Reproduction of Lachnolaimus maximus
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Main Ref. GarcĂ­a-Cagide, A., R. Claro and B.V. Koshelev, 1994
Mode protogyny
Fertilization external
Mating type polygyny
Spawning frequency one clear seasonal peak per year
Spawning aggregation Yes.   Ref.  SCRFA, Science and Conservation of Fish Aggregations, 2018
Batch spawner Yes.   Ref.  McBride, R.S. and M.R. Johnson, 2007
Reproductive guild nonguarders
open water/substratum egg scatterers
Parental Care none
Description of life cycle and mating behavior Monandric (no primary males) , protogynous hermaphrodites. Sex change is postmaturation; it is initiated among individuals 30-40 cm LF (or 3-5 yrs) but was also observed in fish as large as 69.4 cm LF (13 yrs). Sex change occurred after one more spawning (as a female) seasons and requires several months to complete (Ref.74380). Harem spawner (Ref.74381). Spawning activity is characterised by the following event called 'spawning rush': 1) pectoral swim up, 2) tail swim, 3) swin alongsode and tilt, 4) release, 5) circle and display, and 6) swim down (Ref. 74381).
Search for more references on reproduction Scirus
(e.g. 9948)
(e.g. oophagy)

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cfm script by eagbayani, 21/08/01 ,  php script by rolavides, 11/02/08 ,  last modified by mbactong, 09/06/17