List of Freshwater Fishes reported from Indonesia
n = 1292
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Table 1: 1272 species currently present in the country/island (endemic, native, introduced, reintroduced);
Table 2: 7 species possibly present in the country/island (stray, questionable);
Table 3: 13 species demonstrated to be absent in the country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: 1292 species reported from the country/island altogether.
Table 1: 1272 species currently present in the country/island.
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Family Species Author Info Occurrence Common names Abundance Max length Maturity Remark Photo
Nandidae Nandus mercatus Ng, 2008 Fr native   7.00 cm SL male/unsexed    No picture yet.
Nandidae Nandus nebulosus (Gray, 1835) Fr, Br native  Emplekung (Iban), Temburut (Malay), Patung dundu (Malay), Patung rimba (Malay)  12.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo, Java and Sumatra (Ref. 36654). Found in the Kapuas Lakes area in Kalimantan Barat, Borneo (Ref. 56749). Recorded from Danau Sentarum National Park in the Kapuas basin, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo (Ref. 56749). 
Bagridae Nanobagrus armatus (Vaillant, 1902) Fr native   3.20 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from east and west Borneo (Ref. 7050). Occurs in Mahakam and Kapuas drainages in Borneo (Ref. 40801). 
Bagridae Nanobagrus fuscus (Popta, 1904) Fr native  Baung lebang (Malay)  5.10 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo (Ref. 7050). Recorded from the Batang Hari drainage in central Sumatra (Ref. 40801). 
Bagridae Nanobagrus immaculatus Ng, 2008 Fr native   2.93 cm SL male/unsexed  Found only in the Kahayan River drainage in southern Borneo, which drains into the Java Sea. 
Bagridae Nanobagrus stellatus Tan & Ng, 2000 Fr, Or native   3.36 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the Batang Hari drainage in central Sumatra (Ref. 40801). Museum: Sg. Alai (from aquarium collectors), Jambi, Sumatra, MZB 9306 (holotype, 2.3 cm SL) (Ref. 40801). 
Bagridae Nanobagrus torquatus Thomson, López, Hadiaty & Page, 2008 Fr native    Known from the Musi drainage in southern Sumatra (Ref. 78578). 
Ariidae Nedystoma dayi (Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886) Fr native   20.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the Lorentz River in Irian Jaya.  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus chrysolaimos (Valenciennes, 1846) Fr native   5.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Java. Also Ref. 26580.  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus fasciatus (Valenciennes, 1846) Fr native   7.40 cm SL male/unsexed  Occurs in Sumatra and Java (Ref. 26580). 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus jaklesii (Bleeker, 1852) Fr native    Type locality, Pajacombo, Sumatra (Ref. 88798).  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus kapuasensis Kottelat, 1984 Fr native  Memayur (Iban), Ikan batu (Malay)  71.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from western Borneo (Ref. 7050) and Riau, Sumatra (Ref. 13275). Also Ref. 26580.  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus lactogeneus Roberts, 1989 Fr native  Memanyur (Iban), Ikan batu (Malay)  5.50 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the Kapuas and its main tributaries (Ref. 56749) and Riau, Sumatra (Ref. 13275). Also Ref. 7050, 26580. 56749. 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus longipectoralis Popta, 1905 Fr native   3.70 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo. Also Ref. 26580. 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus longipinnis Ahl, 1922 Fr native   5.10 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from central Sumatra.  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus marang Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2010 Fr native    Known from Sungai Marang, Bengalon drainage in the Sangkulirang peninsula karst formation, Borneo (Ref. 85061). 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus olivaceus Boulenger, 1894 Fr native   6.70 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from northern Borneo. 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus papillos Tan & Kottelat, 2009 Fr native    Known from the Batang Hari drainage in Sumatra (Ref. 81211).  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus pfeifferae (Bleeker, 1853) Fr native  Jelor (Bahasa Indonesia), Insor (Batak Toba), Ikan pasir (Malay), Uceng (Bahasa Indonesia), Batu (Batak Toba), Ikan (Batak Toba)  6.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra. 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus saravacensis Boulenger, 1894 Fr native  Memanyur (Iban), Ikan batu (Malay)  3.80 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from western Borneo. 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus selangoricus Duncker, 1904 Fr native   5.90 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra and northern Borneo (Ref. 7050). Also Ref. 4537, 39226, 26580.  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus spiniferus Kottelat, 1984 Fr native  Memanyur (Iban), Ikan batu (Malay)  5.50 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo (Ref. 7050). Found in the Kapuas Lakes area in Kalimantan Barat, Borneo (Ref. 56749). Recorded from Danau Sentarum National Park in the Kapuas basin, Kalimantan Barat (Ref. 56749).  No picture yet.
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus tebo Hadiaty & Kottelat, 2009 Fr native   5.61 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Kalimantan Timur (Ref. 80655). 
Nemacheilidae Nemacheilus tuberigum Hadiaty & Siebert, 2001 Fr native   4.85 cm SL male/unsexed ;5.34 cm SL female  Known only from Sungai Lembang, Suag Balimbing Research Station and Sungai Alas, Ketambe Research Station in Gunung Leuser National Park, Aceh, Sumatra (Ref. 42961). Museum: MZB 9356 (holotype, 4.85 cm SL) (Ref. 42961).  No picture yet.
Danionidae Nematabramis alestes (Seale & Bean, 1907) Fr native   10.10 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Tawau (Ref. 7050). Also Ref. 2929. 
Danionidae Nematabramis borneensis Inger & Chin, 1962 Fr native   10.20 cm SL male/unsexed    No picture yet.
Danionidae Nematabramis steindachnerii Popta, 1905 Fr native   11.20 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Kayan River basin, eastern Borneo.  No picture yet.
Dorosomatidae Nematalosa erebi (Günther, 1868) Fr, Br, Fi native   48.00 cm SL male/unsexed   
Ariidae Neoarius graeffei (Kner & Steindachner, 1867) Fr, Br native   60.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the Lake Jamur in Irian Jaya. 
Cyprinidae Neobarynotus microlepis (Bleeker, 1851) Fr native  Jelawat batu (Malay), Bubuk (Malay)  40.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra (Palembang, Djambi) and Borneo (Kapuas, Barito) (Ref. 2091). This species used to occur in lakes and main rivers of the Kapuas Lakes Area in western Borneo throughout the year and to spawn in December. Local fishermen considered this to to be locally extinct since around 1975-1977 possibly due to overfishing for the aquarium trade or forest fire in 1975 (Ref. 56749). Museum: Kapuas, MZB 3092. Also Ref. 26580, 36654. 
Gastromyzontidae Neogastromyzon crassiobex Tan, 2006 Fr native   4.87 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the Sebuku River basin in the northern part of Kalimantan Timur (Ref. 57871).  No picture yet.
Gastromyzontidae Neogastromyzon kottelati Tan, 2006 Fr native   3.53 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the upper Kapuas River basin, in the stream that feeds the Danau Sentarum and Sibau areas (Ref. 57871).  No picture yet.
Gastromyzontidae Neogastromyzon nieuwenhuisii Popta, 1905 Fr native  Lelekat (Iban), Dekat (Malay)  5.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo. Also Ref. 26580.  No picture yet.
Gastromyzontidae Neogastromyzon pauciradiatus (Inger & Chin, 1961) Fr native   6.20 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo. 
Balitoridae Neohomaloptera johorensis (Herre, 1944) Fr native   2.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from western Borneo and Sumatra (Ref. 7050, 26580). In Sumatra, it occurs in Riau, Jambi and Banka (Ref. 13275).  No picture yet.
Cyprinidae Neolissochilus hexagonolepis (McClelland, 1839) Fr native   120 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra. 
Cyprinidae Neolissochilus longipinnis (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916) Fr native   47.50 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra (Lake Kawar) and Java (Pangus River on. Mt. Ungaran). Also Ref. 26580.  No picture yet.
Cyprinidae Neolissochilus soro (Valenciennes, 1842) Fr, Fi native  scarce (very unlikely) 100.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra and Java (Ref. 7050). Used in traditional feast by Batak people of North Sumatra (Ref. 7050). In West Java, a number of ancient fish ponds are maintained, specifically in Kuningan where this is held to be sacred (Ref. 7050). Also Ref. 37786. 
Cyprinidae Neolissochilus sumatranus (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916) Fr native   14.80 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra. Also Ref. 26580. 
Cyprinidae Neolissochilus thienemanni (Ahl, 1933) Fr native  Ikan Batak (Bahasa Indonesia), Ihan (Batak Toba)  21.10 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Lake Toba, Sumatra. Also Ref. 26580. 
Plotosidae Neosilurus ater (Perugia, 1894) Fr native   47.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Irian Jaya in the Digul and Lorentz rivers and Lake Jamur. Also recorded from Aru Islands. 
Plotosidae Neosilurus brevidorsalis (Günther, 1867) Fr, Sp native   20.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Vogelkop Peninsula in Irian Jaya. 
Plotosidae Neosilurus equinus (Weber, 1913) Fr native   37.50 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from the Lorentz River in Irian Jaya.  No picture yet.
Plotosidae Neosilurus gjellerupi (Weber, 1913) Fr native   30.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Found in the northern Papua (formerly Irian Jaya) (Ref. 58032).  No picture yet.
Plotosidae Neosilurus idenburgi (Nichols, 1940) Fr native   27.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from the Mamberamo River in Irian Jaya.  No picture yet.
Plotosidae Neosilurus novaeguineae (Weber, 1907) Fr native   21.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Mamberamo River in Irian Jaya. Also reported from Lake Sentani in Irian Jaya but no confirmed records there for over 75 years.  No picture yet.
Phallostethidae Neostethus bicornis Regan, 1916 Fr, Br native   3.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Known from Borneo (Ref. 7050). Museum: Kalimantan Timur, CMK 9482, 11024; ROM 66669. Sungei Sebuku basin, Sungei Tulit, about 1 km downriver from the confluence of Semunad ans a small tributary creek (Ref. 12769). 
Phallostethidae Neostethus borneensis Herre, 1939 Fr, Br native   2.30 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from northern Borneo.  No picture yet.
Phallostethidae Neostethus lankesteri Regan, 1916 Fr, Br native   3.00 cm SL male/unsexed  Known from Sumatra. Museum: East Kalimantan, AMS I.19355-041 (Ref. 12768). 
Tetrarogidae Neovespicula depressifrons (Richardson, 1848) Fr, Br, M native   10.00 cm TL male/unsexed  Sumatra, Bali, Sulawesi, Moluccas, and Irian Jaya.  
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