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1984 |
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1985 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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13440 |
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1986 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
685 |
3132 |
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1988 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
152 |
6771 |
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1991 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
492 |
7328 |
Cabanban, A.S., 1991. The dynamics of Leiognathidae in tropical demersal ichthyofaunal community. James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia. 262 p. Ph.D. dissertation. |
1991 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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1994 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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26282 |
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1998 |
Monacanthus filicauda |
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1999 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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31517 |
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1999 |
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1999 |
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1999 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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41414 |
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2002 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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58108 |
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2003 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
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75154 |
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2006 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
1893 |
87813 |
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2009 |
Paramonacanthus filicauda |
22 |
97685 |
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2015 |
Arotrolepis filicauda |
82 |
121799 |
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2020 |
Arotrolepis filicauda |
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