Locality: |
Year: from - to |
Sex: | Gear: | Frequency type: |
Bugungu Lagoon, Uganda | 1968 - 1968 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |
Bugungu lagoon, Lake Victoria, Uganda | 1965 - 1965 | unsexed/mixed | gillnets | absolute number measured |
Kirinya "A" Lagoon, Uganda | 1968 - 1968 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |
Kirinya "B" Lagoon, Uganda | 1968 - 1968 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |
Masesse, Uganda | 1968 - 1968 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |
Open lake, Uganda | 1968 - 1968 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |
Walumbe Lagoon, Uganda | 1968 - 1968 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |