Food and Feeding Habits: Diet Composition Mullus barbatus
n = 21
Main Food Percent
Trophic Level
Predator Life Stage Country Locality Ref.
zoobenthos 52 3.5 juv./adults Greece Northern coast of Crete, August 1990-August 1992 28086
zoobenthos 75 3.1 larvae Italy Castellammare Gulf, 1994-95 41946
zoobenthos 32 3.3 recruits/juv. Italy West Adriatic Sea, 1975 41922
zoobenthos 56 3.2 juv./adults Italy Central Adriatic Sea, 1963-64 41933
zoobenthos 36 3.3 recruits/juv. Greece Saronikos Gulf, 1975-76 27097
zoobenthos 65 3.4 recruits/juv. Greece Thermaikos Gulf, 1976-77 27097
zoobenthos 44 3.3 juv./adults Greece Thracian Sea, 1976-77 41904
zooplankton 39 3.2 adults Greece Patraikos Gulf, 1983-84 27096
zoobenthos 69 3.1 adults Greece Korinthiakos Gulf, 1983-84 27096
zooplankton 63 3.2 adults Greece Ionian Sea, 1983-94 27096
zoobenthos 57 3.6 recruits/juv. Greece Amvrakikos Gulf, 1986-87 41995
zoobenthos 79 3.6 juv./adults Greece Southeastern Mediterranean, 1983-86 41925
zoobenthos 40 3.3 juv./adults Greece Amvrakikos Gulf, November 1986 41995
zoobenthos 80 3.2 juv./adults Greece Amvrakikos Gulf, February 1987 41995
zoobenthos 75 3.2 juv./adults Greece Amvrakikos Gulf, May 1987 41995
zoobenthos 42 3.3 juv./adults Greece Amvrakikos Gulf, July 1987 41995
zoobenthos 49 3.2 juv./adults Greece Amvrakikos Gulf, Spetember 1987 41995
detritus 38 2.4 juv./adults Greece Thracian Sea, October 1976 41904
detritus 39 2.8 juv./adults Greece Thracian Sea, March 1977 41904
detritus 49 2.7 juv./adults Greece Thracian Sea, July 1977 41904
detritus 41 2.8 juv./adults Greece Thracian Sea, October 1976, March and July 1977 41904
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