Pictures available for Acanthurus mata
WoRMS  |  iNaturalist images  |  iNaturalist observations  |  Google Images
(Click on picture to enlarge and see data)

tn_Acmat_u0.jpgAcmat_u0.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Australia, by Randall, J.E. (Acmat_u0.jpg)
tn_Acmat_u5.jpgAcmat_u5.jpgPhoto by Honeycutt, K.
Papua New Guinea, by Honeycutt, K. (Acmat_u5.jpg)
tn_Acmat_u1.jpgAcmat_u1.jpgPhoto by Trevor, M.
Marshall Islands, by Trevor, M. (Acmat_u1.jpg)
tn_Acmat_u2.jpgAcmat_u2.jpgPhoto by Khan, M.M.
Pakistan, by Khan, M.M. (Acmat_u2.jpg)
tn_Acmat_u3.jpgAcmat_u3.jpgPhoto by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.
Oman, by Hermosa, Jr., G.V. (Acmat_u3.jpg)
tn_Acmat_u4.jpgAcmat_u4.jpgPhoto by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. (Acmat_u4.jpg)
tn_Acmat_u0.gifAcmat_u0.gifPhoto by FAO
Sri Lanka, by FAO (Acmat_u0.gif)
tn_Acmat_u1.gifAcmat_u1.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Acmat_u1.gif)

Photos uploaded by FishBase users
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For comments, corrections please contact Aque Atanacio
(Fish identification given by uploader of photo)
Photo by Isuru Dapsara Kularathna and Imani
Sri Lanka, by Isuru Dapsara Kularathna and Imani
Photo by Shankaragouda
India, Tuticorian, Tamil nadu, by Shankaragouda

Photo by Jim Greenfield
Indonesia, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi - very small juvenile, by Jim Greenfield

Photo by Carol D Cox
Indonesia, Raja Ampat, March 2019, by Carol D Cox

Photo by Carol D Cox
Indonesia, Komodo National Park, March 2017, by Carol D Cox

Photo by Carol D Cox
Indonesia, Raja Ampat, March 2019, by Carol D Cox

Photo by Jean Loncle
Madagascar, sainte marie island 28.11.2017 30cm, by Jean Loncle

Photo by Richard Field
Maldives, Huvafen fushi, 2009, by Richard Field
Photo by Rainer Kretzberg
Maldives, Mirihi, Nov. 2008, by Rainer Kretzberg

Photo by Jim Greenfield
Maldives, by Jim Greenfield

Photo by Jim Greenfield
Maldives, Eriyadu 2013, by Jim Greenfield

Photo by Jim Greenfield
Maldives, Eriyadu 2013, by Jim Greenfield

Photo by Richard Field
Oman, Gulf of Oman, Musandam, 2003, by Richard Field
Photo by Antonio Vilar
Oman, Oman Aquarium Muscat Mall, by Antonio Vilar
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi, 4-11-13, 60 cm,, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi, 4-11-13, 60 cm,, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi, 4-11-13, 60 cm, Two yelow bands extending anterior to eye and yellow area behind eye, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi, 4-11-13, 60 cm, Black blotch at upper end of gill opening, by Hamid Badar Osmany

Photo by Jose Antonio Cabo Bujan
Philippines, Balicasag, November 2006, 30 cm, by Jose Antonio Cabo Bujan
Photo by Tran Cong Thinh
Viet Nam, Phu Quy, by Tran Cong Thinh

Photo by José Luis Bello Arranz
Spain, Fotografía de acuario, talla 12 cm, - Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), by José Luis Bello Arranz

Photo by Gary Majchrzak
United States (contiguous states), recently imported juvenile specimen January 2008, by Gary Majchrzak

Note: the photos shown on this page are low resolution scans in high compression JPEG format. The copyright remains with the photographers/institutes. If you want to use any of the photos/drawings, please contact the contributor for permission. However, we would appreciate a proper indication of the source. For other drawings where the originating publication is given, you have to ask the publisher and the author for permission to use those drawings. Click on the image to see individual license applicable to each picture.