More information on Grass Carp Haemorrhagic Disease Reovirus
Main Ref: 48847  
Disease type: Viral diseases  
Disease name: Grass Carp Haemorrhagic Disease Reovirus  
Other names:    
Caus. agent: to be filled   
Part of body and/or behavior affected by disease:
 Skins and/or fins  Belly  Swimming behavior
 Gills  Anus  Other behavior
 Eyes  Viscera Afflicted  Other symptoms
Fish affected:    
Symptoms: Exhibits haemorrhagic septicaemia. The infected fish severe haemorrhages at the base of the fins and in gills, operculum, eyes, oral cavity, musculature, liver, kidney, spleen, digestive system and exopthalmia.  
Remarks: Fingerlings are more susceptible to this disease than yearlings.  
Mortality and seasonality
Mortality: catastrophic (more than 80%)
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/27/2010 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17