-এর জনসংখ্যা বৈশিষ্টের তালিকা Merluccius merluccius
n = 16
এটা পাঠান Wmax Lmax (cm) Length type Tmax (y) দেশ এলাকা
unsexed 102 TL Bay of Biscay, 1994
mixed 80 TL 8 Greece Central Aegean Sea, 1990-91
unsexed 140 TL Egypt Eastern Mediterranean
unsexed 56 TL 7 Greece Euboikos Gulf, 1986-88
unsexed 60 TL Spain Galicia and Cantábrico, 1993
female 75 TL 7 Spain Gulf of Alicante, Mediterranean, 1992-1998
mixed 58 TL 9 Greece Ionian Sea, 1983-85
mixed 56 TL 8 Greece Korinthiakos Gulf, 1983-85
female 10 Turkey Marmara Sea
male 10 Turkey Marmara Sea
mixed 73 TL 6 Greece North Aegean Sea, 1991-93
unsexed 20 North Sea
female 91 TL 13 northern Tyrrhenian Sea/1992-1993
mixed 64 TL 10 Greece Patriakos Gulf, 1983-85
unsexed 86 TL Portugal Portuguese coast (38°00´- 39°31´)
female 58 TL 8 Greece Thermaikos Gulf, 1976-773
অনুসন্ধান পৃষ্ঠায় ফিরে যাওয়া