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Scomber australasicus: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 2183   (GBIF = 1119, OBIS = 1059, FB = 5)      View map: C-squares Mapper | Google Map
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Scomber australasicus-34.75137.7537441001-3313:247:4-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-34.25137.7537441001-3313:247:2-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-34.25137.7537441001-3313:247:2-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-35.12137.77F 08911 Portal: OBIS. Source: SAMA
Scomber australasicus-35.12137.77F08911Port Giles
Portal: GBIF. Source: SAMA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-34.87137.95F09500Gulf St.Vincent
Portal: GBIF. Source: SAMA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-34.88137.96F 09500 Portal: OBIS. Source: SAMA
35.32139.55UBC 560014Yasuda, KANAGAWA PREFECTURE
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
Scomber australasicus33.12139.7061870Hachijo-jima I., off Sueyoshi
Portal: GBIF. Source: NSMT
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus35.48140.571706Off Choshi
Portal: GBIF. Source: CBM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2001-9.75143.2537441001-3014:393:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-9.75143.2537441001-3014:393:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2001-39.75143.7537441001-3314:393:4-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-39.75143.7537441001-3314:393:4-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-38.30144.60A11283Bass Strait, outside Port Phillip Heads
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus1885-38.33144.62A 11283 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9043876Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9043874Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.90A21656Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.90A21654Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9043875Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9043869Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9045876Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9043870Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9021535Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9043873Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90144.9021705Port Phillip Bay, Hobsons Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9343876 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9343875 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9343874 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9343873 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9343870 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9343869 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9321705 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.87144.9321535 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.85144.93A 21656 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus1867-37.85144.93A 21654 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus1868-37.85144.9345876 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.77144.97 MNHN B-2125 marche de melbourne
Portal: GBIF. Source: mnhn
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.77144.97 MNHN 1877-0503 melbourne
Portal: GBIF. Source: mnhn
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus1986-38.52144.97A 10507 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus-37.77144.971877-0503 Portal: GBIF. Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.77144.97B-2125 Portal: GBIF. Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-38.53145.00A10507off Phillip Island, 10 km W of The Nobbies
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-43.25145.2537441001-3414:235:1-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-43.25145.2537441001-3414:235:1-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2001-41.25146.2537441001-3414:216:1-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-41.25146.2537441001-3414:216:1-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90147.90A7827Gippsland Lakes, Lake King, Boxes Creek, near Metung - creek flows into Bancroft Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.90147.90A7623Gippsland Lakes, Reeves Channel opposite Bullock Island
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus1980-37.88147.92A 7623 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Scomber australasicus2000-43.25148.2537441001-3414:238:1-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-43.25148.2537441001-3414:238:1-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-42.75148.2537441001-3414:228:3-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-42.75148.2537441001-3414:228:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-42.75148.2537441001-3414:228:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-42.75148.2537441001-3414:228:3-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-38.25148.2537441001-3314:488:1-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-38.25148.2537441001-3314:488:1-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-37.75148.2537441001-3314:478:3-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-37.75148.2537441001-3314:478:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-37.75148.2537441001-3314:478:3-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.75148.2537441001-3314:478:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus1984-42.69148.4452094-37441001 Portal: OBIS. Source: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia
Catch method: Stern Trawl
Scomber australasicus1984-42.69148.4452094-37441001 Portal: GBIF. Source: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-41.25148.7537441001-3414:218:2-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-41.25148.7537441001-3414:218:2-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2000-41.25148.7537441001-3414:218:2-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-41.25148.7537441001-3414:218:2-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-41.25148.7537441001-3414:218:2-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-41.25148.7537441001-3414:218:2-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-39.75148.7537441001-3314:498:4-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-39.75148.7537441001-3314:498:4-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-39.75148.7537441001-3314:498:4-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-39.75148.7537441001-3314:498:4-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2000-37.75148.7537441001-3314:478:4-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-37.75148.7537441001-3314:478:4-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-38.25149.2537441001-3314:489:1-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-38.25149.2537441001-3314:489:1-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2000-38.25149.2537441001-3314:489:1-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-38.25149.2537441001-3314:489:1-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-38.25149.2537441001-3314:489:1-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-38.25149.2537441001-3314:489:1-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-37.75149.2537441001-3314:479:3-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-37.75149.2537441001-3314:479:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-37.75149.2537441001-3314:479:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.75149.2537441001-3314:479:3-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-38.25149.7537441001-3314:489:2-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-38.25149.7537441001-3314:489:2-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2000-38.25149.7537441001-3314:489:2-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-38.25149.7537441001-3314:489:2-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-38.25149.7537441001-3314:489:2-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-38.25149.7537441001-3314:489:2-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-37.75149.7537441001-3314:479:4-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2001-37.75149.7537441001-3314:479:4-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus2000-37.75149.7537441001-3314:479:4-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Scomber australasicus-37.75149.7537441001-3314:479:4-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.75149.7537441001-3314:479:4-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus-37.75149.7537441001-3314:479:4-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Scomber australasicus2002-37.25149.7537441001-3314:479:2-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15