42476 |
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1898 |
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10 |
1879 |
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1901 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
89 |
1878 |
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1909 |
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93;fig.76 |
49843 |
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1914 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
227 |
41594 |
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1917 |
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46243 |
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1928 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
292 |
41590 |
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1937 |
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2266 |
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1948 |
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41585 |
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1959 |
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52959 |
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1965 |
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45441 |
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1968 |
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42510 |
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1976 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
250 |
3203 |
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1984 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
106-107 |
10311 |
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1995 |
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54 |
12818 |
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1997 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
--> |
31517 |
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1999 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
--> |
31982 |
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1999 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
--> |
40919 |
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2001 |
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--> |
41414 |
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2002 |
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--> |
58108 |
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2003 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
--> |
105471 |
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2015 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
--> |
106290 |
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2015 |
Myomyrus macrodon |
36 |