Datos morfológicos de Pareiorhaphis mucurina
Claves de identificación
Referencia principal Pereira, E.H.L., T.C. Pessali and R.E. Reis, 2018
El aspecto se refiere a
Bones in OsteoBase

Atributos sexuales

órganos especializados
diverso aspecto
diversos colores
Observaciones Males have fleshy lobes that extend along the lateral margin of the head, with needle-like emerging hypertrophied odontodes (vs. both absent in females); adult males have short hypertrophied odontodes on the opercle and lateral process of the cleithrum, pectoral-fin spine very broad, bearing straight, short hypertrophied odontodes on entire outer surface, and a skin fold on the dorsal surface of the unbranched pelvic-fin ray that extends to the ray tip (are absent in females); male with small and pointed urogenital papillae behind the anal opening (vs. none in female) (Ref. 119415).

Características descriptivas del juvenil y del adulto

Características llamativas
Forma lateral del cuerpo
Sección transversal angular
Perfil dorsal de la cabeza
Tipo de ojos
Tipo de boca/hocico
Posición de la boca
Type of scales

This species is distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: lower lip with a distinct narrow area completely lacking of papillae along and just posterior to each emergent tooth series of the dentary (vs. area posterior to tooth series of the dentary covered by papillae) and by having a short maxillary barbel, mostly adnate to lower lip by distinctly enlarged skin flap forming a continuous connection from the base to almost the end of the maxillary barbel (vs. small flap of skin connecting the maxillary barbel); further distinguished by the papillae in upper lip coalesced to form 3 or 4 transverse series of elongate skin folds anterior to the premaxillary tooth series (vs. papillae rounded, not fused to form skin folds); differs from all its congeners, except P. garapia, P. garbei, P. nasuta, P. proskynita, P. splendens, P. vestigipinnis, P. vetula by having a smaller eye diameter 8.5-11.3% (vs. 11.7-18.8% HL) and it differs from these seven species by having the soft fleshy lobe on the lateral margin of head progressively wider posteriorly in adult males (vs. soft fleshy lobe not widening posteriorly along the lateral margin of the head); differs from P. garapia, P. vestigipinnis, P. vetula by having a well-developed dorsal-fin spinelet (vs. dorsal-fin spinelet absent); differs from P. garbei by having bifid teeth, with a small lateral cusp in both the dentary and the premaxilla (vs. teeth simple, without lateral cusp in both dentary and premaxilla); differs from P. proskynita, P. vestigipinnis in having an adipose fin (vs. adipose fin absent); differs from P. splendens by the long first unbranched pelvic-fin ray, approximately equal in size or longer than the pectoral-fin spine (vs. first unbranched pelvic-fin ray short, always shorter than the pectoral-fin spine); differs from P. nasuta by having the lateral tooth cusp longer, almost reaching or reaching to middle of medial cusp (vs. lateral cusp minute, never reaching to middle of medial cusp) (Ref. 119415).

Facilidad de identificación

Características merísticas de Pareiorhaphis mucurina

Líneas laterales interrumpido: No
Escalas en la línea lateral
Escalas de la línea lateral con poros
Escalas en las series laterales
Filas de escalas sobre la línea lateral
Filas de escalas debajo de la línea lateral
Escalas alrededor del peduncule caudal
Hendiduras branquiales (solamente tiburones/rayas)
en el miembro inferior
en el miembro superior


Aleta(s) dorsal(es)

Número de las aletas
número de pínnulas Dorsal   
total de espinas
Total de rayos suaves
Aleta adiposa

Aleta caudal


Aleta(s) anal(es)

Número de las aletas
total de espinas
Total de rayos suaves

Aletas apareadas

Pectoral Cualidades  
Pélvicas Cualidades  
Referencia principal (por ej. 9948)
Glosario ( por ej. cephalopods )
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  Última modificación por sortiz, 06.27.17