List of Marine Fishes reported from Greece
n = 545
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Filter: All fishes Freshwater Saltwater Introduced Endemic Threatened Extinct
Dangerous Reef-associated Pelagic Deep-water Game fishes Commercial

Table 1: 500 species currently present in the country/island (endemic, native, introduced, reintroduced);
Table 2: 26 species possibly present in the country/island (stray, questionable);
Table 3: 19 species demonstrated to be absent in the country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: 545 species reported from the country/island altogether.
Table 4: 545 species reported from the country/island altogether.
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Order Family Species Occurrence FishBase name Name in Country
Scombriformes Scombridae Acanthocybium solandriquestionable Wahoo Akanthoriki 
Eupercaria/misc Labridae Acantholabrus palloninative Scale-rayed wrasse Akantholapina 
Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae Acipenser gueldenstaedtiiintroduced Danube sturgeon Xyrychi Dounavi 
Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae Acipenser naccariinative Adriatic sturgeon Xyrychi Adriatikis 
Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae Acipenser stellatusnative Starry sturgeon Astroxyrychi 
Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae Acipenser sturionative Sturgeon Xyrychi 
Myliobatiformes Myliobatidae Aetomylaeus bovinusnative Bull ray Rynchaetopsaro 
Blenniiformes Blenniidae Aidablennius sphynxnative  Σφυγγοσαλιάρα 
Carangiformes Carangidae Alepes djedabaintroduced Shrimp scad Gymnokokali 
Lamniformes Alopiidae Alopias superciliosusnative Bigeye thresher Alopias megalomatos 
Lamniformes Alopiidae Alopias vulpinusnative Thresher Alepouskylos 
Clupeiformes Alosidae Alosa alosamisidentification Allis shad Kepa 
Clupeiformes Alosidae Alosa fallaxnative Twaite shad Sardelomana 
Anguilliformes Anguillidae Anguilla anguillanative European eel Cheli 
Perciformes/Serranoidei Anthiadidae Anthias anthiasnative Swallowtail seaperch Kokinochanos 
Cyprinodontiformes Aphaniidae Aphanius almiriensisnative  Almiri toothcarp 
Cyprinodontiformes Aphaniidae Aphanius fasciatusnative Mediterranean banded killifish Zabarola 
Gobiiformes Gobiidae Aphia minutanative Transparent goby Γυαλογωβιός 
Gobiesociformes Gobiesocidae Apletodon dentatusquestionable Small-headed clingfish  
Kurtiformes Apogonidae Apogon imberbisnative Cardinal fish Kardinalios 
Kurtiformes Apogonidae Apogonichthyoides pharaonisintroduced Pharaoh cardinalfish  
Anguilliformes Ophichthidae Apterichtus anguiformisnative Slender finless eel  
Anguilliformes Ophichthidae Apterichtus caecusnative European finless eel  
Aulopiformes Paralepididae Arctozenus rissonative Spotted barracudina  
Argentiniformes Argentinidae Argentina sphyraenanative Argentine Gourlomatis 
Stomiiformes Sternoptychidae Argyropelecus hemigymnusnative Half-naked hatchetfish  
Eupercaria/misc Sciaenidae Argyrosomus regiusnative Meagre Kranios 
Anguilliformes Congridae Ariosoma balearicumnative Bandtooth conger Chelomougri 
Pleuronectiformes Bothidae Arnoglossus grohmanninative   
Pleuronectiformes Bothidae Arnoglossus imperialisnative Imperial scaldfish Vasilozageta 
Pleuronectiformes Bothidae Arnoglossus kesslerinative Scaldback Mikrozageta 
Pleuronectiformes Bothidae Arnoglossus laternanative Mediterranean scaldfish Arnozageta 
Pleuronectiformes Bothidae Arnoglossus rueppeliinative Rüppell's scaldback Zageta Rypel 
Pleuronectiformes Bothidae Arnoglossus thorinative Thor's scaldfish Zageta thor 
Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontidae Arothron hispidusmisidentification White-spotted puffer  
Atheriniformes Atherinidae Atherina hepsetusnative Mediterranean sand smelt Souvlitis 
Atheriniformes Atherinidae Atherinomorus forskaliiintroduced Red Sea hardyhead silverside  
Aulopiformes Aulopidae Aulopus filamentosusnative Royal flagfin Stiktogourlomatis 
Scombriformes Scombridae Auxis rocheinative Bullet tuna Kopani 
Scombriformes Scombridae Auxis thazardquestionable Frigate tuna Kopani-Kopanaki 
Tetraodontiformes Balistidae Balistes capriscusnative Grey triggerfish Monochiros 
Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Barbus plebejusnative   
Aulopiformes Ipnopidae Bathypterois dubiusnative Spiderfish Arachnopsaro 
Aulopiformes Ipnopidae Bathypterois grallatornative Tripodfish Tripodopsaro 
Aulopiformes Ipnopidae Bathypterois longifilismisidentification Feeler fish  
Myliobatiformes Dasyatidae Bathytoshia centrouranative Roughtail stingray Akanthotrygona 
Ophidiiformes Bythitidae Bellottia apodanative   
Beloniformes Belonidae Belone belonenative Garfish Zargana 
Beloniformes Belonidae Belone svetovidovinative  Zargana Svetovintof 
Ophidiiformes Ophidiidae Benthocometes robustusnative   
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php script by eagbayani, 15/08/07, last modified by mbactong, 24/10/19