Length-Weight Parameters for Megalaspis cordyla
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Length-weight (log a vs b) graph
a b Country Locality
Score a b Doubtful? Sex Length (cm) Length
r2 SD b SD log10 a n Country Locality
0.18702 1.947   unsexed     NG  0.707        China Daya Bay / 1985-1986 
0.30000 2.104 Yes  female 31.4 - 69.0 TL  0.924      38  Yemen Gulf of Aden and Red Sea, 1993-96 
0.15300 2.289   male 28.9 - 46.5 TL  0.943      25  Yemen Gulf of Aden and Red Sea, 1993-96 
0.05920 2.459   female 9.0 - 40.0 TL  0.912        India Mumbai coast 
0.04290 2.527   unsexed     TL          India northwest coast 
0.04740 2.580   unsexed     FL          South Africa  
0.03200 2.582   male 15.5 - 37.0 TL  0.850      200  India Southern coast of Karnataka / 1999-2001 
0.03090 2.644   male 9.0 - 40.0 TL  0.918        India Mumbai coast 
0.02660 2.718   unsexed     TL          India southwest coast 
0.02000 2.748   female 15.6 - 43.0 TL  0.980      200  India Southern coast of Karnataka / 1999-2001 
0.01790 2.818   unsexed     FL          Bangladesh Bay of Bengal, 1995-97 
0.02400 2.869   unsexed 26.1 - 31.8 TL  0.899      68  Indonesia Java Sea, north of Madura Island / 2016-2016 
0.01090 2.940   unsexed     TL          India east coast 
0.01580 2.990   unsexed 15.2 - 32.5 SL  0.988      37  Philippines Honda Bay, Palawan, 1977-78 
0.00700 3.084   unsexed       0.958        Philippines San Miguel Bay 
0.00910 3.110   unsexed 21.0 - 28.5 FL  0.984  0.210 0.2869 23  China Beibu Gulf / 2006-2007 
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