Pictures available for Caranx fischeri
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(Click on picture to enlarge and see data)

tn_Cafis_u1.jpgCafis_u1.jpgPhoto by Wirtz, P.
by Wirtz, P. (Cafis_u1.jpg)
tn_Cafis_u3.jpgCafis_u3.jpgPhoto by Camrrubi, J.-F.
Guinea, by Camrrubi, J.-F. (Cafis_u3.jpg)
tn_Cafis_u0.jpgCafis_u0.jpgPhoto by Wirtz, P.
Sao Tome and Principe, by Wirtz, P. (Cafis_u0.jpg)
tn_Cafis_u2.jpgCafis_u2.jpgPhoto by Camrrubi, J.-F.
Guinea, by Camrrubi, J.-F. (Cafis_u2.jpg)
tn_Cafis_u0.gifCafis_u0.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Cafis_u0.gif)
tn_Cafis_u1.gifCafis_u1.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Cafis_u1.gif)

Photos uploaded by FishBase users
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For comments, corrections please contact Aque Atanacio
(Fish identification given by uploader of photo)
Photo by Iain Nicolson
Angola, Barra do Cuanza, Luanda,Angola, by Iain Nicolson

Photo by daniel gaillard
France, conakry iles de loos avril 2017 1m35 28kg, by daniel gaillard
Photo by daniel gaillard
Guinea, iles de loos avril 2017 28kg 1m35, by daniel gaillard
Photo by gaillard daniel
Guinea, iles de loos,avril 2017, 28kg , 1m35, by gaillard daniel

Photo by Daniel Gaillard
Guinea, roume îles de Loos, by Daniel Gaillard

Photo by Jeannot - Guinea Fishing Camp - Roume Island
Guinea, Loos Islands - November 2017, by Jeannot - Guinea Fishing Camp - Roume Island

Photo by Jeannot - Guinea Fishing Camp - Roume Island
Guinea, Loos Islands - 2016 - Roume Island, by Jeannot - Guinea Fishing Camp - Roume Island

Photo by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Guinea, Guinea Fishing Camp Villa Elijah Roume island Loos Archipelagos 2018 Clement Branciforti spear it, by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Photo by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Guinea, Guinea Fishing Camp Villa Elijah Roume island Loos Archipelagos 2019 by Anthony in jigging action, by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Photo by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Guinea, Guinea Fishing Camp Villa Elijah Roume island Loos Archipelagos 2019 catched by jeannot, by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Photo by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Guinea, Guinea Fishing Camp Villa Elijah Roume island Loos Archipelagos Mai 2019 by Geoffrey in jigging action., by Jeannot de Roume - Fish Camp Captain
Photo by Jeff Camrrubi
Guinea, 18 kg, by Jeff Camrrubi
Photo by Theo Modder
Guinea-Bissau, Bijagos archipel, 27 feb 2012, 55 cm, by Theo Modder

Photo by B. Swanepoel
Sierra Leone, by B. Swanepoel

Note: the photos shown on this page are low resolution scans in high compression JPEG format. The copyright remains with the photographers/institutes. If you want to use any of the photos/drawings, please contact the contributor for permission. However, we would appreciate a proper indication of the source. For other drawings where the originating publication is given, you have to ask the publisher and the author for permission to use those drawings. Click on the image to see individual license applicable to each picture.

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