Torpedo torpedo was reported from 45 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 43 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 2 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 0 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Eastern Atlantic: southern Bay of Biscay and throughout the Mediterranean to Angola. Most common in tropical waters.
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Table 1: Present in 43 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Europe Albania ALB native 4430
Africa Algeria DZA native 2803
Africa Angola AGO native 3166
Africa Benin BEN native 2803
Europe Bosnia Herzegov. BIH native 2803
Africa Cameroon CMR native 2803
Africa Congo COG native 2803
Africa Congo Dem Rp COD native 2803
Europe Croatia HRV native 2803
Asia Cyprus CYP native 2803
Africa Egypt EGY native 2803
Africa Eq Guinea GNQ native 2803
Europe France FRA native 4430
Africa Gabon GAB native 2803
Africa Gambia GMB native 2803
Africa Ghana GHA native 2803
Europe Gibraltar GIB native 2803
Europe Greece GRC native 4430
Africa Guinea GIN native 2803
Africa Guinea-Bissau GNB native 26999
Asia Israel ISR native 2803
Europe Italy ITA native 4430
Africa Ivory coast CIV native 2803
Asia Lebanon LBN native 2803
Africa Liberia LBR native 2803
Africa Libya LBY native 2803
Europe Malta MLT native 33971
Africa Mauritania MRT native 5377
Europe Monaco MCO native 2803
Europe Montenegro MNE native 2803
Africa Morocco MAR native 4430
Africa Nigeria NGA native 2803
Europe Portugal PRT native 4430
Africa Sao Tome Princ. STP native 34088
Africa Senegal SEN native 2803
Africa Sierra Leone SLE native 2803
Europe Slovenia SVN native 2803
Europe Spain ESP native 4430
Asia Syria SYR native 2803
Africa Togo TGO native 2803
Africa Tunisia TUN native 2803
Asia Turkey TUR native 57855
Africa West Sahara ESH native 2803

Table 2: Possible in 2 countries/islands (stray, questionable)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Africa Canary Is. CNY questionable 6808
Africa Cape Verde CPV questionable 94080

Table 4: Reported from 45 countries/islands.
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Europe Albania ALB native 4430
Africa Algeria DZA native 2803
Africa Angola AGO native 3166
Africa Benin BEN native 2803
Europe Bosnia Herzegov. BIH native 2803
Africa Cameroon CMR native 2803
Africa Canary Is. CNY questionable 6808
Africa Cape Verde CPV questionable 94080
Africa Congo COG native 2803
Africa Congo Dem Rp COD native 2803
Europe Croatia HRV native 2803
Asia Cyprus CYP native 2803
Africa Egypt EGY native 2803
Africa Eq Guinea GNQ native 2803
Europe France FRA native 4430
Africa Gabon GAB native 2803
Africa Gambia GMB native 2803
Africa Ghana GHA native 2803
Europe Gibraltar GIB native 2803
Europe Greece GRC native 4430
Africa Guinea GIN native 2803
Africa Guinea-Bissau GNB native 26999
Asia Israel ISR native 2803
Europe Italy ITA native 4430
Africa Ivory coast CIV native 2803
Asia Lebanon LBN native 2803
Africa Liberia LBR native 2803
Africa Libya LBY native 2803
Europe Malta MLT native 33971
Africa Mauritania MRT native 5377
Europe Monaco MCO native 2803
Europe Montenegro MNE native 2803
Africa Morocco MAR native 4430
Africa Nigeria NGA native 2803
Europe Portugal PRT native 4430
Africa Sao Tome Princ. STP native 34088
Africa Senegal SEN native 2803
Africa Sierra Leone SLE native 2803
Europe Slovenia SVN native 2803
Europe Spain ESP native 4430
Asia Syria SYR native 2803
Africa Togo TGO native 2803
Africa Tunisia TUN native 2803
Asia Turkey TUR native 57855
Africa West Sahara ESH native 2803
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The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17