Locality: |
Year: from - to |
Sex: | Gear: | Frequency type: |
Bering Sea, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Eastern Pacific, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Japanese EEZ, Japan | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Northwestern Pacific, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Sea of Japan, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Sea of Okhotsk, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
South Kuril Islands, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Southern Sea of Okhotsk, Russia | 1980 - 1991 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |