States/Provinces Summary
Salvelinus confluentus  in British Columbia, Canada
Main ref. (10882). McPhail, J.D. and R. Carveth, 1993. Field key to the freshwater fishes of British Columbia. Fish Museum, Department of Zoology, U.B.C., Canada, 239 p. 
Status: native 
Comments: Put in the Blue List, since 2005 (Gaydos et al., 2011). Recorded from the Fraser River system, the Columbia, Kootenay, Flathead, Liard, Peace, Stikine, Taku, Skeena, Nass, Dean, Bella Coola, Klinaklini and Homathako Rivers (Ref. 10882). Also in Swan Lake (Ref. 10882). Game fishers have a daily catch quota of 2-4 (for all trout/char combined) depending on the region with only one >50 cm. No other general size limits. Numerous water specific regulations apply (Ref. 10989). Also Ref. 52559. 