Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Myxinidae Hagfishes

(See list of species below)

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89 species
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Max. Length 58.4 cm TL

Eptatretus aceroi
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Max. Length 49.5 cm TL

Eptatretus alastairi
No picture found

Max. Length 53 cm TL

Eptatretus albiderma
[Whitish hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 22.0 cm TL

Eptatretus ancon
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Max. Length 40 cm TL

Eptatretus astrolabium
No picture found

Max. Length 61 cm TL

Eptatretus atami
[Brown hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 55 cm TL

Eptatretus bischoffii
No picture found

Max. Length 35.6 cm TL

Eptatretus bobwisneri
[Bob Wisner's hagfish]

Photo by Fernholm, B.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Eptatretus burgeri (Girard, 1855)

Photo by Photo by Fernholm, B.
Eptatretus burgeri
[Inshore hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 38.5 cm TL

Eptatretus caribbeaus
No picture found

Max. Length 116 cm TL

Eptatretus carlhubbsi
[Giant hagfish]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 37.7 cm TL
Eptatretus cheni (Shen & Tao, 1975)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Eptatretus cheni
No picture found

Max. Length 37.5 cm TL

Eptatretus chinensis

Photo by Ryan, P.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 97 cm TL
Eptatretus cirrhatus (Forster, 1801)

Photo by Photo by Ryan, P.
Eptatretus cirrhatus
[Broadgilled hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 93.1 cm TL

Eptatretus cryptus
[Cryptic hagfish]

Photo by Fernholm, B.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 63.5 cm TL
Eptatretus deani (Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907)

Photo by Photo by Fernholm, B.
Eptatretus deani
[Black hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 29.5 cm TL

Eptatretus fernholmi
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Max. Length 59.2 cm TL

Eptatretus fritzi
[Guadalupe hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 43.3 cm TL

Eptatretus fudgei

Photo by Mincarone, M.M.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 127.5 cm TL
Eptatretus goliath Mincarone & Stewart, 2006

Photo by Photo by Mincarone, M.M.
Eptatretus goliath
[Goliath hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 79 cm TL

Eptatretus gomoni
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Max. Length 36 cm TL

Eptatretus goslinei
[Gosline's hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 37.8 cm TL

Eptatretus grouseri
[Grouser's hagfish]

Photo by SFSA

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 80 cm TL
Eptatretus hexatrema (Müller, 1836)

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Eptatretus hexatrema
[Sixgill hagfish]
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Max. Length 43.7 cm TL

Eptatretus indrambaryai
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Max. Length 37.5 cm TL

Eptatretus laurahubbsae
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Max. Length 62.7 cm TL

Eptatretus longipinnis
[Longfinned hagfish]
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Max. Length 56.3 cm TL

Eptatretus luzonicus
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Max. Length 48.2 cm TL

Eptatretus mcconnaugheyi
[Shorthead hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 32 cm TL

Eptatretus mccoskeri
[McCosker's hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 45 cm TL

Eptatretus mendozai

Photo by Vaske Jr., T.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 73.7 cm TL
Eptatretus menezesi Mincarone, 2000

Photo by Photo by Vaske Jr., T.
Eptatretus menezesi
No picture found

Max. Length 39.5 cm TL

Eptatretus minor
No picture found

Max. Length 47 cm TL

Eptatretus moki

Photo by Sampaio, C.L.S.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 81.5 cm TL
Eptatretus multidens Fernholm & Hubbs, 1981

Photo by Photo by Sampaio, C.L.S.
Eptatretus multidens
No picture found

Max. Length 66.4 cm TL

Eptatretus nanii
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Max. Length 25.9 cm TL

Eptatretus nelsoni
No picture found

Max. Length 30 cm TL

Eptatretus octatrema
[Eightgill hagfish]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 80 cm TL
Eptatretus okinoseanus (Dean, 1904)

Photo by Photo by Shao, K.T.
Eptatretus okinoseanus
No picture found

Max. Length 92.1 cm TL

Eptatretus poicilus
[Mottled hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 93 cm TL

Eptatretus polytrema
[Fourteen-gill hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 62 cm TL

Eptatretus profundus
[Fivegill hagfish]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 43 cm TL
Eptatretus sheni (Kuo, Huang & Mok, 1994)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Eptatretus sheni
No picture found

Max. Length 48.1 cm TL

Eptatretus sinus
[Cortez hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 59 cm TL

Eptatretus springeri
[Gulf hagfish]

Photo by JJPhoto

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 63.5 cm TL
Eptatretus stoutii (Lockington, 1878)

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Eptatretus stoutii
[Pacific hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 62 cm TL

Eptatretus strahani

Photo by Møller, P.R.

South eastern Pacific
Max. Length 31.4 cm
Eptatretus strickrotti Møller & Jones, 2007

Photo by Photo by Møller, P.R.
Eptatretus strickrotti
[Strickrott's hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 33.4 cm TL

Eptatretus taiwanae
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Max. Length 51.8 cm TL

Eptatretus walkeri
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Max. Length 29.2 cm TL

Eptatretus wandoensis
[5-gilled white mid-dorsal line hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 21.6 cm TL

Eptatretus wayuu
No picture found

Max. Length 33.5 cm TL

Eptatretus wisneri

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 29.6 cm TL
Eptatretus yangi (Teng, 1958)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Eptatretus yangi

Photo by Delpiani, M.S.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 65.9 cm TL
Myxine affinis Günther, 1870

Photo by Photo by Delpiani, M.S.
Myxine affinis
[Patagonian hagfish]

Photo by Mincarone, M.M.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Myxine australis Jenyns, 1842

Photo by Photo by Mincarone, M.M.
Myxine australis

Photo by Le Noury, P.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Myxine capensis Regan, 1913

Photo by Photo by Le Noury, P.
Myxine capensis
[Cape hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 65 cm TL

Myxine circifrons
[Whiteface hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 57 cm TL

Myxine debueni
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Max. Length 49 cm TL

Myxine dorsum
No picture found

Max. Length 84.6 cm TL

Myxine fernholmi
No picture found

Max. Length 76.8 cm TL

Myxine formosana
No picture found

Max. Length 54 cm TL

Myxine garmani

Photo by Flescher, D.

North Atlantic
Max. Length 95 cm TL
Myxine glutinosa Linnaeus, 1758

Photo by Photo by Flescher, D.
Myxine glutinosa
[Atlantic hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 51.5 cm TL

Myxine greggi
[Gregg's hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 52.2 cm TL

Myxine hubbsi
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Max. Length 82.6 cm TL

Myxine hubbsoides
No picture found

Max. Length 57 cm TL

Myxine ios
[White-headed hagfish]

Photo by Møller, P.R.

North Atlantic
Max. Length 49.8 cm TL
Myxine jespersenae Møller, Feld, Poulsen, Thomsen & Thormar, 2005

Photo by Photo by Møller, P.R.
Myxine jespersenae
[Jespersen's hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 56.5 cm TL

Myxine knappi
No picture found

Max. Length 41 cm TL

Myxine kuoi

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 51 cm TL
Myxine limosa Girard, 1859

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Myxine limosa
No picture found

Max. Length 38.1 cm TL

Myxine martinii
[Martini's hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 28.6 cm TL

Myxine mccoskeri
No picture found

Max. Length 47 cm TL

Myxine mcmillanae
No picture found

Max. Length 30.5 cm TL

Myxine paucidens
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Max. Length 18.3 cm TL

Myxine pequenoi
No picture found

Max. Length 51 cm TL

Myxine phantasma
[Ghost hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 54 cm TL

Myxine robinsorum

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 52 cm TL
Myxine sotoi Mincarone, 2001

Photo by Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Myxine sotoi
No picture found

Max. Length 61.4 cm TL

Nemamyxine elongata

Photo by Mincarone, M.M.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Nemamyxine kreffti McMillan & Wisner, 1982

Photo by Photo by Mincarone, M.M.
Nemamyxine kreffti
No picture found

Max. Length 41.2 cm TL

Neomyxine biniplicata
No picture found

Max. Length 64.8 cm TL

Neomyxine caesiovitta
[Blueband hagfish]

Photo by Gosztonyi, A.E.

Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 57.5 cm TL
Notomyxine tridentiger (Garman, 1899)

Photo by Photo by Gosztonyi, A.E.
Notomyxine tridentiger

Photo by Fernholm, B.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 66.5 cm TL
Rubicundus eos (Fernholm, 1991)

Photo by Photo by Fernholm, B.
Rubicundus eos

Photo by Mincarone, M.M.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 27.5 cm TL
Rubicundus lakeside (Mincarone & McCosker, 2004)

Photo by Photo by Mincarone, M.M.
Rubicundus lakeside
[Lakeside hagfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 20.1 cm TL

Rubicundus lopheliae
No picture found

Max. Length 46.4 cm TL

Rubicundus rubicundus

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Eptatretus aceroi Caribbean 58.4 TL 2014
Eptatretus alastairi Eastern Indian Ocean 49.5 TL 2010
Eptatretus albiderma Whitish hagfish Western Pacific 53 TL 2020
Eptatretus ancon Western Central Atlantic 22.0 TL 2001
Eptatretus astrolabium Western Pacific 40 TL 2010
Eptatretus atami Brown hagfish Northwest Pacific 61 TL 1904
Eptatretus bischoffii Southeast Pacific 55 TL 1880
Eptatretus bobwisneri Bob Wisner's hagfish Southeast Pacific 35.6 TL 2013
Eptatretus burgeri Inshore hagfish Northwest Pacific 60 TL 1855
Eptatretus caribbeaus Western Central Atlantic 38.5 TL 1982
Eptatretus carlhubbsi Giant hagfish Pacific Ocean 116 TL 1984
Eptatretus cheni Northwest Pacific 37.7 TL 1975
Eptatretus chinensis Western Pacific 37.5 TL 1994
Eptatretus cirrhatus Broadgilled hagfish Western Pacific 97 TL 1801
Eptatretus cryptus Cryptic hagfish Western Pacific 93.1 TL 2015
Eptatretus deani Black hagfish Eastern Pacific 63.5 TL 1907
Eptatretus fernholmi Northwest Pacific 29.5 TL 1994
Eptatretus fritzi Guadalupe hagfish Eastern Pacific 59.2 TL 1990
Eptatretus fudgei Western Atlantic, Caribbe 43.3 TL 2023
Eptatretus goliath Goliath hagfish Southwest Pacific 127.5 TL 2006
Eptatretus gomoni Eastern Indian Ocean 79 TL 2010
Eptatretus goslinei Gosline's hagfish Southeast Pacific 36 TL 2021
Eptatretus grouseri Grouser's hagfish Southeast Pacific 37.8 TL 1999
Eptatretus hexatrema Sixgill hagfish Southeast Atlantic 80 TL 1836
Eptatretus indrambaryai Indian Ocean 43.7 TL 1984
Eptatretus laurahubbsae Southeast Pacific 37.5 TL 1984
Eptatretus longipinnis Longfinned hagfish Eastern Indian Ocean 62.7 TL 1975
Eptatretus luzonicus Western Pacific 56.3 TL 2013
Eptatretus mcconnaugheyi Shorthead hagfish Eastern Central Pacific 48.2 TL 1990
Eptatretus mccoskeri McCosker's hagfish Southeast Pacific 32 TL 1999
Eptatretus mendozai Western Atlantic 45 TL 1985
Eptatretus menezesi Southwest Atlantic 73.7 TL 2000
Eptatretus minor Western Central Atlantic 39.5 TL 1981
Eptatretus moki Northwest Pacific 47 TL 2004
Eptatretus multidens Western Atlantic 81.5 TL 1981
Eptatretus nanii Southeast Pacific 66.4 TL 1988
Eptatretus nelsoni Northwest Pacific 25.9 TL 1994
Eptatretus octatrema Eightgill hagfish Southeast Atlantic 30 TL 1923
Eptatretus okinoseanus Northwest Pacific 80 TL 1904
Eptatretus poicilus Mottled hagfish Western Pacific 92.1 TL 2015
Eptatretus polytrema Fourteen-gill hagfish Southeast Pacific 93 TL 1855
Eptatretus profundus Fivegill hagfish Southeast Atlantic 62 TL 1923
Eptatretus sheni Northwest Pacific 43 TL 1994
Eptatretus sinus Cortez hagfish Eastern Central Pacific 48.1 TL 1990
Eptatretus springeri Gulf hagfish Western Central Atlantic 59 TL 1952
Eptatretus stoutii Pacific hagfish Eastern Pacific 63.5 TL 1878
Eptatretus strahani Western Central Pacific 62 TL 1984
Eptatretus strickrotti Strickrott's hagfish South eastern Pacific 31.4 2007
Eptatretus taiwanae Northwest Pacific 33.4 TL 1975
Eptatretus walkeri Northwest Pacific 51.8 TL 2004
Eptatretus wandoensis 5-gilled white mid-dorsal line hagfish Northwest Pacific 29.2 TL 2020
Eptatretus wayuu Western Atlantic 21.6 TL 2001
Eptatretus wisneri Northwest Pacific 33.5 TL 1994
Eptatretus yangi Northwest Pacific 29.6 TL 1958
Myxine affinis Patagonian hagfish Southwest Atlantic 65.9 TL 1870
Myxine australis Southern Ocean 60 TL 1842
Myxine capensis Cape hagfish Southeast Atlantic 40 TL 1913
Myxine circifrons Whiteface hagfish Eastern Pacific 65 TL 1899
Myxine debueni Southeast Pacific 57 TL 1995
Myxine dorsum Southwest Atlantic 49 TL 1995
Myxine fernholmi Southeast Pacific and Sou 84.6 TL 1995
Myxine formosana Western Pacific 76.8 TL 2001
Myxine garmani Northwest Pacific 54 TL 1901
Myxine glutinosa Atlantic hagfish North Atlantic 95 TL 1758
Myxine greggi Gregg's hagfish Southeast Pacific 51.5 TL 2021
Myxine hubbsi Southeast Pacific 52.2 TL 1995
Myxine hubbsoides Southeast Pacific 82.6 TL 1995
Myxine ios White-headed hagfish Eastern Atlantic 57 TL 1981
Myxine jespersenae Jespersen's hagfish North Atlantic 49.8 TL 2005
Myxine knappi Southwest Atlantic 56.5 TL 1995
Myxine kuoi Northwest Pacific 41 TL 2002
Myxine limosa Western Atlantic 51 TL 1859
Myxine martinii Martini's hagfish Southeast Pacific 38.1 TL 2021
Myxine mccoskeri Western Central Atlantic 28.6 TL 1995
Myxine mcmillanae Western Central Atlantic 47 TL 1991
Myxine paucidens Northwest Pacific 30.5 TL 1913
Myxine pequenoi Southeast Pacific 18.3 TL 1995
Myxine phantasma Ghost hagfish Southeast Pacific 51 TL 2021
Myxine robinsorum Western Central Atlantic 54 TL 1995
Myxine sotoi Southwest Atlantic 52 TL 2001
Nemamyxine elongata Southwest Pacific 61.4 TL 1958
Nemamyxine kreffti Southwest Atlantic 40 TL 1982
Neomyxine biniplicata Southwest Pacific 41.2 TL 1951
Neomyxine caesiovitta Blueband hagfish Western Pacific 64.8 TL 2015
Notomyxine tridentiger Southeast Pacific and Sou 57.5 TL 1899
Rubicundus eos Southwest Pacific 66.5 TL 1991
Rubicundus lakeside Lakeside hagfish Southeast Pacific 27.5 TL 2004
Rubicundus lopheliae Northwest Atlantic 20.1 TL 2008
Rubicundus rubicundus Western Central Pacific 46.4 TL 2010

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013