Identification keys available for Family Cynoglossidae

Key Title
402 Key to the species of tonguesoles (Cynoglossidae) occuring in the Western Central Pacific.
728 Key to the species of Paraplagusia from China.
729 Key to the species of Cynoglossus from China.
730 Key to the species of Symphurus from China.
1104 Key to the species of tonguefishes and tongue soles (Cynoglossidae) occurring in the Western Central Atlantic.
1738 Key to the shallow-water species of the genus Symphurus Rafinesque 1810 (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) from the Indo-Pacific, 10 spp. as of 2021.
1739 Key to the species-group Cynoglossus ogilbyi Norman, 1926 (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae), 6 spp. as of 2021.
1744 Key to all species of the species-group Cynoglossus carpenteri Alcock 1889 (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae), 6 spp. as of 2019.
cfm script by eagbayani, 10.5.01 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/31/2010 ,  last modified by kbanasihan, 05/31/2010