Reproduction of Acipenser baerii
Document source:
Main Ref. Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen, 1966
Mode dioecism
Fertilization external
Mating type
Spawning frequency one clear seasonal peak per year
Spawning aggregation Ref.  
Batch spawner Ref.  
Reproductive guild nonguarders
open water/substratum egg scatterers
Parental Care none
Description of life cycle and mating behavior Potamodromous species (Ref. 57765). In a natural environment, males reach sexual maturity at 9-1 5 years of age and females at 16-20 years (in water recirculation systems, sexual maturity can first occur at 5 years). Spawning happens in the summer and generally every two years. Membranes on eggs become increasingly more sticky after fertilization and this allows them to stick to the substratum. This can become a problem in nurseries, but it is solved by washing the eggs in clay or diatomaceous earth suspensions. Caviar (not fecundated ovocites ) can be over 1 0% of the corporal weight of a mature female. Incubation lasts about 1 6 days (at 10-1 5°). Larval development lasts about 20 days (at 18°). Egg size 3.0-3.6 mm, larval length at hatching 10-12 mm.
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cfm script by eagbayani, 21/08/01 ,  php script by rolavides, 11/02/08 ,  last modified by mbactong, 09/06/17