Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Percidae Perches

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239 species
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Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Ammocrypta beanii Jordan, 1877

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Ammocrypta beanii
[Naked sand darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & H. Jelks

North America
Max. Length 7.7 cm TL
Ammocrypta bifascia Williams, 1975

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & H. Jelks
Ammocrypta bifascia
[Florida sand darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.1 cm TL
Ammocrypta clara Jordan & Meek, 1885

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Ammocrypta clara
[Western sand darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7 cm TL

Ammocrypta meridiana
[Southern sand darter]

Photo by Dextrase, A.

North America
Max. Length 8.4 cm TL
Ammocrypta pellucida (Putnam, 1863)

Photo by Photo by Dextrase, A.
Ammocrypta pellucida
[Eastern sand darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 7.3 cm TL
Ammocrypta vivax Hay, 1882

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Ammocrypta vivax
[Scaly sand darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 16 cm TL
Crystallaria asprella (Jordan, 1878)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Crystallaria asprella
[Crystal darter]

Photo by Thorne, D.W.

North America
Max. Length 7.7 cm SL
Crystallaria cincotta Welsh & Wood, 2008

Photo by Photo by Thorne, D.W.
Crystallaria cincotta
[Diamond darter]

Photo by Richard T. Bryant/Wayne C. Starnes

North America
Max. Length 8.4 cm TL
Etheostoma acuticeps Bailey, 1959

Photo by Photo by Richard T. Bryant/Wayne C. Starnes
Etheostoma acuticeps
[Sharphead darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.8 cm SL

Etheostoma akatulo
[Bluemask darter]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 8 cm SL
Etheostoma artesiae (Hay, 1881)

Photo by Photo by Thomas, C.
Etheostoma artesiae
[Redspot darter]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 7.1 cm TL
Etheostoma asprigene (Forbes, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Thomas, C.
Etheostoma asprigene
[Mud darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm SL

Etheostoma atripinne
[Cumberland snubnose darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Etheostoma australe
[Conchos darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma autumnale

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 5.6 cm TL
Etheostoma baileyi Page & Burr, 1982

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma baileyi
[Emerald darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Etheostoma barbouri
[Teardrop darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 6.4 cm TL
Etheostoma barrenense Burr & Page, 1982

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma barrenense
[Splendid darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Etheostoma basilare Page, Hardman & Near, 2003

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma basilare
[Corrugated darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma bellator
[Warrior darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm TL

Etheostoma bellum
[Orangefin darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America

Etheostoma bison Ceas & Page, 1997

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma bison
[Buffalo darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 17 cm TL
Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque, 1819

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Etheostoma blennioides
[Greenside darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 8.3 cm TL
Etheostoma blennius Gilbert & Swain, 1887

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma blennius
[Blenny darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.8 cm TL

Etheostoma boschungi
[Slackwater darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 5.8 cm TL
Etheostoma brevirostrum Suttkus & Etnier, 1991

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma brevirostrum
[Holiday darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.3 cm SL

Etheostoma brevispinum
[Carolina fantail darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America

Etheostoma burri Ceas & Page, 1997

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma burri
[Brook Darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.7 cm TL
Etheostoma caeruleum Storer, 1845

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma caeruleum
[Rainbow darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 8.4 cm TL
Etheostoma camurum (Cope, 1870)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Etheostoma camurum
[Bluebreast darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.2 cm SL

Etheostoma cervus
[Chickasaw darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma chermocki
[Vermilion darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 7.1 cm SL
Etheostoma chienense Page & Ceas, 1992

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma chienense
[Relict darter]

Photo by Eisenhour, D.J.

North America
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Etheostoma chlorobranchium Zorach, 1972

Photo by Photo by Eisenhour, D.J.
Etheostoma chlorobranchium
[Greenfin darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Etheostoma chlorosomum (Hay, 1881)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma chlorosomum
[Bluntnose darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma chuckwachatte
[Lipstick darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Etheostoma cinereum Storer, 1845

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma cinereum
[Ashy darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Etheostoma clinton
[Beaded darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 7.4 cm TL
Etheostoma collettei Birdsong & Knapp, 1969

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma collettei
[Creole darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Etheostoma collis (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma collis
[Carolina darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America

Etheostoma colorosum Suttkus & Bailey, 1993

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma colorosum
[Coastal darter]

Photo by Carlson, B.

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Etheostoma coosae (Fowler, 1945)

Photo by Photo by Carlson, B.
Etheostoma coosae
[Coosa darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Etheostoma corona Page & Ceas, 1992

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma corona
[Crown darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Etheostoma cragini
[Arkansas darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm TL

Etheostoma crossopterum
[Fringed darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.9 cm SL

Etheostoma cyanoprosopum
[Blueface darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & H. Jelks

North America
Max. Length 6.1 cm TL
Etheostoma davisoni Hay, 1885

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & H. Jelks
Etheostoma davisoni
[Choctawhatchee darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 2.9 cm SL

Etheostoma denoncourti
[Golden darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 5.7 cm SL
Etheostoma derivativum Page, Hardman & Near, 2003

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma derivativum
[Stone darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.4 cm TL

Etheostoma ditrema
[Coldwater darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma douglasi
[Tuskaloossa darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Etheostoma duryi Henshall, 1889

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma duryi
[Subnose darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 5.3 cm TL
Etheostoma edwini (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935)

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma edwini
[Brown darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.1 cm SL

Etheostoma erythrozonum
[Meramec Saddled Darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm TL

Etheostoma etnieri
[Cherry darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America

Etheostoma etowahae Wood & Mayden, 1993

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma etowahae
[Etowah darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Etheostoma euzonum (Hubbs & Black, 1940)

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma euzonum
[Arkansas saddled darter]

Photo by Dextrase, A.

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Etheostoma exile (Girard, 1859)

Photo by Photo by Dextrase, A.
Etheostoma exile
[Iowa darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 8.4 cm TL
Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque, 1819

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma flabellare
[Fantail darter]

Photo by Markwell, B.

North America
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Etheostoma flavum Etnier & Bailey, 1989

Photo by Photo by Markwell, B.
Etheostoma flavum
[Saffron darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 4.3 cm TL
Etheostoma fonticola (Jordan & Gilbert, 1886)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma fonticola
[Fountain darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 7.4 cm SL
Etheostoma forbesi Page & Ceas, 1992

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma forbesi
[Barrens darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma fragi
[Strawberry darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.4 cm TL

Etheostoma fricksium
[Savannah darter]

Photo by Appleby, C.

North America
Max. Length 5.9 cm TL
Etheostoma fusiforme (Girard, 1854)

Photo by Photo by Appleby, C.
Etheostoma fusiforme
[Swamp darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Etheostoma gore
[Cumberland darter]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Etheostoma gracile (Girard, 1859)

Photo by Photo by Thomas, C.
Etheostoma gracile
[Slough darter]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Etheostoma grahami (Girard, 1859)

Photo by Photo by Thomas, C.
Etheostoma grahami
[Rio Grande darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma gutselli
[Tuckasegee darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 7.7 cm TL
Etheostoma histrio Jordan & Gilbert, 1887

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma histrio
[Harlequin darter]

Photo by Coleman, P.S.

North America
Max. Length 6.6 cm TL
Etheostoma hopkinsi (Fowler, 1945)

Photo by Photo by Coleman, P.S.
Etheostoma hopkinsi
[Christmas darter]

Photo by Coleman, P.S.

North America
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Etheostoma inscriptum (Jordan & Brayton, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Coleman, P.S.
Etheostoma inscriptum
[Turquoise darter]

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

North America
Max. Length 6.8 cm TL
Etheostoma jessiae (Jordan & Brayton, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Etheostoma jessiae
[Blueside darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.9 cm SL

Etheostoma jimmycarter
[Bluegrass darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 7.9 cm TL
Etheostoma jordani Gilbert, 1891

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma jordani
[Greenbreast darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Etheostoma juliae Meek, 1891

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma juliae
[Yoke darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 8.6 cm TL
Etheostoma kanawhae (Raney, 1941)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma kanawhae
[Kanawha darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 5.6 cm SL
Etheostoma kantuckeense Ceas & Page, 1997

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma kantuckeense
[Highland Rim Darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.3 cm TL

Etheostoma kennicotti
[Stripetail darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma lachneri
[Tombigbee darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.2 cm SL

Etheostoma lawrencei
[Headwater darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.4 cm SL

Etheostoma lemniscatum
[Tuxedo Darter]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 6.6 cm TL
Etheostoma lepidum (Baird & Girard, 1853)

Photo by Photo by Thomas, C.
Etheostoma lepidum
[Greenthroat darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 8.9 cm TL
Etheostoma longimanum Jordan, 1888

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Etheostoma longimanum
[Longfin darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Etheostoma lugoi
[Tufa darter]

Photo by Markwell, B.

North America
Max. Length 6.8 cm TL
Etheostoma luteovinctum Gilbert & Swain, 1887

Photo by Photo by Markwell, B.
Etheostoma luteovinctum
[Redband darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.4 cm TL

Etheostoma lynceum
[Brighteye darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Etheostoma maculatum Kirtland, 1840

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma maculatum
[Spotted darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 7.6 cm TL
Etheostoma mariae (Fowler, 1947)

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma mariae
[Pinewoods darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.1 cm SL

Etheostoma marmorpinnum
[Marbled Darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.0 cm SL

Etheostoma maydeni
[Redlips Darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 4.4 cm TL
Etheostoma microperca Jordan & Gilbert, 1888

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma microperca
[Least darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma mihileze
No picture found

Max. Length 7.2 cm TL

Etheostoma moorei
[Yellowcheek darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.1 cm SL

Etheostoma nebra
No picture found

Max. Length 8.9 cm TL

Etheostoma neopterum
[Lollipop darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Etheostoma nianguae
[Niangua darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.8 cm TL

Etheostoma nigripinne
[Blackfin darter]

Photo by Markwell, B.

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Etheostoma nigrum Rafinesque, 1820

Photo by Photo by Markwell, B.
Etheostoma nigrum
[Johnny darter]

Photo by Howell, W.M./Jenkins, R.L.

North America
Max. Length 5.4 cm TL
Etheostoma nuchale Howell & Caldwell, 1965

Photo by Photo by Howell, W.M./Jenkins, R.L.
Etheostoma nuchale
[Watercress darter]

Photo by Markwell, B.

North America
Max. Length 4.8 cm SL
Etheostoma obama Mayden & Layman, 2012

Photo by Photo by Markwell, B.
Etheostoma obama
[Spangled darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.4 cm TL

Etheostoma obeyense
[Barcheek darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma occidentale

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 5.3 cm TL
Etheostoma okaloosae (Fowler, 1941)

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma okaloosae
[Okaloosa darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Etheostoma olivaceum Braasch & Page, 1979

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma olivaceum
[Sooty darter]

Photo by Cribb, M.T.

North America
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Etheostoma olmstedi Storer, 1842

Photo by Photo by Cribb, M.T.
Etheostoma olmstedi
[Tessellated darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 7.4 cm SL
Etheostoma oophylax Ceas & Page, 1992

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma oophylax
[Guardian darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma orientale

Photo by Romine, J.G.

North America
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Etheostoma osburni (Hubbs & Trautman, 1932)

Photo by Photo by Romine, J.G.
Etheostoma osburni
[Candy darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Etheostoma pallididorsum Distler & Metcalf, 1962

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma pallididorsum
[Paleback darter]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 6.7 cm TL
Etheostoma parvipinne Gilbert & Swain, 1887

Photo by Photo by Thomas, C.
Etheostoma parvipinne
[Goldstripe darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America

Etheostoma percnurum Jenkins, 1994

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma percnurum
[Duskytail darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm TL

Etheostoma perlongum
[Waccamaw darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma phytophilum
[Rush darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma planasaxatile

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 7.6 cm TL
Etheostoma podostemone Jordan & Jenkins, 1889

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma podostemone
[Riverweed darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Etheostoma pottsii
[Chihuahua darter]

Photo by Sneegas, G.W.

North America
Max. Length 4.8 cm TL
Etheostoma proeliare (Hay, 1881)

Photo by Photo by Sneegas, G.W.
Etheostoma proeliare
[Cypress darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 6.1 cm SL
Etheostoma pseudovulatum Page & Ceas, 1992

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma pseudovulatum
[Egg-mimic darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Etheostoma punctulatum (Agassiz, 1854)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma punctulatum
[Stippled darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7 cm TL

Etheostoma pyrrhogaster
[Firebelly darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 8.5 cm TL
Etheostoma radiosum (Hubbs & Black, 1941)

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma radiosum
[Orangebelly darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Etheostoma rafinesquei Burr & Page, 1982

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma rafinesquei
[Kentucky darter]

Photo by Howell, W.M./Jenkins, R.L.

North America

Etheostoma ramseyi Suttkus & Bailey, 1994

Photo by Photo by Howell, W.M./Jenkins, R.L.
Etheostoma ramseyi
[Alabama darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma raneyi
[Yazoo darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Etheostoma rubrum
[Bayou darter]

Photo by Brill, J.

North America
Max. Length 8.4 cm TL
Etheostoma rufilineatum (Cope, 1870)

Photo by Photo by Brill, J.
Etheostoma rufilineatum
[Redline darter]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North America
Max. Length 8.3 cm TL
Etheostoma rupestre Gilbert & Swain, 1887

Photo by Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Etheostoma rupestre
[Rock darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Etheostoma sagitta
[Arrow darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Etheostoma saludae
[Saluda darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America

Etheostoma scotti Bauer, Etnier & Burkhead, 1995

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma scotti
[Cherokee darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Etheostoma segrex
[Río Salado darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.4 cm TL

Etheostoma sellare
[Maryland darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma sequatchiense
[Sequatchie darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 6.8 cm TL
Etheostoma serrifer (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma serrifer
[Sawcheek darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 7.7 cm TL
Etheostoma simoterum (Cope, 1868)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Etheostoma simoterum
[Snubnose darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.0 cm SL

Etheostoma sitikuense
[Citico Darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 6.2 cm TL
Etheostoma smithi Page & Braasch, 1976

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma smithi
[Slabrock darter]

Photo by Markwell, B.

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Etheostoma spectabile (Agassiz, 1854)

Photo by Photo by Markwell, B.
Etheostoma spectabile
[Orangethroat darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Etheostoma spilotum
[Cumberland plateau darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.8 cm TL

Etheostoma squamiceps
[Spottail darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 6.1 cm TL
Etheostoma stigmaeum (Jordan, 1877)

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma stigmaeum
[Speckled darter]

Photo by Christy, L.

North America
Max. Length 5.6 cm TL
Etheostoma striatulum Page & Braasch, 1977

Photo by Photo by Christy, L.
Etheostoma striatulum
[Striated darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma susanae
[Cumberland darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Etheostoma swaini (Jordan, 1884)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma swaini
[Gulf darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Etheostoma swannanoa Jordan & Evermann, 1889

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma swannanoa
[Swannanoa darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America

Etheostoma tallapoosae Suttkus & Etnier, 1991

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Etheostoma tallapoosae
[Tallapoosa darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America
Max. Length 5.4 cm SL
Etheostoma tecumsehi Ceas & Page, 1997

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Etheostoma tecumsehi
[Shawnee darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Etheostoma teddyroosevelt
[Highland darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma tennesseense

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Etheostoma tetrazonum (Hubbs & Black, 1940)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma tetrazonum
[Missouri saddled darter]

Photo by Cribb, M.T.

North America
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Etheostoma thalassinum (Jordan & Brayton, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Cribb, M.T.
Etheostoma thalassinum
[Seagreen darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.1 cm SL

Etheostoma thompsoni
[Gumbo darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 4.3 cm TL
Etheostoma tippecanoe Jordan & Evermann, 1890

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma tippecanoe
[Tippecanoe darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.9 cm TL

Etheostoma trisella
[Trispot darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.1 cm TL

Etheostoma tuscumbia
[Tuscumbia darter]
No picture found

Etheostoma uniporum
[Current darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Etheostoma variatum Kirtland, 1840

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma variatum
[Variegate darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.8 cm TL

Etheostoma virgatum
[Striped darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 6.6 cm TL
Etheostoma vitreum (Cope, 1870)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Etheostoma vitreum
[Glassy darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Etheostoma vulneratum (Cope, 1870)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Etheostoma vulneratum
[Wounded darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 8.5 cm TL
Etheostoma wapiti Etnier & Williams, 1989

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Etheostoma wapiti
[Boulder darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Etheostoma whipplei (Girard, 1859)

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma whipplei
[Redfin darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Etheostoma zonale (Cope, 1868)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Etheostoma zonale
[Banded darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 4.4 cm TL
Etheostoma zonifer (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935)

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Etheostoma zonifer
[Backwater darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.1 cm TL

Etheostoma zonistium
[Bandfin darter]

Photo by Geraskin, A.

Max. Length 21 cm SL
Gymnocephalus acerina (Gmelin, 1789)

Photo by Photo by Geraskin, A.
Gymnocephalus acerina
[Donets ruffe]

Photo by Geiger, M.F.

Max. Length 11.7 cm SL
Gymnocephalus ambriaelacus Geiger & Schliewen, 2010

Photo by Photo by Geiger, M.F.
Gymnocephalus ambriaelacus

Photo by Otel, V.

Max. Length 15 cm SL
Gymnocephalus baloni Holcík & Hensel, 1974

Photo by Photo by Otel, V.
Gymnocephalus baloni
[Danube ruffe]

Photo by Bednarzik, J.

Max. Length 25 cm TL
Gymnocephalus cernua (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Bednarzik, J.
Gymnocephalus cernua

Photo by Hartl, A.

Max. Length 30 cm TL
Gymnocephalus schraetser (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Hartl, A.
Gymnocephalus schraetser

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Nothonotus aquali (Williams & Etnier, 1978)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Nothonotus aquali
[Coppercheek darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.2 cm TL

Nothonotus microlepidus
[Smallscale darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm TL

Nothonotus sanguifluus
[Bloodfin darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Nothonotus starnesi
[Caney fork darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Perca flavescens (Mitchill, 1814)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Perca flavescens
[American yellow perch]

Photo by Kohout, J.

Max. Length 60 cm SL
Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758

Photo by Photo by Kohout, J.
Perca fluviatilis
[European perch]
No picture found

Max. Length 50 cm TL

Perca schrenkii
[Balkhash perch]

Photo by Otel, V.

Max. Length 10 cm SL
Percarina demidoffii Nordmann, 1840

Photo by Photo by Otel, V.
Percarina demidoffii
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm TL

Percarina maeotica
No picture found

Max. Length 7.2 cm TL

Percina antesella
[Amber darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 13.7 cm SL

Percina apina
No picture found

Max. Length 11 cm TL

Percina apristis
[Guadalupe darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Percina aurantiaca (Cope, 1868)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Percina aurantiaca
[Tangerine darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Percina aurolineata Suttkus & Ramsey, 1967

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Percina aurolineata
[Goldline darter]
No picture found

Percina aurora
[Pearl darter]
No picture found

Percina austroperca
[Southern logperch]
No picture found

Percina bimaculata
[Chesapeake logperch]
No picture found

Percina brevicauda
[Coal darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 9.0 cm SL

Percina brucethompsoni

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 16 cm TL
Percina burtoni Fowler, 1945

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Percina burtoni
[Blotchside darter]

Photo by Lyons, J.

North America
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Percina caprodes (Rafinesque, 1818)

Photo by Photo by Lyons, J.
Percina caprodes

Photo by Sneegas, G.W.

North America
Max. Length 13 cm TL
Percina carbonaria (Baird & Girard, 1853)

Photo by Photo by Sneegas, G.W.
Percina carbonaria
[Texas logperch]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 7.2 cm TL
Percina copelandi (Jordan, 1877)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Percina copelandi
[Channel darter]

Photo by Cribb, M.T.

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Percina crassa (Jordan & Brayton, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Cribb, M.T.
Percina crassa
[Piedmont darter]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 7.3 cm SL
Percina crypta Freeman, Freeman & Burkhead, 2008

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Percina crypta
[Halloween Darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm TL

Percina cymatotaenia
[Bluestripe darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 9.6 cm TL
Percina evides (Jordan & Copeland, 1877)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Percina evides
[Gilt darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America

Percina fulvitaenia Morris & Page, 1981

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Percina fulvitaenia
[Ozark logperch]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 9.6 cm TL
Percina gymnocephala Beckham, 1980

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Percina gymnocephala
[Appalachia darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 14 cm TL

Percina jenkinsi
[Conasauga logperch]

Photo by Awai, M.

North America

Percina kathae Thompson, 1997

Photo by Photo by Awai, M.
Percina kathae
[Mobile logperch]

Photo by Burkhead, N.

North America
Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Percina kusha Williams & Burkhead, 2007

Photo by Photo by Burkhead, N.
Percina kusha
[Bridled darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Percina lenticula
[Freckled darter]

Photo by Eisenhour, D.J.

North America
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Percina macrocephala (Cope, 1867)

Photo by Photo by Eisenhour, D.J.
Percina macrocephala
[Longhead darter]

Photo by Sneegas, G.W.

North America
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Percina macrolepida Stevenson, 1971

Photo by Photo by Sneegas, G.W.
Percina macrolepida
[Bigscale logperch]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Percina maculata (Girard, 1859)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Percina maculata
[Blackside darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 11 cm TL

Percina nasuta
[Longnose darter]

Photo by Williams, B.

North America

Percina nevisense (Cope, 1870)

Photo by Photo by Williams, B.
Percina nevisense
[Chainback darter]

Photo by Howell, W.M./Jenkins, R.L.

North America
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Percina nigrofasciata (Agassiz, 1854)

Photo by Photo by Howell, W.M./Jenkins, R.L.
Percina nigrofasciata
[Blackbanded darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 8.4 cm TL
Percina notogramma (Raney & Hubbs, 1948)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Percina notogramma
[Stripeback darter]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 12 cm TL
Percina oxyrhynchus (Hubbs & Raney, 1939)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Percina oxyrhynchus
[Sharpnose darter]

Photo by Awai, M.

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Percina palmaris (Bailey, 1940)

Photo by Photo by Awai, M.
Percina palmaris
[Bronze darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 9.2 cm TL
Percina pantherina (Moore & Reeves, 1955)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Percina pantherina
[Leopard darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 9 cm TL
Percina peltata (Stauffer, 1864)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Percina peltata
[Shield darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 9.6 cm TL
Percina phoxocephala (Nelson, 1876)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Percina phoxocephala
[Slenderhead darter]

Photo by Crippen, C.

North America
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Percina rex (Jordan & Evermann, 1889)

Photo by Photo by Crippen, C.
Percina rex
[Roanoke logperch]

Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Percina roanoka (Jordan & Jenkins, 1889)

Photo by Photo by N. Burkhead & R. Jenkins, courtesy of VDGIF
Percina roanoka
[Roanoke darter]

Photo by Tumlison, R.

North America
Max. Length 13 cm TL
Percina sciera (Swain, 1883)

Photo by Photo by Tumlison, R.
Percina sciera
[Dusky darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Percina shumardi (Girard, 1859)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Percina shumardi
[River darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 5 cm SL

Percina sipsi
[Bankhead darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.3 cm SL

Percina smithvanizi
[Muscadine Darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Percina squamata
[Olive darter]

Photo by Page, L.M.

North America

Percina stictogaster Burr & Page, 1993

Photo by Photo by Page, L.M.
Percina stictogaster
[Frecklebelly darter]

Photo by Arthurs, W.

North America

Percina suttkusi Thompson, 1997

Photo by Photo by Arthurs, W.
Percina suttkusi
[Gulf logperch]
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm TL

Percina tanasi
[Snail darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.8 cm TL

Percina uranidea
[Stargazing darter]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL
Percina vigil (Hay, 1882)

Photo by Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Percina vigil
[Saddleback darter]
No picture found

Max. Length 9.1 cm SL

Percina williamsi
[Sickle darter]

Photo by Lazar, N.

Max. Length 11 cm SL
Romanichthys valsanicola Dumitrescu, Bănărescu & Stoica, 1957

Photo by Photo by Lazar, N.
Romanichthys valsanicola

Photo by Lyons, J.

North America
Max. Length 76 cm TL
Sander canadensis (Griffith & Smith, 1834)

Photo by Photo by Lyons, J.
Sander canadensis

Photo by Zienert, S.

Europe and Asia
Max. Length 100 cm SL
Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Zienert, S.
Sander lucioperca

Photo by Abbasi, K.


Sander marinus (Cuvier, 1828)

Photo by Photo by Abbasi, K.
Sander marinus
[Estuarine perch]

Photo by Scarola, J.F.

North America
Max. Length 107 cm FL
Sander vitreus (Mitchill, 1818)

Photo by Photo by Scarola, J.F.
Sander vitreus

Photo by Specziár, A.

Max. Length 40 cm SL
Sander volgensis (Gmelin, 1789)

Photo by Photo by Specziár, A.
Sander volgensis
[Volga pikeperch]
No picture found

Max. Length 22 cm TL

Zingel asper
[Rhone streber]
No picture found

Max. Length 15.5 cm SL

Zingel balcanicus

Photo by Hantke, H.

Max. Length 22 cm TL
Zingel streber (Siebold, 1863)

Photo by Photo by Hantke, H.
Zingel streber
[Danube streber]

Photo by Otel, V.

Max. Length 48 cm SL
Zingel zingel (Linnaeus, 1766)

Photo by Photo by Otel, V.
Zingel zingel

Sort by: Species Length Year
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n = 239

Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Ammocrypta beanii Naked sand darter North America 7.2 TL 1877
Ammocrypta bifascia Florida sand darter North America 7.7 TL 1975
Ammocrypta clara Western sand darter North America 7.1 TL 1885
Ammocrypta meridiana Southern sand darter North America 7 TL 1975
Ammocrypta pellucida Eastern sand darter North America 8.4 TL 1863
Ammocrypta vivax Scaly sand darter North America 7.3 TL 1882
Crystallaria asprella Crystal darter North America 16 TL 1878
Crystallaria cincotta Diamond darter North America 7.7 SL 2008
Etheostoma acuticeps Sharphead darter North America 8.4 TL 1959
Etheostoma akatulo Bluemask darter North America 4.8 SL 2009
Etheostoma artesiae Redspot darter North America 8 SL 1881
Etheostoma asprigene Mud darter North America 7.1 TL 1878
Etheostoma atripinne Cumberland snubnose darter North America 6 SL 1877
Etheostoma australe Conchos darter North America 5.5 TL 1889
Etheostoma autumnale North America 2010
Etheostoma baileyi Emerald darter North America 5.6 TL 1982
Etheostoma barbouri Teardrop darter North America 6 TL 1971
Etheostoma barrenense Splendid darter North America 6.4 TL 1982
Etheostoma basilare Corrugated darter North America 5.5 SL 2003
Etheostoma bellator Warrior darter North America 1993
Etheostoma bellum Orangefin darter North America 9 TL 1968
Etheostoma bison Buffalo darter North America 1997
Etheostoma blennioides Greenside darter North America 17 TL 1819
Etheostoma blennius Blenny darter North America 8.3 TL 1887
Etheostoma boschungi Slackwater darter North America 7.8 TL 1974
Etheostoma brevirostrum Holiday darter North America 5.8 TL 1991
Etheostoma brevispinum Carolina fantail darter North America 6.3 SL 1926
Etheostoma burri Brook Darter North America 1997
Etheostoma caeruleum Rainbow darter North America 7.7 TL 1845
Etheostoma camurum Bluebreast darter North America 8.4 TL 1870
Etheostoma cervus Chickasaw darter North America 5.2 SL 2003
Etheostoma chermocki Vermilion darter North America 1992
Etheostoma chienense Relict darter North America 7.1 SL 1992
Etheostoma chlorobranchium Greenfin darter North America 10 TL 1972
Etheostoma chlorosomum Bluntnose darter North America 6 TL 1881
Etheostoma chuckwachatte Lipstick darter North America 1993
Etheostoma cinereum Ashy darter North America 12 TL 1845
Etheostoma clinton Beaded darter North America 3.5 SL 2012
Etheostoma collettei Creole darter North America 7.4 TL 1969
Etheostoma collis Carolina darter North America 6 TL 1935
Etheostoma colorosum Coastal darter North America 1993
Etheostoma coosae Coosa darter North America 7.2 TL 1945
Etheostoma corona Crown darter North America 7.8 TL 1992
Etheostoma cragini Arkansas darter North America 6 TL 1885
Etheostoma crossopterum Fringed darter North America 10 TL 1985
Etheostoma cyanoprosopum Blueface darter North America 4.9 SL 2017
Etheostoma davisoni Choctawhatchee darter North America 6.1 TL 1885
Etheostoma denoncourti Golden darter North America 2.9 SL 1997
Etheostoma derivativum Stone darter North America 5.7 SL 2003
Etheostoma ditrema Coldwater darter North America 5.4 TL 1965
Etheostoma douglasi Tuskaloossa darter North America 1993
Etheostoma duryi Subnose darter North America 7.2 TL 1889
Etheostoma edwini Brown darter North America 5.3 TL 1935
Etheostoma erythrozonum Meramec Saddled Darter North America 7.1 SL 2009
Etheostoma etnieri Cherry darter North America 7.7 TL 1977
Etheostoma etowahae Etowah darter North America 1993
Etheostoma euzonum Arkansas saddled darter North America 12 TL 1940
Etheostoma exile Iowa darter North America 7.2 TL 1859
Etheostoma flabellare Fantail darter North America 8.4 TL 1819
Etheostoma flavum Saffron darter North America 7 TL 1989
Etheostoma fonticola Fountain darter North America 4.3 TL 1886
Etheostoma forbesi Barrens darter North America 7.4 SL 1992
Etheostoma fragi Strawberry darter North America 1968
Etheostoma fricksium Savannah darter North America 7.4 TL 1923
Etheostoma fusiforme Swamp darter North America 5.9 TL 1854
Etheostoma gore Cumberland darter North America 4.3 SL 2012
Etheostoma gracile Slough darter North America 6 TL 1859
Etheostoma grahami Rio Grande darter North America 6 TL 1859
Etheostoma gutselli Tuckasegee darter North America 1932
Etheostoma histrio Harlequin darter North America 7.7 TL 1887
Etheostoma hopkinsi Christmas darter North America 6.6 TL 1945
Etheostoma inscriptum Turquoise darter North America 8 TL 1878
Etheostoma jessiae Blueside darter North America 6.8 TL 1878
Etheostoma jimmycarter Bluegrass darter North America 4.9 SL 2012
Etheostoma jordani Greenbreast darter North America 7.9 TL 1891
Etheostoma juliae Yoke darter North America 7.8 TL 1891
Etheostoma kanawhae Kanawha darter North America 8.6 TL 1941
Etheostoma kantuckeense Highland Rim Darter North America 5.6 SL 1997
Etheostoma kennicotti Stripetail darter North America 8.3 TL 1863
Etheostoma lachneri Tombigbee darter North America 1994
Etheostoma lawrencei Headwater darter North America 6.2 SL 2002
Etheostoma lemniscatum Tuxedo Darter North America 5.4 SL 2008
Etheostoma lepidum Greenthroat darter North America 6.6 TL 1853
Etheostoma longimanum Longfin darter North America 8.9 TL 1888
Etheostoma lugoi Tufa darter Central America 3.8 SL 1997
Etheostoma luteovinctum Redband darter North America 6.8 TL 1887
Etheostoma lynceum Brighteye darter North America 6.4 TL 1885
Etheostoma maculatum Spotted darter North America 9 TL 1840
Etheostoma mariae Pinewoods darter North America 7.6 TL 1947
Etheostoma marmorpinnum Marbled Darter North America 4.1 SL 2008
Etheostoma maydeni Redlips Darter North America 8.0 SL 2012
Etheostoma microperca Least darter North America 4.4 TL 1888
Etheostoma mihileze North America 2010
Etheostoma moorei Yellowcheek darter North America 7.2 TL 1964
Etheostoma nebra North America 6.1 SL 2015
Etheostoma neopterum Lollipop darter North America 8.9 TL 1978
Etheostoma nianguae Niangua darter North America 13 TL 1887
Etheostoma nigripinne Blackfin darter North America 8.8 TL 1985
Etheostoma nigrum Johnny darter North America 7.2 TL 1820
Etheostoma nuchale Watercress darter North America 5.4 TL 1965
Etheostoma obama Spangled darter North America 4.8 SL 2012
Etheostoma obeyense Barcheek darter North America 8.4 TL 1892
Etheostoma occidentale North America 2007
Etheostoma okaloosae Okaloosa darter North America 5.3 TL 1941
Etheostoma olivaceum Sooty darter North America 8 TL 1979
Etheostoma olmstedi Tessellated darter North America 11 TL 1842
Etheostoma oophylax Guardian darter North America 7.4 SL 1992
Etheostoma orientale North America 2007
Etheostoma osburni Candy darter North America 10 TL 1932
Etheostoma pallididorsum Paleback darter North America 6 TL 1962
Etheostoma parvipinne Goldstripe darter North America 6.7 TL 1887
Etheostoma percnurum Duskytail darter North America 1994
Etheostoma perlongum Waccamaw darter North America 9 TL 1946
Etheostoma phytophilum Rush darter North America 1999
Etheostoma planasaxatile North America 2007
Etheostoma podostemone Riverweed darter North America 7.6 TL 1889
Etheostoma pottsii Chihuahua darter Central America 5.5 TL 1859
Etheostoma proeliare Cypress darter North America 4.8 TL 1881
Etheostoma pseudovulatum Egg-mimic darter North America 6.1 SL 1992
Etheostoma punctulatum Stippled darter North America 10 TL 1854
Etheostoma pyrrhogaster Firebelly darter North America 7 TL 1988
Etheostoma radiosum Orangebelly darter North America 8.5 TL 1941
Etheostoma rafinesquei Kentucky darter North America 6.5 TL 1982
Etheostoma ramseyi Alabama darter North America 1994
Etheostoma raneyi Yazoo darter North America 1994
Etheostoma rubrum Bayou darter North America 5.5 TL 1966
Etheostoma rufilineatum Redline darter North America 8.4 TL 1870
Etheostoma rupestre Rock darter North America 8.3 TL 1887
Etheostoma sagitta Arrow darter North America 12 TL 1883
Etheostoma saludae Saluda darter North America 4.3 SL 1935
Etheostoma scotti Cherokee darter North America 1995
Etheostoma segrex Río Salado darter Central America 4.4 SL 1997
Etheostoma sellare Maryland darter North America 8.4 TL 1913
Etheostoma sequatchiense Sequatchie darter North America 1979
Etheostoma serrifer Sawcheek darter North America 6.8 TL 1935
Etheostoma simoterum Snubnose darter North America 7.7 TL 1868
Etheostoma sitikuense Citico Darter North America 5.0 SL 2008
Etheostoma smithi Slabrock darter North America 6.2 TL 1976
Etheostoma spectabile Orangethroat darter North America 7.2 TL 1854
Etheostoma spilotum Cumberland plateau darter North America 12 TL 1887
Etheostoma squamiceps Spottail darter North America 8.8 TL 1877
Etheostoma stigmaeum Speckled darter North America 6.1 TL 1877
Etheostoma striatulum Striated darter North America 5.6 TL 1977
Etheostoma susanae Cumberland darter North America 1883
Etheostoma swaini Gulf darter North America 7.8 TL 1884
Etheostoma swannanoa Swannanoa darter North America 9 TL 1889
Etheostoma tallapoosae Tallapoosa darter North America 1991
Etheostoma tecumsehi Shawnee darter North America 5.4 SL 1997
Etheostoma teddyroosevelt Highland darter North America 4.3 SL 2012
Etheostoma tennesseense North America 2007
Etheostoma tetrazonum Missouri saddled darter North America 9 TL 1940
Etheostoma thalassinum Seagreen darter North America 8 TL 1878
Etheostoma thompsoni Gumbo darter North America 6.1 SL 2012
Etheostoma tippecanoe Tippecanoe darter North America 4.3 TL 1890
Etheostoma trisella Trispot darter North America 5.9 TL 1963
Etheostoma tuscumbia Tuscumbia darter North America 6.1 TL 1887
Etheostoma uniporum Current darter North America 1968
Etheostoma variatum Variegate darter North America 11 TL 1840
Etheostoma virgatum Striped darter North America 7.8 TL 1880
Etheostoma vitreum Glassy darter North America 6.6 TL 1870
Etheostoma vulneratum Wounded darter North America 8 TL 1870
Etheostoma wapiti Boulder darter North America 8.5 TL 1989
Etheostoma whipplei Redfin darter North America 9 TL 1859
Etheostoma zonale Banded darter North America 7.8 TL 1868
Etheostoma zonifer Backwater darter North America 4.4 TL 1935
Etheostoma zonistium Bandfin darter North America 7.1 TL 1988
Gymnocephalus acerina Donets ruffe Europe 21 SL 1789
Gymnocephalus ambriaelacus Europe 11.7 SL 2010
Gymnocephalus baloni Danube ruffe Europe 15 SL 1974
Gymnocephalus cernua Ruffe Europe 25 TL 1758
Gymnocephalus schraetser Schraetzer Europe 30 TL 1758
Nothonotus aquali Coppercheek darter North America 8 TL 1978
Nothonotus microlepidus Smallscale darter North America 7.2 TL 1967
Nothonotus sanguifluus Bloodfin darter North America 9 TL 1870
Nothonotus starnesi Caney fork darter North America 7.6 SL 2013
Perca flavescens American yellow perch North America 50 TL 1814
Perca fluviatilis European perch Eurasia 60 SL 1758
Perca schrenkii Balkhash perch Asia 50 TL 1874
Percarina demidoffii Percarina Europe 10 SL 1840
Percarina maeotica Europe 10.5 TL 1888
Percina antesella Amber darter North America 7.2 TL 1977
Percina apina North America 13.7 SL 2017
Percina apristis Guadalupe darter North America 11 TL 1954
Percina aurantiaca Tangerine darter North America 18 TL 1868
Percina aurolineata Goldline darter North America 9 TL 1967
Percina aurora Pearl darter North America 1994
Percina austroperca Southern logperch North America 1995
Percina bimaculata Chesapeake logperch North America 1844
Percina brevicauda Coal darter North America 1994
Percina brucethompsoni North America 9.0 SL 2014
Percina burtoni Blotchside darter North America 16 TL 1945
Percina caprodes Logperch North America 18 TL 1818
Percina carbonaria Texas logperch North America 13 TL 1853
Percina copelandi Channel darter North America 7.2 TL 1877
Percina crassa Piedmont darter North America 9 TL 1878
Percina crypta Halloween Darter North America 7.3 SL 2008
Percina cymatotaenia Bluestripe darter North America 9 TL 1887
Percina evides Gilt darter North America 9.6 TL 1877
Percina fulvitaenia Ozark logperch North America 1981
Percina gymnocephala Appalachia darter North America 9.6 TL 1980
Percina jenkinsi Conasauga logperch North America 14 TL 1985
Percina kathae Mobile logperch North America 1997
Percina kusha Bridled darter North America 6.5 SL 2007
Percina lenticula Freckled darter North America 20 TL 1964
Percina macrocephala Longhead darter North America 12 TL 1867
Percina macrolepida Bigscale logperch North America 11 TL 1971
Percina maculata Blackside darter North America 11 TL 1859
Percina nasuta Longnose darter North America 11 TL 1941
Percina nevisense Chainback darter North America 1870
Percina nigrofasciata Blackbanded darter North America 11 TL 1854
Percina notogramma Stripeback darter North America 8.4 TL 1948
Percina oxyrhynchus Sharpnose darter North America 12 TL 1939
Percina palmaris Bronze darter North America 9 TL 1940
Percina pantherina Leopard darter North America 9.2 TL 1955
Percina peltata Shield darter North America 9 TL 1864
Percina phoxocephala Slenderhead darter North America 9.6 TL 1876
Percina rex Roanoke logperch North America 15 TL 1889
Percina roanoka Roanoke darter North America 7.8 TL 1889
Percina sciera Dusky darter North America 13 TL 1883
Percina shumardi River darter North America 7.8 TL 1859
Percina sipsi Bankhead darter North America 5 SL 2007
Percina smithvanizi Muscadine Darter North America 6.3 SL 2007
Percina squamata Olive darter North America 13 TL 1887
Percina stictogaster Frecklebelly darter North America 1993
Percina suttkusi Gulf logperch North America 1997
Percina tanasi Snail darter North America 9 TL 1976
Percina uranidea Stargazing darter North America 7.8 TL 1887
Percina vigil Saddleback darter North America 7.8 TL 1882
Percina williamsi Sickle darter North America 9.1 SL 2007
Romanichthys valsanicola Asprete Europe 11 SL 1957
Sander canadensis Sauger North America 76 TL 1834
Sander lucioperca Pike-perch Europe and Asia 100 SL 1758
Sander marinus Estuarine perch Eurasia 1828
Sander vitreus Walleye North America 107 FL 1818
Sander volgensis Volga pikeperch Europe 40 SL 1789
Zingel asper Rhone streber Europe 22 TL 1758
Zingel balcanicus Europe 15.5 SL 1937
Zingel streber Danube streber Europe 22 TL 1863
Zingel zingel Zingel Europe 48 SL 1766

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013