Spawning Aggregations of Gadus morhua

Main Ref. Brander K, 1993, Comparison of spawning characteristics of cod (Gadus morhua) stocks in the North Atlantic, NAFO Scientific Council Studies 18:1-20; Fahay MP, Berrien PL, Johnson DL, Morse WM., 1999, Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, life history and habitat characteristics, NOAA Technical memorandum NMFS-NE 124; Lawson GL, Rose GA, 2000, Small-scale spatial and temporal patterns in spawning of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in coastal Newfoundland waters, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 57:1011-1024
Spawning type Unknown
Aggregation type Unknown
Spawning evidence
Hydrated eggs
High seasonal landings; Multiple gravid females
Status Gone
Lunar phase
Habitat type Shoal
Management Time/area closure; Limited gear types Gear Hook and Line; Gill net; Bottom Trawl; Longline
Country Canada
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