Main Ref: | 45600 |
Disease type: | Fungal diseases |
Disease name: | Dermocystidium-Like Organism Infection |
Other names: | Dermal and Gill Infectiion; Systemic Granuloma in Fish |
Caus. agent: | Dermocystidium sp. |
Group: |
Part of body and/or behavior affected by disease: | ||
Skins and/or fins | Belly | Swimming behavior |
Gills | Anus | Other behavior |
Eyes | Viscera Afflicted | Other symptoms |
Fish affected: | Various fish species including caro, eels and salmonids. | |
Symptoms: | Signs of infection include white, elongated or round cysts depending on the host species. Systemic infections may include intense granuloma in most species. In some host species (goldfish), the infections may start at the kidneys and next in the spleen and later in other internal organs. Haemorrhagic dropsy also occurs in the enlarged kidney and spleen of the infected fish. In Tilpia hosts, internal infection occurs in the liver. | |
Treatments: | ||
Prophylaxis: | ||
Remarks: | Epizootic infection in Tilapia species has only been reported once in overwintering stock in March. | |
Mortality and seasonality | ||
Mortality: | ||
Seasonality: |