Ammocoetes: Max. size 177 mm TL. Body proportions, as percentage of TL (based on 23 specimens measuring 123-177 mm TL): prebranchial length, 7.0-8.2; branchial length, 9.0-11.6; trunk length, 50.3-55.2; tail length, 25.0-28.6. Trunk myomeres, 58-64. Body coloration, dorsal and upper lateral aspects brownish, lower lateral and ventral aspects lighter. Extent of pigmentation (- = absence to trace; + = 1% to under 25%; ++ = 25% to under 75%; +++ = 75% or more): upper lip, - (100% of specimens); subocular, - (percentage not known); lower prebranchial, - (72%) or + or ++ (14% each); upper branchial, + (95%) or ++ (5%); caudal fin, - (98%) or + (2%). Additionally, the lower lip and the ventral branchial region are both unpigmented (-). Lateral line neuromasts unpigmented. Caudal fin shape, spade-like. Metamorphosing ammocoetes: lengths unrecorded. |