 2.8 native
Paracaesio xanthura Yellowtail blue snapper Lutjanidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.4 native
Paracheilinus octotaenia Red Sea eightline flasher Labridae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.4 native
Paracirrhites forsteri Blackside hawkfish Cirrhitidae reef-associated 22.0 TL 4.3 native
Paragobiodon echinocephalus Redhead goby Gobiidae reef-associated 4.0 TL 3.1 native
Paragobiodon xanthosoma Emerald coral goby Gobiidae reef-associated 4.0 TL 3.1 native
Paragunnellichthys springeri Microdesmidae demersal 3.5 native
Paraluteres arqat Monacanthidae demersal 2.9 native
Paramonacanthus frenatus Wedgetail filefish Monacanthidae demersal 8.7 SL 3.1 native
Paramonacanthus japonicus Hairfinned leatherjacket Monacanthidae reef-associated 12.0 SL 2.8 questionable
Paramonacanthus nematophorus Monacanthidae demersal 8.5 SL 3.1 native
Paramonacanthus oblongus Hair-finned filefish Monacanthidae demersal 7.8 3.5 native
Paramonacanthus pusillus Faintstripe filefish Monacanthidae demersal 14.6 SL 3.2 native
Parapercis hexophtalma Speckled sandperch Pinguipedidae reef-associated 29.0 TL 3.5 native
Parapercis nebulosa Barred sandperch Pinguipedidae demersal 25.0 TL 3.5 error
Parapercis robinsoni Smallscale grubfish Pinguipedidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.6 native
Parapercis simulata Pinguipedidae demersal 3.5 native
Parapercis somaliensis Somali sandperch Pinguipedidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.5 native
Paraplagusia bilineata Doublelined tonguesole Cynoglossidae demersal 31.6 TL 3.5 native
Parapriacanthus guentheri Egyptian sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 5.6 SL 3.3 native
Parapriacanthus ransonneti Golden sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 12.1 TL 3.4 native
Parapriacanthus sharm Sharm sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 6.2 SL 3.3 native
Parascolopsis akatamae Rosy dwarf monocle bream Nemipteridae demersal 27.1 SL 3.6 questionable
Parascolopsis aspinosa Smooth dwarf monocle bream Nemipteridae demersal 21.0 TL 3.5 native
Parascolopsis baranesi Nemipteridae bathydemersal 11.2 SL 3.4 native
Parascolopsis eriomma Swallowtail dwarf monocle bream Nemipteridae demersal 35.0 TL 4.2 native
Parascolopsis inermis Unarmed dwarf monocle bream Nemipteridae demersal 18.0 SL 3.5 misidentification
Parascolopsis townsendi Scaly dwarf monocle bream Nemipteridae demersal 20.0 TL 3.5 error
Parascombrops pellucidus Synagropidae bathydemersal 9.0 SL 3.4 native
Parascorpaena aurita Golden scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.7 native
Parascorpaena mossambica Mozambique scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.6 misidentification
Parastromateus niger Black pomfret Carangidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 2.9 native
Pardachirus marmoratus Finless sole Soleidae reef-associated 26.0 TL 3.8 native
Parexocoetus brachypterus Sailfin flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 TL 3.4 native
Parexocoetus mento African sailfin flyingfish Exocoetidae pelagic-neritic 11.0 SL 3.3 introduced
Parupeneus cyclostomus Gold-saddle goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 4.2 native
Parupeneus forsskali Red Sea goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 28.0 TL 3.5 native
Parupeneus heptacanthus Cinnabar goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 36.0 TL 3.5 native
Parupeneus indicus Indian goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.5 native
Parupeneus macronemus Long-barbel goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.5 native
Parupeneus rubescens Rosy goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 43.0 TL 3.5 native
Parupeneus seychellensis Seychelles goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 23.0 SL 3.5 native
Parupeneus sinai Sinai goatfish Mullidae demersal 8.3 SL 3.3 native
Pastinachus sephen Cowtail stingray Dasyatidae reef-associated 183.0 WD 3.7 native
Pateobatis fai Pink whipray Dasyatidae reef-associated 183.0 TL 3.7 native
Pectinochromis lubbocki Pseudochromidae reef-associated 3.4 SL 3.3 native
Pelates quadrilineatus Fourlined terapon Terapontidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.6 native
Pempheris adusta Dusky sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.5 native
Pempheris mangula Indian sweeper Pempheridae demersal 16.0 TL 3.4 error
Pempheris orbis Sinai sweeper Pempheridae pelagic-neritic 8.5 SL 3.3 native
Pempheris oualensis Blackspot sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.6 error
Pempheris rhomboidea Pempheridae pelagic-neritic 13.2 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris schwenkii Silver sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Pempheris sergey Yellow sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 10.4 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris shirleen Hurghada sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 10.5 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris tau Tau sweeper Pempheridae pelagic-neritic 11.7 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris tilman Aqaba sweeper Pempheridae pelagic-neritic 9.7 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris tiran Tiran sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 12.2 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris tominagai African silver sweeper Pempheridae pelagic-neritic 11.7 SL 3.4 native
Pempheris vanicolensis Vanikoro sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Pempheris viridis Green sweeper Pempheridae reef-associated 8.0 SL 3.3 native
Periophthalmus argentilineatus Barred mudskipper Oxudercidae reef-associated 19.0 TL 3.3 native
Periophthalmus barbarus Atlantic mudskipper Oxudercidae reef-associated 14.7 SL 3.4 native
Periophthalmus kalolo Common mudskipper Oxudercidae reef-associated 14.1 SL 3.3 native
Pervagor randalli Monacanthidae reef-associated 6.7 SL 2.9 native
Petroscirtes ancylodon Arabian fangblenny Blenniidae demersal 11.5 TL 2.1 native
Petroscirtes mitratus Floral blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 8.5 TL 2.0 native
Phaenomonas cooperae Short-maned sand-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 59.0 TL 3.8 native
Photoblepharon steinitzi Flashlight fish Anomalopidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 3.4 native
Photopectoralis bindus Orangefin ponyfish Leiognathidae demersal 14.0 TL 2.9 native
Phoxocampus belcheri Rock pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 7.2 SL 3.2 native
Phyllophichthus xenodontus Flappy snake-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 42.0 TL 3.7 native
Physiculus marisrubri Moridae bathydemersal 10.7 SL 3.3 native
Physiculus sudanensis Moridae benthopelagic 3.4 native
Pinjalo pinjalo Pinjalo Lutjanidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 4.0 error
Pisodonophis cancrivorus Longfin snake-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 108.0 TL 3.8 native
Plagiopsetta biocellata Biocellated righteye founder Samaridae demersal 3.8 SL 3.2 native
Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos Bluestriped fangblenny Blenniidae reef-associated 12.0 SL 4.5 native
Plagiotremus tapeinosoma Piano fangblenny Blenniidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.8 native
Plagiotremus townsendi Townsend's fangblenny Blenniidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.8 native
Planiliza carinata Keeled mullet Mugilidae pelagic-neritic 24.4 TL 2.5 native
Planiliza macrolepis Largescale mullet Mugilidae demersal 60.0 SL 2.8 native
Planiliza planiceps Tade gray mullet Mugilidae demersal 70.0 TL 2.0 native
Planiliza subviridis Greenback mullet Mugilidae demersal 40.0 SL 2.7 native
Platax orbicularis Orbicular batfish Ephippidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.3 native
Platax pinnatus Dusky batfish Ephippidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.7 error
Platax teira Longfin batfish Ephippidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 4.0 native
Platybelone platura Belonidae pelagic-neritic 45.0 TL 4.2 native
Platycaranx chrysophrys Longnose trevally Carangidae reef-associated 72.0 FL 4.3 native
Platycaranx malabaricus Malabar trevally Carangidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.8 misidentification
Platycephalus indicus Bartail flathead Platycephalidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 3.6 introduced
Platycephalus micracanthus Platycephalidae demersal 3.9 native
Plectorhinchus albovittatus Two-striped sweetlips Haemulidae reef-associated 100.0 SL 4.0 native
Plectorhinchus diagrammus Striped sweetlips Haemulidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 4.0 misidentification
Plectorhinchus faetela Haemulidae demersal 3.8 native
Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus Lemonfish Haemulidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.8 native
Plectorhinchus gaterinus Blackspotted rubberlip Haemulidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.8 native
Plectorhinchus gibbosus Harry hotlips Haemulidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 3.6 native
Plectorhinchus obscurus Giant sweetlips Haemulidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 3.5 native
Plectorhinchus playfairi Whitebarred rubberlip Haemulidae reef-associated 90.0 TL 3.4 error
Plectorhinchus schotaf Minstrel sweetlips Haemulidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.8 native
Plectorhinchus sordidus Sordid rubberlip Haemulidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.0 native
Plectorhinchus umbrinus Haemulidae reef-associated 3.8 native
Plectranthias klausewitzi Anthiadidae pelagic-oceanic 5.5 SL 3.6 native
Plectranthias nanus Bownband perchlet Anthiadidae reef-associated 4.0 SL 3.4 native
Plectranthias winniensis Redblotch basslet Anthiadidae reef-associated 4.0 SL 3.4 native
Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus Singlebar devil Pomacentridae reef-associated 12.0 TL 2.0 native
Plectroglyphidodon luteobrunneus Pomacentridae reef-associated 2.1 native
Plectropomus areolatus Squaretail coralgrouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 4.5 native
Plectropomus leopardus Leopard coralgrouper Epinephelidae reef-associated 120.0 SL 4.4 error
Plectropomus marisrubri Epinephelidae reef-associated 4.2 native
Plesiops coeruleolineatus Crimsontip longfin Plesiopidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.6 native
Plesiops mystaxus Moustache longfin Plesiopidae demersal 9.0 TL 3.4 native
Plesiops nigricans Whitespotted longfin Plesiopidae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.5 native
Pleuronectes platessa European plaice Pleuronectidae demersal 100.0 SL 3.2 questionable
Pleurosicya micheli Michel's ghost goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.5 TL 3.0 native
Pleurosicya mossambica Toothy goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.0 TL 3.1 native
Pleurosicya plicata Plicata ghost goby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.5 SL 3.2 native
Pleurosicya prognatha Folded ghostgoby Gobiidae demersal 1.7 TL 3.0 native
Pleurosicya sinaia Gobiidae benthopelagic 2.1 TL 3.0 native
Plicomugil labiosus Hornlip mullet Mugilidae reef-associated 40.0 SL 2.4 native
Plotosus lineatus Striped eel catfish Plotosidae reef-associated 35.2 TL 3.6 native
Polydactylus plebeius Striped threadfin Polynemidae demersal 45.0 SL 3.6 error
Polydactylus sextarius Blackspot threadfin Polynemidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.8 error
Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus Blueskin seabream Sparidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.1 native
Pomacanthus asfur Arabian angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.7 native
Pomacanthus imperator Emperor angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 40.0 SL 2.9 native
Pomacanthus maculosus Yellowbar angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 50.0 SL 2.8 native
Pomacanthus semicirculatus Semicircle angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 40.0 SL 2.7 misidentification
Pomacentrus albicaudatus Whitefin damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.2 TL 2.6 native
Pomacentrus aquilus Dark damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 12.0 TL 2.7 native
Pomacentrus leptus Slender damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 7.0 TL 2.7 native
Pomacentrus pavo Sapphire damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 8.5 SL 3.0 error
Pomacentrus sulfureus Sulphur damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 11.0 TL 2.6 native
Pomacentrus trichrourus Paletail damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 11.0 TL 2.7 native
Pomacentrus trilineatus Threeline damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 2.6 native
Pomadasys argenteus Silver grunt Haemulidae demersal 70.0 TL 3.5 native
Pomadasys commersonnii Smallspotted grunter Haemulidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.5 native
Pomadasys furcatus Banded grunter Haemulidae reef-associated 50.0 FL 3.5 native
Pomadasys kaakan Javelin grunter Haemulidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.5 native
Pomadasys maculatus Saddle grunt Haemulidae reef-associated 59.3 TL 4.0 misidentification
Pomadasys multimaculatus Cock grunter Haemulidae demersal 76.0 TL 3.6 error
Pomadasys olivaceus Olive grunt Haemulidae reef-associated 55.0 TL 2.6 misidentification
Pomadasys punctulatus Lined grunt Haemulidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.4 native
Pomadasys striatus Striped grunter Haemulidae benthopelagic 22.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Pomadasys stridens Striped piggy Haemulidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 4.0 native
Pomatoschistus marmoratus Marbled goby Gobiidae demersal 8.0 TL 3.3 native
Priacanthus blochii Paeony bulleye Priacanthidae reef-associated 36.1 FL 3.7 native
Priacanthus hamrur Moontail bullseye Priacanthidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 3.6 native
Priacanthus sagittarius Arrow bulleye Priacanthidae demersal 35.0 SL 4.5 native
Priolepis cincta Banded reef goby Gobiidae reef-associated 7.0 FL 3.3 native
Priolepis goldshmidtae Gobiidae bathydemersal 31.8 SL 3.6 native
Priolepis melanops Black-faced reefgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.4 SL 3.1 native
Priolepis randalli Randall's goby Gobiidae reef-associated 5.1 TL 3.2 native
Priolepis semidoliata Half-barred goby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.4 SL 3.1 native
Pristiapogon exostigma Narrowstripe cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.7 native
Pristiapogon fraenatus Bridled cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 3.5 native
Pristiapogon kallopterus Iridescent cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 15.5 TL 3.6 native
Pristigenys niphonia Japanese bigeye Priacanthidae reef-associated 27.4 SL 3.9 native
Pristipomoides filamentosus Crimson jobfish Lutjanidae benthopelagic 100.0 TL 4.2 native
Pristipomoides multidens Goldbanded jobfish Lutjanidae demersal 90.0 TL 3.8 native
Pristipomoides sieboldii Lavender jobfish Lutjanidae benthopelagic 79.0 TL 3.7 native
Pristis pectinata Smalltooth sawfish Pristidae demersal 760.0 TL 4.5 misidentification
Pristis zijsron Longcomb sawfish Pristidae demersal 730.0 TL 4.0 native
Pristotis cyanostigma Bluedotted damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 11.0 TL 2.7 native
Pristotis obtusirostris Gulf damselfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.5 native
Psettodes erumei Indian halibut Psettodidae demersal 64.0 TL 4.4 native
Pseudamia gelatinosa Gelatinous cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 3.5 native
Pseudamiops springeri Apogonidae reef-associated 2.7 SL 3.2 native
Pseudanthias cichlops Anthiadidae reef-associated 9.5 SL 3.3 questionable
Pseudanthias fasciatus One-stripe anthias Anthiadidae reef-associated 21.0 TL 3.4 native
Pseudanthias gibbosus Anthiadidae reef-associated 3.4 native
Pseudanthias heemstrai Orangehead anthias Anthiadidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Pseudanthias lunulatus Lunate goldie Anthiadidae reef-associated 8.0 SL 3.3 native
Pseudanthias squamipinnis Sea goldie Anthiadidae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.4 native
Pseudanthias taeniatus Anthiadidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus Yellowmargin triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 2.8 native
Pseudobalistes fuscus Yellow-spotted triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 55.0 TL 3.0 native
Pseudocheilinus evanidus Striated wrasse Labridae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.5 native
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia Sixline wrasse Labridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.4 native
Pseudochromis dixurus Forktail dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.5 native
Pseudochromis flavivertex Sunrise dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 7.2 TL 3.5 native
Pseudochromis fridmani Orchid dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 6.3 TL 3.5 native
Pseudochromis nigrovittatus Blackstripe dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.5 native
Pseudochromis olivaceus Olive dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.5 native
Pseudochromis pesi Pale dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.5 native
Pseudochromis springeri Blue-striped dottyback Pseudochromidae reef-associated 5.5 TL 3.5 native
Pseudodax moluccanus Chiseltooth wrasse Labridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 2.8 native
Pseudogramma megamyctera Bignostril podge Grammistidae reef-associated 5.7 SL 3.5 native
Pseudogramma polyacantha Honeycomb podge Grammistidae reef-associated 8.6 SL 3.7 native
Pseudomonacanthus macrurus Strap-weed file-fish Monacanthidae reef-associated 25.5 SL 2.8 error
Pseudorhombus arsius Largetooth flounder Paralichthyidae demersal 45.0 TL 4.2 error
Pseudorhombus elevatus Deep flounder Paralichthyidae demersal 37.5 TL 3.5 native
Psilogobius randalli Gobiidae demersal 3.2 native
Ptarmus gallus Aploactinidae demersal 3.5 TL 3.2 native
Pteragogus clarkae Labridae reef-associated 6.5 SL 3.4 native
Pteragogus cryptus Cryptic wrasse Labridae reef-associated 9.5 TL 3.5 native
Pteragogus flagellifer Cocktail wrasse Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Pteragogus trispilus Labridae reef-associated 7.9 SL 3.4 native
Ptereleotris arabica Arabian dartfish Microdesmidae demersal 11.2 SL 3.4 native
Ptereleotris evides Blackfin dartfish Microdesmidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Ptereleotris heteroptera Blacktail goby Microdesmidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Ptereleotris microlepis Blue gudgeon Microdesmidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Ptereleotris zebra Chinese zebra goby Microdesmidae reef-associated 12.0 SL 3.4 native
Pterocaesio chrysozona Goldband fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 21.0 TL 3.4 native
Pterocaesio pisang Banana fusilier Caesionidae reef-associated 21.0 TL 3.4 error
Pteroidichthys amboinensis Ambon scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 12.0 TL 3.6 error
Pterois cincta Red sea lionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 15.9 SL 3.8 native
Pterois miles Devil firefish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 43.0 TL 4.5 native
Pterois radiata Radial firefish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 24.0 TL 3.6 misidentification
Pterois russelii Plaintail turkeyfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 30.0 SL 4.0 native
Pterois volitans Red lionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 45.7 TL 4.3 native
Pterygotrigla hemisticta Blackspotted gurnard Triglidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.7 native
Pterygotrigla spirai Triglidae bathydemersal 15.3 SL 3.5 native
Pycnochromis dimidiatus Chocolatedip chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 9.0 TL 2.7 native
Pycnochromis nigrurus Blacktail chromis Pomacentridae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Pygoplites diacanthus Regal angelfish Pomacanthidae reef-associated 25.0 SL 2.7 native
Rachycentron canadum Cobia Rachycentridae reef-associated 200.0 TL 4.2 introduced
Ranzania laevis Slender sunfish Molidae pelagic-oceanic 100.0 TL 3.7 native
Rastrelliger kanagurta Indian mackerel Scombridae pelagic-neritic 42.1 TL 3.3 native
Remora albescens White suckerfish Echeneidae pelagic-oceanic 30.0 SL 3.4 native
Remora brachyptera Spearfish remora Echeneidae pelagic-oceanic 50.0 TL 3.5 native
Remora remora Shark sucker Echeneidae reef-associated 86.4 TL 3.5 native
Rhabdamia nigrimentum Apogonidae reef-associated 5.5 SL 3.3 native
Rhabdamia spilota Apogonidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.4 native
Rhabdosargus haffara Haffara seabream Sparidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.5 native
Rhabdosargus sarba Goldlined seabream Sparidae reef-associated 80.0 TL 3.3 native
Rhina ancylostomus Bowmouth guitarfish Rhinidae reef-associated 300.0 TL 3.5 native
Rhincodon typus Whale shark Rhincodontidae pelagic-oceanic 2,000.0 TL 3.5 native
Rhinecanthus assasi Picasso triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.5 native
Rhinecanthus rectangulus Wedge-tail triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.5 error
Rhinecanthus verrucosus Blackbelly triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 23.0 TL 3.5 error
Rhinobatos punctifer Spotted guitarfish Rhinobatidae benthopelagic 88.9 TL 3.7 native
Rhinobatos schlegelii Brown guitarfish Rhinobatidae demersal 100.0 TL 3.5 error
Rhinolepadichthys lineatus Doubleline clingfish Gobiesocidae reef-associated 4.5 TL 3.4 native
Rhinoptera jayakari Oman cownose ray Rhinopteridae benthopelagic 90.0 WD 3.5 native
Rhizoprionodon acutus Milk shark Carcharhinidae benthopelagic 175.0 TL 4.3 native
Rhynchobatus djiddensis Giant guitarfish Rhinidae reef-associated 310.0 TL 3.6 native
Rhynchoconger trewavasae Congridae bathydemersal 57.0 TL 3.9 native
Roa jayakari Indian golden-barred butterflyfish Chaetodontidae reef-associated 16.0 TL 3.9 native
Rogadius asper Olive-tailed flathead Platycephalidae demersal 17.0 TL 3.6 native
Rogadius pristiger Thorny flathead Platycephalidae demersal 50.0 TL 3.9 native
Salarias fasciatus Jewelled blenny Blenniidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 2.0 native
Samaris cristatus Cockatoo righteye flounder Samaridae demersal 22.3 TL 3.5 native
Samariscus inornatus Samaridae demersal 11.5 SL 3.6 native
Sarda orientalis Striped bonito Scombridae pelagic-neritic 102.0 FL 4.2 native
Sardinella albella White sardinella Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 15.0 TL 2.6 native
Sardinella gibbosa Goldstripe sardinella Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 29.6 TL 2.8 misidentification
Sardinella longiceps Indian oil sardine Dorosomatidae pelagic-neritic 23.0 SL 2.4 native
Sargocentron caudimaculatum Silverspot squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.9 native
Sargocentron diadema Crown squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.4 native
Sargocentron inaequalis Lattice squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 11.3 SL 3.5 native
Sargocentron ittodai Samurai squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Sargocentron macrosquamis Bigscale squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 9.0 TL 3.3 native
Sargocentron marisrubri Holocentridae demersal 18.3 SL 3.6 native
Sargocentron melanospilos Blackblotch squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 25.0 TL 4.0 error
Sargocentron punctatissimum Speckled squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 23.0 TL 3.4 native
Sargocentron rubrum Redcoat Holocentridae reef-associated 32.0 TL 3.6 native
Sargocentron spiniferum Sabre squirrelfish Holocentridae reef-associated 51.0 FL 3.6 native
Saurenchelys lateromaculata Nettastomatidae demersal 3.4 questionable
Saurenchelys meteori Nettastomatidae demersal 44.2 TL 3.4 native
Saurida golanii Golani’s lizardfish Synodontidae demersal 27.6 SL 4.2 native
Saurida gracilis Gracile lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 32.0 SL 4.2 native
Saurida lessepsianus Synodontidae benthopelagic 28.2 SL 4.0 native
Saurida longimanus Longfin lizardfish Synodontidae demersal 25.0 TL 4.1 native
Saurida macrolepis Synodontidae demersal 25.8 SL 4.2 questionable
Saurida tumbil Greater lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 60.0 FL 4.4 native
Saurida undosquamis Brushtooth lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 50.0 SL 4.5 questionable
Scarus caudofasciatus Redbarred parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 50.0 TL 2.0 error
Scarus collana Red Sea parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 33.0 TL 2.1 native
Scarus ferrugineus Rusty parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 41.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus frenatus Bridled parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 47.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus fuscopurpureus Purple-brown parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 38.0 TL 2.1 native
Scarus ghobban Blue-barred parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 75.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus niger Dusky parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 44.4 TL 2.0 native
Scarus psittacus Common parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 43.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus rubroviolaceus Ember parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 70.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus russelii Eclipse parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 51.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus scaber Fivesaddle parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 37.0 TL 2.0 native
Scarus viridifucatus Roundhead parrotfish Scaridae reef-associated 45.0 TL 2.0 native
Schindleria edentata Schindleriidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 native
Schindleria elongata Elongate paedomorphic goby Schindleriidae reef-associated 1.1 SL 2.9 native
Schindleria nigropunctata Blackpotted paedomorphic goby Schindleriidae reef-associated 1.6 SL 3.0 native
Schindleria parva Pygmy schindleriid Schindleriidae reef-associated 1.1 SL 2.9 native
Scolecenchelys gymnota Indo-Pacific slender worm-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 38.0 TL 4.1 misidentification
Scolecenchelys iredalei Coral worm eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.8 native
Scolecenchelys laticaudata Redfin worm-eel Ophichthidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 4.1 native
Scolopsis bimaculata Thumbprint monocle bream Nemipteridae reef-associated 31.0 TL 3.8 native
Scolopsis curite Nemipteridae reef-associated 3.7 native
Scolopsis ghanam Arabian monocle bream Nemipteridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 4.0 native
Scolopsis taeniata Black-streaked monocle bream Nemipteridae reef-associated 36.0 TL 4.6 native
Scomber australasicus Blue mackerel Scombridae pelagic-neritic 44.0 FL 4.2 native
Scomber japonicus Chub mackerel Scombridae pelagic-neritic 64.0 TL 3.4 misidentification
Scomberoides commersonnianus Talang queenfish Carangidae reef-associated 120.0 TL 4.4 native
Scomberoides lysan Doublespotted queenfish Carangidae reef-associated 110.0 TL 4.0 native
Scomberoides tol Needlescaled queenfish Carangidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.1 misidentification
Scomberomorus commerson Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel Scombridae pelagic-neritic 240.0 FL 4.5 native
Scorpaena decemradiata Scorpaenidae demersal 12.3 SL 3.5 native
Scorpaena maderensis Madeira rockfish Scorpaenidae demersal 17.8 TL 4.1 misidentification
Scorpaena porcus Black scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 40.5 TL 3.9 misidentification
Scorpaena scrofa Red scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 50.0 TL 4.3 misidentification
Scorpaenodes albaiensis Longfingered scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.6 native
Scorpaenodes corallinus Scorpaenidae reef-associated 10.5 TL 3.5 misidentification
Scorpaenodes guamensis Guam scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Scorpaenodes hirsutus Hairy scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 5.6 SL 3.4 native
Scorpaenodes parvipinnis Lowfin scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.6 native
Scorpaenodes scaber Pygmy scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.6 questionable
Scorpaenodes steinitzi Scorpaenidae demersal 5.5 SL 3.4 native
Scorpaenodes varipinnis Blotchfin scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.6 misidentification
Scorpaenopsis barbata Bearded scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 22.0 SL 4.2 native
Scorpaenopsis diabolus False stonefish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.8 native
Scorpaenopsis gibbosa Humpbacked scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 21.0 SL 4.2 error
Scorpaenopsis oxycephalus Tassled scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 36.0 TL 3.9 native
Scorpaenopsis possi Poss's scorpionfish Scorpaenidae demersal 19.4 SL 4.1 native
Scorpaenopsis venosa Raggy scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 4.2 native
Scorpaenopsis vittapinna Bandfin scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 8.5 TL 3.7 native
Scyris indica Indian threadfish Carangidae reef-associated 165.0 TL 4.2 native
Sebastapistes cyanostigma Yellowspotted scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.8 native
Sebastapistes strongia Barchin scorpionfish Scorpaenidae reef-associated 9.5 TL 3.8 native
Selar crumenophthalmus Bigeye scad Carangidae reef-associated 70.0 TL 3.8 native
Seriola dumerili Greater amberjack Carangidae reef-associated 190.0 TL 4.7 native
Seriola lalandi Yellowtail amberjack Carangidae benthopelagic 250.0 TL 4.2 native
Seriolina nigrofasciata Blackbanded trevally Carangidae reef-associated 77.5 TL 4.2 native
Serranus cabrilla Comber Serranidae demersal 40.0 SL 3.3 native
Setarches guentheri Channeled rockfish Setarchidae benthopelagic 31.4 TL 3.5 native
Siganus argenteus Streamlined spinefoot Siganidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.0 native
Siganus javus Streaked spinefoot Siganidae reef-associated 53.0 TL 2.4 error
Siganus luridus Dusky spinefoot Siganidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 2.0 native
Siganus rivulatus Marbled spinefoot Siganidae reef-associated 30.2 TL 2.0 native
Siganus stellatus Brown-spotted spinefoot Siganidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.7 native
Silhouettea aegyptia Red Sea goby Gobiidae demersal 5.0 TL 3.5 native
Silhouettea insinuans Phantom goby Gobiidae demersal 4.5 TL 3.2 native
Sillago sihama Silver sillago Sillaginidae reef-associated 31.0 SL 3.3 native
Sillago suezensis Sillaginidae reef-associated 18.5 SL 3.3 native
Siokunichthys bentuviai Barred xenia-pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 6.1 SL 3.2 native
Siokunichthys herrei Herre’s pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 7.6 SL 3.2 native
Siphamia goreni Apogonidae benthopelagic 1.6 SL 3.0 native
Siphamia tubifer Tubifer cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 7.0 TL 3.5 native
Sirembo jerdoni Brown-banded cusk-eel Ophidiidae demersal 12.5 SL 3.4 native
Skythrenchelys macrostomus Ophichthidae demersal 22.5 TL 3.9 native
Solea elongata Elongate sole Soleidae demersal 30.0 TL 3.5 error
Soleichthys dori Soleidae benthopelagic 10.6 SL 3.3 native
Soleichthys heterorhinos Black-tip sole Soleidae reef-associated 18.0 SL 3.5 questionable
Solenostomus cyanopterus Ghost pipefish Solenostomidae reef-associated 17.0 TL 3.8 native
Solenostomus paradoxus Harlequin ghost pipefish Solenostomidae reef-associated 12.0 TL 3.6 native
Sorsogona prionota Halfspined flathead Platycephalidae demersal 22.0 TL 3.7 native
Sparus aurata Gilthead seabream Sparidae demersal 70.0 TL 3.7 native
Sphaeramia orbicularis Orbiculate cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.6 native
Sphyraena barracuda Great barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 200.0 TL 4.5 native
Sphyraena chrysotaenia Yellowstripe barracuda Sphyraenidae pelagic-neritic 32.2 TL 4.0 native
Sphyraena flavicauda Yellowtail barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 4.2 native
Sphyraena forsteri Bigeye barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 92.3 FL 4.4 native
Sphyraena jello Pickhandle barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 4.5 native
Sphyraena obtusata Obtuse barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 55.0 TL 4.5 native
Sphyraena pinguis Red barracuda Sphyraenidae pelagic-neritic 50.0 TL 4.5 native
Sphyraena putnamae Sawtooth barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 90.0 TL 4.3 native
Sphyraena qenie Blackfin barracuda Sphyraenidae reef-associated 170.0 TL 4.5 native
Sphyrna lewini Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrnidae pelagic-oceanic 430.0 TL 4.1 native
Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead Sphyrnidae pelagic-oceanic 610.0 TL 4.3 native
Spratelloides delicatulus Delicate round herring Spratelloididae reef-associated 7.0 SL 3.1 native
Spratelloides gracilis Silver-stripe round herring Spratelloididae pelagic-neritic 10.5 SL 3.1 native
Squatina squatina Angelshark Squatinidae demersal 244.0 TL 4.1 error
Stalix davidsheni Opistognathidae demersal 3.3 native
Stalix histrio Harlequin jawfish Opistognathidae benthopelagic 3.0 SL 3.2 misidentification
Stegastes lacrymatus Whitespotted devil Pomacentridae reef-associated 10.0 TL 2.2 native
Stegastes nigricans Dusky farmerfish Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 2.1 native
Stegastes punctatus Blunt snout gregory Pomacentridae reef-associated 13.0 SL 2.0 native
Stegostoma tigrinum Zebra shark Stegostomatidae reef-associated 354.0 TL 3.1 native
Stephanolepis diaspros Reticulated leatherjacket Monacanthidae demersal 25.0 TL 4.6 native
Stethojulis albovittata Bluelined wrasse Labridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.6 native
Stethojulis interrupta Cutribbon wrasse Labridae reef-associated 15.6 TL 3.4 native
Stethojulis strigiventer Three-ribbon wrasse Labridae reef-associated 15.0 TL 3.1 native
Stethojulis trilineata Three-lined rainbowfish Labridae reef-associated 16.5 TL 3.2 native
Stolephorus indicus Indian anchovy Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 15.5 SL 3.4 native
Stomias affinis Günther's boafish Stomiidae bathypelagic 21.9 SL 4.3 native
Stromateus fiatola Blue butterfish Stromateidae benthopelagic 50.0 SL 4.0 error
Strophidon sathete Slender giant moray Muraenidae reef-associated 400.0 TL 3.4 native
Suculentophichthus nasus Red Sea flappy snake eel Ophichthidae benthopelagic 37.5 TL 3.7 native
Sueviota pyrios Fiery dwarfgoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.7 SL 3.0 native
Suezichthys caudavittatus Spottail wrasse Labridae demersal 12.0 TL 3.5 native
Suezichthys gracilis Slender wrasse Labridae reef-associated 16.0 TL 3.3 questionable
Suezichthys russelli Russell's wrasse Labridae demersal 7.5 TL 3.3 native
Sufflamen albicaudatum Bluethroat triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 22.0 TL 3.6 native
Sufflamen fraenatum Masked triggerfish Balistidae reef-associated 38.0 TL 3.7 native
Symphysanodon disii Symphysanodontidae pelagic-oceanic 16.5 SL 3.5 native
Synanceia nana Red Sea stonefish Synanceiidae demersal 13.5 TL 3.8 native
Synanceia verrucosa Stonefish Synanceiidae reef-associated 40.0 SL 4.3 native
Synaptura commersonnii Commerson's sole Soleidae demersal 36.0 TL 3.5 error
Synchiropus sechellensis Seychelles dragonet Callionymidae demersal 3.8 SL 3.2 native
Syngnathoides biaculeatus Alligator pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 29.0 TL 3.6 native
Syngnathus macrophthalmus Syngnathidae demersal 12.2 TL 3.2 native
Syngnathus phlegon Syngnathidae pelagic-neritic 20.0 TL 3.5 error
Syngnathus safina Syngnathidae demersal 3.3 native
Synodus dermatogenys Sand lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 24.0 TL 4.2 native
Synodus doaki Arrowtooth lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 28.0 TL 4.1 misidentification
Synodus hoshinonis Blackear lizardfish Synodontidae demersal 26.0 TL 4.2 native
Synodus indicus Indian lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 33.0 TL 4.2 native
Synodus macrops Triplecross lizardfish Synodontidae demersal 20.0 TL 4.0 error
Synodus randalli Synodontidae benthopelagic 11.3 SL 3.8 native
Synodus variegatus Variegated lizardfish Synodontidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 4.2 native
Taeniamia bilineata Apogonidae reef-associated 3.8 SL 3.3 native
Taeniamia fucata Orangelined cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.5 native
Taeniamia lineolata Shimmering cardinal Apogonidae reef-associated 10.3 TL 3.5 native
Taeniura lymma Ribbontail stingray Dasyatidae reef-associated 35.0 WD 3.8 native
Taeniurops grabatus Round stingray Dasyatidae demersal 250.0 TL 4.0 error
Taeniurops meyeni Round ribbontail ray Dasyatidae reef-associated 330.0 TL 4.2 native
Taractichthys steindachneri Sickle pomfret Bramidae benthopelagic 60.0 TL 4.1 native
Teixeirichthys jordani Jordan's damsel Pomacentridae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.4 native
Tentoriceps cristatus Crested hairtail Trichiuridae benthopelagic 90.0 TL 4.2 native
Terapon jarbua Jarbua terapon Terapontidae demersal 36.0 TL 3.9 native
Terapon puta Small-scaled terapon Terapontidae benthopelagic 30.0 TL 3.4 native
Terapon theraps Largescaled terapon Terapontidae reef-associated 30.0 SL 3.7 native
Tetrosomus gibbosus Humpback turretfish Ostraciidae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.1 native
Thalassoma hebraicum Goldbar wrasse Labridae reef-associated 23.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Thalassoma lunare Moon wrasse Labridae reef-associated 45.0 TL 4.2 native
Thalassoma purpureum Surge wrasse Labridae reef-associated 46.0 TL 3.7 native
Thalassoma rueppellii Klunzinger's wrasse Labridae reef-associated 20.0 TL 3.5 native
Thalassoma trilobatum Christmas wrasse Labridae reef-associated 30.0 TL 3.8 native
Thamnaconus modestoides Modest filefish Monacanthidae reef-associated 32.0 TL 3.5 native
Thrissina baelama Baelama anchovy Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 16.0 SL 2.9 native
Thryssa setirostris Longjaw thryssa Engraulidae pelagic-neritic 18.0 SL 3.3 error
Thunnus alalunga Albacore Scombridae pelagic-oceanic 140.0 FL 4.3 native
Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna Scombridae pelagic-oceanic 239.0 FL 4.4 native
Thunnus tonggol Longtail tuna Scombridae pelagic-neritic 145.0 FL 4.5 native
Thyrsitoides marleyi Black snoek Gempylidae benthopelagic 200.0 TL 4.2 native
Thysanophrys chiltonae Longsnout flathead Platycephalidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.8 questionable
Thysanophrys springeri Red Sea flathead Platycephalidae reef-associated 8.9 SL 3.5 native
Tomiyamichthys dorsostigma Gobiidae demersal 5.8 SL 3.3 endemic
Tomiyamichthys fourmanoiri Gobiidae demersal 5.9 SL 3.3 native
Tomiyamichthys latruncularius Fan shrimp-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 10.0 TL 3.3 native
Torpedo panthera Panther electric ray Torpedinidae demersal 100.0 TL 4.6 native
Torpedo sinuspersici Variable torpedo ray Torpedinidae reef-associated 130.0 TL 4.5 native
Torpedo suessii Red sea torpedo Torpedinidae demersal 29.1 TL 4.1 native
Torpedo torpedo Common torpedo Torpedinidae demersal 60.0 TL 4.3 native
Torquigener flavimaculosus Yellowspotted puffer Tetraodontidae reef-associated 16.0 TL 3.3 native
Trachinotus baillonii Small spotted dart Carangidae reef-associated 60.0 TL 3.5 native
Trachinotus blochii Snubnose pompano Carangidae reef-associated 110.0 FL 3.8 native
Trachurus indicus Arabian scad Carangidae reef-associated 35.0 TL 3.8 native
Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus Double-ended pipefish Syngnathidae reef-associated 40.0 TL 3.8 native
Trachyrhamphus longirostris Straightstick pipefish Syngnathidae demersal 40.0 TL 3.8 native
Triacanthus biaculeatus Short-nosed tripodfish Triacanthidae demersal 30.0 TL 2.8 native
Triaenodon obesus Whitetip reef shark Carcharhinidae reef-associated 213.0 TL 4.2 native
Trichiurus auriga Pearly hairtail Trichiuridae benthopelagic 42.4 TL 4.2 native
Trichiurus lepturus Largehead hairtail Trichiuridae benthopelagic 234.0 TL 4.4 native
Trichonotus nikii Trichonotidae demersal 11.4 SL 3.4 native
Trimma avidori Avidor's pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.5 TL 3.0 native
Trimma barralli Barrall's pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.8 SL 3.0 native
Trimma filamentosum Long-spine pygmygoby Gobiidae demersal 2.8 SL 3.0 native
Trimma fishelsoni Fishelson's pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.7 SL 3.0 native
Trimma flammeum Flame pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.2 SL 3.0 native
Trimma flavicaudatum Yellow-tailed pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 2.4 SL 3.0 native
Trimma mendelssohni Mendelssohn's pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 4.0 TL 3.0 native
Trimma nubarum Rift pygmygoby Gobiidae demersal 2.0 SL 3.0 endemic
Trimma quadrimaculatum Four-spotted pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.7 SL 3.0 native
Trimma sheppardi Sheppard's pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 1.9 SL 3.0 native
Trimma taylori Yellow pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 3.5 SL 3.0 misidentification
Trimma tevegae Tevegae pygmygoby Gobiidae reef-associated 4.5 TL 3.0 native
Trimmatom nanus Dwarf atom goby Gobiidae demersal 1.0 SL 2.9 native
Tripterodon orbis African spadefish Ephippidae reef-associated 75.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Trypauchen vagina Gobiidae demersal 22.0 TL 3.5 native
Turrum coeruleopinnatum Coastal trevally Carangidae reef-associated 41.0 TL 4.4 native
Turrum fulvoguttatum Yellowspotted trevally Carangidae reef-associated 120.0 FL 4.4 native
Turrum gymnostethus Bludger Carangidae reef-associated 90.0 TL 4.1 error
Tylerius spinosissimus Spiny blaasop Tetraodontidae bathydemersal 12.0 TL 3.3 native
Tylosurus acus Agujon needlefish Belonidae reef-associated 153.0 TL 4.5 native
Tylosurus choram Red Sea houndfish Belonidae pelagic-oceanic 120.0 TL 4.4 native
Tylosurus crocodilus Hound needlefish Belonidae reef-associated 150.0 TL 4.4 native
Tylosurus melanotus Keel-jawed needle fish Belonidae reef-associated 100.0 TL 4.3 native
Umbrina cirrosa Shi drum Sciaenidae demersal 104.0 TL 3.4 error
Upeneus davidaromi Darom's goatfish Mullidae bathydemersal 24.0 SL 3.5 native
Upeneus gubal Gubal goatfish Mullidae demersal 8.7 SL 3.4 native
Upeneus guttatus Two-tone goatfish Mullidae demersal 16.0 SL 3.5 native
Upeneus heemstra Heemstra goatfish Mullidae demersal 15.0 SL 3.5 native
Upeneus margarethae Margaretha's goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 11.0 SL 3.4 native
Upeneus moluccensis Goldband goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 22.5 TL 3.6 native
Upeneus niebuhri Niebuhr’s goatfish Mullidae demersal 11.0 SL 3.4 native
Upeneus pori Por's goatfish Mullidae demersal 19.0 TL 3.5 native
Upeneus suahelicus Swahili goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 13.5 SL 3.5 native
Upeneus subvittatus Deep-water goatfish Mullidae demersal 24.1 SL 4.2 misidentification
Upeneus sulphureus Sulphur goatfish Mullidae demersal 23.0 TL 3.1 native
Upeneus vittatus Yellowstriped goatfish Mullidae reef-associated 28.0 TL 3.6 native
Uranoscopus bauchotae Uranoscopidae demersal 4.1 native
Uranoscopus dahlakensis Uranoscopidae demersal 4.1 native
Uranoscopus dollfusi Dollfus' stargazer Uranoscopidae demersal 23.7 TL 4.0 native
Uranoscopus fuscomaculatus Uranoscopidae demersal 30.0 TL 4.1 native
Uranoscopus guttatus Dollfus' stargrazer Uranoscopidae demersal 29.8 TL 4.1 native
Uranoscopus marisrubri Uranoscopidae bathydemersal 15.3 SL 3.9 native
Uranoscopus oligolepis Uranoscopidae demersal 11.3 SL 4.0 misidentification
Uranoscopus rosette Uranoscopidae demersal 21.6 SL 4.1 native
Uranoscopus sulphureus Whitemargin stargazer Uranoscopidae reef-associated 45.0 TL 4.1 native
Uraspis helvola Whitetongue jack Carangidae reef-associated 58.0 TL 3.8 native
Uraspis uraspis Whitemouth jack Carangidae reef-associated 28.0 FL 4.1 native
Uroconger erythraeus Congridae bathydemersal 3.8 native
Uroconger lepturus Slender conger Congridae demersal 52.0 TL 3.5 native
Urogymnus asperrimus Porcupine whipray Dasyatidae reef-associated 147.0 WD 3.5 native
Urogymnus granulatus Mangrove whipray Dasyatidae reef-associated 141.0 WD 4.1 native
Uropterygius concolor Unicolor snake moray Muraenidae reef-associated 50.0 TL 3.5 native
Uropterygius genie Muraenidae demersal 17.8 TL 3.3 native
Uropterygius golanii Muraenidae demersal 45.3 TL 3.5 native
Uropterygius macrocephalus Needle-tooth moray Muraenidae reef-associated 47.0 TL 3.5 native
Uropterygius micropterus Tidepool snake moray Muraenidae reef-associated 37.3 TL 3.5 native
Uropterygius nagoensis Nago snakemoray Muraenidae demersal 80.0 TL 3.6 native
Uropterygius polyspilus Large-spotted snake moray Muraenidae reef-associated 78.0 TL 3.6 native
Valenciennea helsdingenii Twostripe goby Gobiidae reef-associated 25.0 TL 3.4 native
Valenciennea puellaris Maiden goby Gobiidae reef-associated 20.0 SL 3.2 native
Valenciennea sexguttata Sixspot goby Gobiidae reef-associated 14.0 TL 3.2 native
Valenciennea wardii Ward's sleeper Gobiidae reef-associated 15.0 SL 3.2 native
Vanderhorstia ambanoro Ambanoro prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 13.0 TL 3.4 native
Vanderhorstia delagoae Candystick goby Gobiidae reef-associated 7.5 TL 3.3 native
Vanderhorstia mertensi Mertens' prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 11.0 TL 3.3 native
Vanderhorstia opercularis Gobiidae reef-associated 5.1 SL 3.2 native
Vanderhorstia ornatissima Ornate prawn-goby Gobiidae reef-associated 8.5 TL 3.0 native
Variola louti Yellow-edged lyretail Epinephelidae reef-associated 83.0 TL 4.3 native
Verulux cypselurus Swallowtail cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.5 native
Vespicula trachinoides Tetrarogidae demersal 5.8 SL 3.1 error
Vinciguerria mabahiss Phosichthyidae bathypelagic 3.1 native
Wetmorella nigropinnata Sharpnose wrasse Labridae reef-associated 8.0 TL 3.5 native
Xenisthmus balius Freckled wriggler Xenisthmidae demersal 3.1 SL 3.1 native
Xenisthmus oligoporus Few-pored wriggler Xenisthmidae reef-associated 2.5 SL 3.1 native
Xenisthmus polyzonatus Bullseye wriggler Xenisthmidae reef-associated 3.1 TL 3.1 native
Xestochilus nebulosus Nebulous snake eel Ophichthidae demersal 47.0 SL 3.8 native
Xiphasia matsubarai Japanese snake blenny Blenniidae benthopelagic 30.0 SL 4.2 native
Xiphasia setifer Hairtail blenny Blenniidae benthopelagic 53.0 SL 3.9 native
Xiphias gladius Swordfish Xiphiidae pelagic-oceanic 455.0 FL 4.5 native
Xyrichtys javanicus Labridae demersal 3.4 native
Yarica hyalosoma Humpbacked cardinalfish Apogonidae demersal 17.0 TL 3.6 misidentification
Yirrkala tenuis Thin sand-eel Ophichthidae demersal 53.0 TL 3.8 native
Zapogon isus Apogonidae reef-associated 5.6 SL 3.4 native
Zebrasoma desjardinii Indian sail-fin surgeonfish Acanthuridae reef-associated 40.0 TL 2.0 native
Zebrasoma xanthurum Yellowtail tang Acanthuridae reef-associated 36.7 TL 2.0 native
Zebrias quagga Fringefin zebra sole Soleidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.5 error
Zebrias regani South African zebra sole Soleidae demersal 16.0 TL 3.5 misidentification
Zoramia leptacanthus Threadfin cardinalfish Apogonidae reef-associated 6.0 TL 3.5 native
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