List of Marine Fishes reported from Philippines
n = 3499
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Filter: All fishes Freshwater Saltwater Introduced Endemic Threatened Extinct
Dangerous Reef-associated Pelagic Deep-water Game fishes Commercial

Table 1: 3226 species currently present in the country/island (endemic, native, introduced, reintroduced);
Table 2: 207 species possibly present in the country/island (stray, questionable);
Table 3: 66 species demonstrated to be absent in the country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: 3499 species reported from the country/island altogether.
Table 2: 207 species possibly present in the country/island.
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Order Family Species Occurrence FishBase name Name in Country
Ovalentaria/misc Pomacentridae Chrysiptera starckiquestionable Starck's demoiselle  
Ovalentaria/misc Pomacentridae Chrysiptera taupouquestionable Southseas devil  
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Cirrhilabrus punctatusquestionable Dotted wrasse  
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Cirrhilabrus solorensisquestionable Red-eye wrasse  
Clupeiformes Dorosomatidae Clupanodon thrissaquestionable Chinese gizzard shad Gizzard shad 
Anguilliformes Congridae Conger congerquestionable European conger Obud 
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Coris pictaquestionable Comb wrasse  
Mugiliformes Mugilidae Crenimugil buchananiquestionable Bluetail mullet Balanak 
Acanthuriformes Acanthuridae Ctenochaetus marginatusquestionable Striped-fin surgeonfish Indangan 
Pleuronectiformes Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus gracilisquestionable   
Pleuronectiformes Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus interruptusquestionable Genko sole  
Pleuronectiformes Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus joyneriquestionable Red tonguesole  
Squaliformes Centrophoridae Deania calceusquestionable Birdbeak dogfish  
Myctophiformes Myctophidae Diaphus dahlgreniquestionable   
Myctophiformes Myctophidae Diaphus gigasquestionable   
Carcharhiniformes Dichichthyidae Dichichthys melanobranchusquestionable Blackgill catshark Pating 
Echinorhiniformes Echinorhinidae Echinorhinus cookeiquestionable Prickly shark  
Blenniiformes Blenniidae Ecsenius aequalisquestionable Fourline blenny  
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Elacatinus prochilosquestionable Broadstripe goby  
Blenniiformes Blenniidae Entomacrodus stelliferquestionable Stellar rockskipper  
Perciformes/Serranoidei Epinephelidae Epinephelus spilotocepsquestionable Foursaddle grouper Lapu-lapu 
Perciformes/Serranoidei Epinephelidae Epinephelus summanaquestionable Summan grouper Lapu lapu 
Perciformes/Serranoidei Epinephelidae Epinephelus undulatostriatusquestionable Maori rockcod Alatan 
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Eviota dorsogilvaquestionable Creamback dwarfgoby  
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Eviota guttataquestionable Spotted dwarfgoby  
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Eviota infulataquestionable Shouldermark dwarfgoby Bia 
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Eviota nigriventrisquestionable Redbelly dwarfgoby Bia 
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Eviota punctulataquestionable Dotted dwarfgoby Bia 
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Eviota sigillataquestionable Adorned dwarfgoby  
Eupercaria/misc Sparidae Evynnis tumifronsquestionable Yellowback seabream Bakoko 
Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae Galeus eastmaniquestionable Gecko catshark Pating 
Anguilliformes Muraenesocidae Gavialiceps taeniolaquestionable   
Eupercaria/misc Gerreidae Gerres japonicusquestionable Japanese silver-biddy Malakapas 
Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae Glyphis gangeticusquestionable Ganges shark  
Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae Halaelurus buergeriquestionable Blackspotted catshark  
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Halichoeres cosmetusquestionable Adorned wrasse  
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Halichoeres leucoxanthusquestionable Canarytop wrasse  
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Halichoeres tenuispinisquestionable  Mameng 
Acanthuriformes Chaetodontidae Hemitaurichthys zosterquestionable Brown-and-white butterflyfish Paru-paro 
Myliobatiformes Dasyatidae Hemitrygon bennettiiquestionable Bennett's stingray  
Acanthuriformes Chaetodontidae Heniochus pleurotaeniaquestionable Phantom bannerfish Paru-paro 
Clupeiformes Dorosomatidae Herklotsichthys punctatusquestionable Spotback herring Timon-timon 
Aulopiformes Aulopidae Hime japonicaquestionable Japanese thread-sail fish  
Syngnathiformes Syngnathidae Hippocampus abdominalisquestionable Big-belly seahorse  
Lophiiformes Histiophrynidae Histiophryne pogoniaquestionable   
Ophidiiformes Ophidiidae Hoplobrotula gnathopusquestionable False kinglip  
Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae Hydrolagus mitsukuriiquestionable Spookfish  
Atheriniformes Atherinidae Hypoatherina woodwardiquestionable   
Perciformes/Scorpaenoidei Synanceiidae Inimicus filamentosusquestionable Two-stick stingfish  
Lamniformes Lamnidae Isurus paucusquestionable Longfin mako  
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php script by eagbayani, 15/08/07, last modified by mbactong, 24/10/19