Length-Weight Parameters for Microchirus ocellatus
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Length-weight (log a vs b) graph
a b Country Locality
Score a b Doubtful? Sex Length (cm) Length
r2 SD b SD log10 a n Country Locality
0.04600 2.461   unsexed 6.0 - 21.0 TL  0.950  0.040   400  Egypt GFCM GSA 26; off the coast of Egypt / 2008-2010, 2017-2018. 
0.01800 2.900   unsexed 9.3 - 16.6 TL  0.962      40  Egypt off Alexandria, 1998 
0.01460 3.007   unsexed 5.2 - 15.4 TL  0.974  0.200 0.2101 27  Spain Gulf of Cadiz / 2019-2022. 
0.00260 3.667 yes  unsexed 13.0 - 18.1 TL  0.599      20  Portugal Nazaré to St André, 1997 
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