Family Badidae - Chameleonfishes | ||||
Order | : | Anabantiformes |
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Class | : | Teleostei | ||
No. in FishBase | : | Genera : 2 | Species : 35 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes | ||
Environment | : | Fresh : Yes | Brackish : No | Marine : No | ||
Division | : | Primary freshwater | ||
Aquarium | : | |||
First Fossil Record | : | |||
Remark | : | Distribution: lowlands of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Mahanadi basins, in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh; and, Irrawaddy in Myanmar and China (Dario species). Inhabits hillstreams with slow to moderate water flow, channels of rivers, ditches and stagnant water bodies (Ref. 129303). Morphology: ectopterygoid no teeth; maxillary process on dentigerous process of premaxilla absent; preopercle and infraorbitals with smooth margins; infraorbital ossicle next to lachrymal (infraorbital 2) lost; vertebrae 24-30. larva with unique multicellular adhesive organ at tip of yolk sac; eggs completely surrounded by a sheath of fibers without actually being attached to these, micropylar region without ridges or circular areas of carpetlike fibers. Suggested new common name for this family in a coming ref. following Ref. 58418. | ||
Etymology | : | |||
Reproductive guild | : | |||
Typical activity level | : | |||
Main Ref.![]() |
: | Kullander, S.O. and R. Britz 2002 | ||
Coordinator | : | |||
Deep Fin Classification
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: | Osteichthyes | Actinopterygii | Actinopteri | Neopterygii | Teleostei | Osteoglossocephalai | Clupeocephala | Euteleosteomorpha | Neoteleostei | Eurypterygia | Ctenosquamata | Acanthomorphata | Acanthopterygii | Percomorphaceae | Anabantaria | | | Anabantiformes | Nandoidei | | Badidae |
Important recommendation:
The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist.
Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.
But we appreciate to be cited in publications when this list has been of any working value. In particular, for published scientific, we suggest then to cite it in the Material and Method section as a useful tool to conduct the research, but again, not as a taxonomic or nomenclatural authority reference.
Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.
This list uses some data from Catalog of Fishes (not shown but used to sort names).
The list ordered as follows:
Please send comments and corrections if you detect errors or missing names.
Scientifc name | Status | Senior/Junior synonym | Combination |
Badis badis (Hamilton, 1822) | accepted | senior | new |
Labrus badis Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | senior | original |
Labrus fasciata Swainson, 1839 | synonym | junior | original |
Cychla fasciata (Swainson, 1839) | synonym | junior | new |
Badis buchanani Bleeker, 1853 | synonym | junior | original |
Badis ruber Schreitmüller, 1923 | accepted | senior | change in rank |
Badis badis rubra Schreitmüller, 1923 | synonym | senior | original |
Badis badis burmanicus Ahl, 1936 | synonym | junior | original |
Badis assamensis Ahl, 1937 | accepted | senior | change in rank |
Badis badis assamensis Ahl, 1937 | synonym | senior | original |
Badis siamensis Klausewitz, 1957 | accepted | senior | change in rank |
Badis badis siamensis Klausewitz, 1957 | synonym | senior | original |
Badis blosyrus Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis chittagongis Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis corycaeus Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis ferrarisi Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis kanabos Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis khwae Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis kyar Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis pyema Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis tuivaiei Vishwanath & Shanta, 2004 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis dibruensis Geetakumari & Vishwanath, 2010 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis juergenschmidti Schindler & Linke, 2010 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis singenensis Geetakumari & Kadu, 2011 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis triocellus Khynriam & Sen, 2013 | provisionally accepted | senior | original |
Badis andrewraoi Valdesalici & van der Voort, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis autumnum Valdesalici & van der Voort, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis britzi Dahanukar, Kumkar, Katwate & Raghavan, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis kyanos Valdesalici & van der Voort, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis laspiophilus Valdesalici & van der Voort, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis soraya Valdesalici & van der Voort, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis pancharatnaensis Basumatary, Choudhury, Baishya, Sarma & Vishwanath, 2016 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis pallidus Kullander, Nóren, Rahman & Mollah, 2019 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis rhabdotus Kullander, Nóren, Rahman & Mollah, 2019 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis kaladanensis Lalramliana, Lalronunga & Singh, 2021 | accepted | senior | original |
Badis limaakumi Praveenraj, 2023 | accepted | senior | original |
Dario dario (Hamilton, 1822) | accepted | senior | new |
Labrus dario Hamilton, 1822 | synonym | senior | original |
Badis dario (Hamilton, 1822) | synonym | senior | new |
Badis badis bengalensis Tomey, 1999 | synonym | junior | original |
Dario dayingensis Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Dario hysginon Kullander & Britz, 2002 | accepted | senior | original |
Dario urops Britz, Ali & Philip, 2012 | accepted | senior | original |
Dario kajal Britz & Kullander, 2013 | accepted | senior | original |
Dario huli Britz & Ali, 2015 | accepted | senior | original |
Dario neela Britz, Anoop & Dahanukar, 2018 | accepted | senior | original |