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Synodontis contractus : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 90   (FB = 90)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Congo (Democratino yearMoelants & DanaduDanadu C. P B0021.0018Lomami river, left bank, Djabir surroundings, extra 2-7 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMoelants & DanaduDanadu C. P B0021.0017Lobaye river, right bank, Djabir, site 11 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMoelants & DanaduDanadu C. P B0021.0015B0021.0016Lobaye river, right bank, Djabir, site 8 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMoelants & DanaduDanadu C. P B0021.0014Lobaye river, left bank, Djabir, site 2 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMoelants & DanaduDanadu C. P B0021.0013Lobaye river, left bank, Djabir, site 16 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDanadu Mizani C.Vreven & Banyankimbona P A6026.0005Yaengo, rivière Lobaye Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearTshibwabwa Sinaseli M.Hanssens M. P 91013.0278riv. N'Sele (Benzale), affl. fleuve Zaïre près de Kinshasa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearVandelannoote A.Teugels G. P 89043.3198Aketi, riv. Itimbiri Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Poll M. P 88001.201288001.2025Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrichard P.Lambert J. P 76060.004776060.0050Leopoldville Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrichard P.Poll M. P -177981Boende, riv. Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Poll M. P -165878-165896Stanley-Pool, embouchure de la riv. Nsele Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Poll M. P -165870-165877Stanley-Pool, embouchure de la riv. Nsele Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Poll M. P -165862-165869Stanley-Pool, riv. Ndjili Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearMandeville J.Poll M. P -165859-165861Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearTortonese E.Poll M. P -165756Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearTortonese E.Vinciguerra D. P -165756Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrichard P.Poll M. P -165651Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -165558Boende, Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -165501-165557Boende, Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -165436-165500Boende, Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchreyen A.Poll M. P -153648Leverville-Soa, riv. Kwenge, confluent riv. Kwenge-Kwilu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrichard P.Poll M. P -118860-118863Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrien, Poll & BouillonPoll M. P -117805-117813Stanley-Pool Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrien, Poll & BouillonPoll M. P -117803-117804Stat. 18, Stanley-Pool, riv. Ndjili Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearBrien, Poll & BouillonPoll M. P -117801-117802Stat. 22, Stanley-Pool, riv. Ndjili Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -105247-105271Boende, Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P -104446Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -101781-101790Gombe-Malala, riv. Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -101674-101683Boende, Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPhilippe R.Poll M. P -100271-100273Boende, Tshuapa Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearLootens P.Poll M. P - 96678Bokuma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearN'Gwe T.Poll M. P - 78313-78326village Ndva, Bolobo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 71746-71747Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearI.N.E.A.C.Poll M. P - 68640Yangambi, riv. Lubilu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 68389Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 63461-63467Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 61770-61771Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 61763-61769Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 61626-61628Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 60399-60493Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 60307-60398Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 60217-60306Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 59267-59270Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 57203village Ndva (Kunungu) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 56765-56778village Ndva (Kunungu) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 56752-56764village Ndva (Kunungu) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 49274Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 31295-31296Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 31181-31183Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 31164-31166Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 30642Kunungu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 30636Kunungu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 30297Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 30292Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHulstaert G.David L. P - 30115Flandria, riv. Momboyo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 29555Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 29550-29552Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 29543Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearHutsebaut J.Poll M. P - 29531Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 29474-29477Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 29472Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 26889-26899Koteli Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22741Panga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22728Panga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22714Panga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22288-22295Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22198Koteli Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22194-22195Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.Poll M. P - 22189Buta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearSchouteden H.David L. P - 17538-17544Kamaiembi Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0156riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, à ± 500m du camp PPG Abio 2, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0154A8020.0155riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, en amont des rapides, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0148A8020.0153riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, ± 2km en aval du camp PPG Abio 2, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0145A8020.0147riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, ± 1,5km en amont du camp PPG Abio 1 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0144riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, à l'entrée de l'île Abio 2, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0143riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, à l'entrée de l'île Abio 2, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0136A8020.0142riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, en amont des deuxièmes rapides, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0135riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, aux rapides, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0134riv. Léfini, rive gauche en aval des rapides de 'Massala ma Soso' Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba A.Ibala Zamba A. P A8020.0132A8020.0133riv. Léfini, méandre à ± 100m en aval du confluent Nambouli Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0127A8020.0131riv. Louna, affl. Léfini, bras mort en aval des rapides, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0077A8020.0084riv. Léfini, ± 4km en aval campement Malina, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearVreven & Ibala ZambaIbala Zamba A. P A8020.0073A8020.0076riv. Léfini, ± 4km en aval campement Malina, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba, Vreven & al.Ibala Zamba A. P A7031.2321riv. Léfini, ± 3km en amont du confluent Léfini-Loubilika, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba, Vreven & al.Ibala Zamba A. P A7031.1423A7031.1425riv. Léfini, ± 3km en amont du confluent Léfini-Loubilika, rive droite Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba & AndzombaIbala Zamba A. P A7031.1418A7031.1422petit canal de la rivière Léfini rive gauche en aval du confluent Léfini-Nambouli Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba & VrevenIbala Zamba A. P A7031.0025riv. Léfini, au confluent Léfini - Nambouli, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearIbala Zamba & VrevenIbala Zamba A. P A7031.0024riv. Léfini, à 2,4km en aval du campement Malina, rive gauche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearMamonekene, Snoeks & VrevenIbala Zamba A. P A4046.0654A4046.0656riv. Léfini, au confluent avec la Louna, au camp Projet Gorille, Réserve naturelle Lésio-Louna, bassin fl. Congo Portal: FB.
Source: P
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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