More information on Furunculosis (acute)
Main Ref: 193  
Disease type: Bacterial diseases  
Disease name: Furunculosis (acute)  
Other names:    
Caus. agent: Aeromonas salmonicida  
Part of body and/or behavior affected by disease:
 Skins and/or fins  Belly  Swimming behavior
 Gills  Anus  Other behavior
 Eyes  Viscera Afflicted  Other symptoms
Fish affected: Salmonidae, Cyprinidae   
Symptoms: Haemorrhages on skin, fins, gills, liver, kidney.   
Treatments: Aureomycin 1 to 2 g/kg dried food for 10 days. Optimal environmental condition. Also a bath treatment is considered effective, bath treatment like, Nifurpirinol, with a dose: 10-15 mg/100L for an unlimited time (or as instructed), and Oxytetracycline, dose: 3-4 gm/100L for 2-3 days. Furazolidone (Dose: long bath, 0.5-1g/100L for 2 days), Enroflaxine (for long baths: 3-5 ml Baytril 10%/ 100L, this equals to 30-50 mg/100L; for short baths: 2.5mg (0.25ml Baytril 10%)/for a 5 hour bath every day, do this for 5-7 days) or Flumequine (Dose: long baths, 200-300 mg/100L for 1 or 2 days; short baths, 50-100 mg/L for 3 hours; in the food, 250-300 mg/100g fish food, for 5-7 days; as injection, 30 mg/kg body weight (IP/IM) and should last for a 10 day treatment) are also good treatment for this disease. For bigger fish, injection or mixed in the food is adviced, Florfenicol (mixed in the food, 1g/100g fishfood for 5 days or via injection 20-50mg/kg fish), Oxilinic acid (short baths: 100 mg/L for 15 minutes twice a day for three days ; long bath) and Sulfamide+Trimetoprim (Short bath: 100mg/L for 6-12 hours, until cured; Long bath: 5-7g/L for two days; in the food: 400-500mg/100g fish food for 1-2 weeks; Injection: 50mg/kg of fish (IP), to be repeated every week) gives good results. However fish with severe ulcers should be removed and euthanized as treatment is not possible. Ref. 48502.  
Prophylaxis: Optimal water condition and appropriate food.   
Mortality and seasonality
Mortality: medium (10% - 30 %)
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/27/2010 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17