Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Perciformes/Scorpaenoidei
Family: Peristediidae Armored searobins or armored gurnards

Genus: Peristedion

(See list of species below)

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24 species
(see list below)
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Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 23 cm TL
Peristedion altipinne Regan, 1903

Photo by Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Peristedion altipinne
No picture found

Max. Length 16.6 cm SL

Peristedion amblygenys
No picture found

Max. Length 18 cm SL

Peristedion antillarum
[Longnose armoured searobin]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific.
Max. Length 13.7 cm SL
Peristedion barbiger Garman, 1899

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Peristedion barbiger
No picture found

Max. Length 25 cm SL

Peristedion brevirostre
[Flathead searobin]

Photo by Garcia-Franco, M.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Peristedion cataphractum (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Garcia-Franco, M.
Peristedion cataphractum
[African armoured searobin]
No picture found

Max. Length 15.2 cm SL

Peristedion crustosum

Photo by JAMARC

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Peristedion ecuadorense Teague, 1961

Photo by Photo by JAMARC
Peristedion ecuadorense

Photo by JAMARC

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Peristedion gracile Goode & Bean, 1896

Photo by Photo by JAMARC
Peristedion gracile
[Slender searobin]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Central Atlantic.
Max. Length 23.9 cm TL
Peristedion greyae Miller, 1967

Photo by Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Peristedion greyae
No picture found

Max. Length 22.4 cm TL

Peristedion imberbe

Photo by CSIRO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Peristedion liorhynchus (Günther, 1872)

Photo by Photo by CSIRO
Peristedion liorhynchus
[Armoured gurnard]
No picture found

Max. Length 19.5 cm SL

Peristedion longicornutum
[Longhorn armored gurnard]
No picture found

Max. Length 15 cm TL

Peristedion longispatha

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Peristedion miniatum Goode, 1880

Photo by Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Peristedion miniatum
[Armored searobin]
No picture found

Max. Length 11.8 cm SL

Peristedion nesium

Photo by Suzuki, T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 19 cm TL
Peristedion orientale Temminck & Schlegel, 1843

Photo by Photo by Suzuki, T.
Peristedion orientale

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm SL
Peristedion paucibarbiger Castro-Aguirre & Garcia-Domínguez, 1984

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Peristedion paucibarbiger
No picture found

Max. Length 13.2 cm SL

Peristedion richardsi

Photo by Shirai, Y.

Indo-West Pacific.
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Peristedion riversandersoni Alcock, 1894

Photo by Photo by Shirai, Y.
Peristedion riversandersoni

Photo by Garcia Jr., J.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Peristedion thompsoni Fowler, 1952

Photo by Photo by Garcia Jr., J.
Peristedion thompsoni
[Rimspine searobin]

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 17 cm SL
Peristedion truncatum (Günther, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Peristedion truncatum
[Black armoured searobin]
No picture found

Max. Length 22.4 cm TL

Peristedion unicuspis

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Peristedion weberi Smith, 1934

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Peristedion weberi

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n = 24

Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Peristedion altipinne Southwest Atlantic 23 TL 1903
Peristedion amblygenys Indo-West Pacific 16.6 SL 1938
Peristedion antillarum Longnose armoured searobin Western Central Atlantic 18 SL 1961
Peristedion barbiger Eastern Central Pacific. 13.7 SL 1899
Peristedion brevirostre Flathead searobin Western Atlantic 25 SL 1860
Peristedion cataphractum African armoured searobin Eastern Atlantic 40 TL 1758
Peristedion crustosum Eastern Pacific 15.2 SL 1899
Peristedion ecuadorense Western Central Atlantic 21 TL 1961
Peristedion gracile Slender searobin Western Atlantic 20 TL 1896
Peristedion greyae Western Central Atlantic. 23.9 TL 1967
Peristedion imberbe Western Central Atlantic 22.4 TL 1861
Peristedion liorhynchus Armoured gurnard Indo-West Pacific 40 TL 1872
Peristedion longicornutum Longhorn armored gurnard Southwestern Pacific 19.5 SL 2017
Peristedion longispatha Western Central Atlantic 15 TL 1886
Peristedion miniatum Armored searobin Western Atlantic 30 TL 1880
Peristedion nesium Eastern Central Pacific 11.8 SL 2010
Peristedion orientale Northwest Pacific 19 TL 1843
Peristedion paucibarbiger Eastern Central Pacific 7 SL 1984
Peristedion richardsi Indo-West 13.2 SL 2016
Peristedion riversandersoni Indo-West Pacific. 22 TL 1894
Peristedion thompsoni Rimspine searobin Western Atlantic 25 TL 1952
Peristedion truncatum Black armoured searobin Western Atlantic 17 SL 1880
Peristedion unicuspis Western Central Atlantic 22.4 TL 1967
Peristedion weberi Western Indian Ocean 15 TL 1934

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013