More information on Sporozoa-infection (Myxobolus sp.)
Main Ref: 41805  
Disease type: Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)  
Disease name: Sporozoa-infection (Myxobolus sp.)  
Other names:    
Caus. agent: Myxobolus sp.  
Part of body and/or behavior affected by disease:
 Skins and/or fins  Belly  Swimming behavior
 Gills  Anus  Other behavior
 Eyes  Viscera Afflicted  Other symptoms
Fish affected:    
Symptoms: Infected fish shows signs of dark body coloration and/or accentuated coloring, whirling motion, emaciation, fin and tail rot. Also signs of secondary bacterial infection is exhibited. The spores can block the internal organ preventing their normal function. Ref. 45600 cited symptoms of locomotory disturbances, accompamied by emaciation, and sunken eyes in brain infection (Dykova et al. 1986), anaemia and haemorrhagic dropsy. Cardiac infection is another complication in acute stage of the infection.  
Treatments: Sporozoa-infections in most cases is incurable. The infected fish should be remove in the aquarium as soon as possible. If infected area is still small (any part of the body), treatment is possible by bathing the fish 3 times a day in a strong Methylene Blue solution (1gm/100ml.). Also Acetarson, Amprollium or Fumacillin treatment has been suggested but it doesn’t claimed to have a curing effect but rather infection was reduced.  
Remarks: Also Ref. 45600. In Ref. 055543, it mentioned the parasite infecting the gall-bladder, urinary-bladder, fins, spleen and liver of the host fish. .  
Mortality and seasonality
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/27/2010 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17