Spawning Aggregations of Thunnus thynnus

Main Ref. Karakulak S, Oray I, Corriero A, Deflorio M, Santamaria N, Desantis S, De Metrio G., 2004, Evidence of a spawning area for the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) in the eastern Mediterranean, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 20:318-320; Corriero A, Desantis S, DFeflorio M, Acone F, Bridges CR, De La Serna JM, Megalofonou P, De Metrio G, 2003, Histological investigation on the ovarian cycle of the bluefin tuna in the western and central Mediterranean, Journal of Fish Biology 63:108-119; Ravier C, Fromentin JM, 2004, Are the long-term fluctuations in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) population related to environmental changes?, Fisheries Oceanography 13(3):145-160; Mackenzie BR, Mosegaard H, Rosenberg AA, 2009, Impending collapse of bluefin tuna in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean, Conservation Letters 2:25-34; Alemany F, Quintanilla L, Velez-Belchi P, Garcia A, Cortes D, Rodriguez JM, Fernandez de Puelles ML, Gonzalez-Pola C, Lopez-Jurado JL., 2010, Characterization of the
Spawning type Unknown
Aggregation type Unknown
Spawning evidence
Postovulatory follicles
Status Decreasing
Lunar phase
Habitat type Pelagic; Other
Management Size limits ; Landing quota; Time/area closure Gear Purse seine; Longline; Trap
Country Spain
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