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Scientific Names where Genus Equals Novaculops
n = 7
No. Valid Name Author English Name
1.  Novaculops alvheimi Randall, 2013 St. Brandon’s sandy
2.  Novaculops compressus Fukui, 2020 Garnet sandy
3.  Novaculops halsteadi (Randall & Lobel, 2003) Halstead's sandy
4.  Novaculops koteamea (Randall & Allen, 2004) Rapanui sandy
5.  Novaculops pastellus (Randall, Earle & Rocha, 2008) Lord Howe sandy
6.  Novaculops sciistius (Jordan & Thompson, 1914) Oriental sandy
7.  Novaculops woodi (Jenkins, 1901) Hawaiian sandy
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