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Scientific Names where Genus Equals Muraena

n = 173

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Scientific Name Author Valid Name Family English Name
Muraena acuminata Gronow, 1854 Myrichthys breviceps Ophichthidae Sharptail eel
Muraena acutirostris Gronow, 1854 Ophisurus serpens Ophichthidae Serpent eel
Muraena afra (Lacepède, 1803) Gymnothorax afer Muraenidae Dark moray
Muraena alba Zuiew, 1793 Monopterus albus Synbranchidae Asian swamp eel
Muraena albimarginata Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Gymnothorax albimarginatus Muraenidae Whitemargin moray
Muraena albomarginata Pfaff, 1933 Muraena melanotis Muraenidae
Muraena alusis Bleeker, 1856 Echidna catenata Muraenidae Chain moray
Muraena amblyodon Bleeker, 1856 Echidna amblyodon Muraenidae Sulawesi moray
Muraena anatina Lowe, 1838 Enchelycore anatina Muraenidae Fangtooth moray
Muraena anguilla Linnaeus, 1758 Anguilla anguilla Anguillidae European eel
Muraena anguina Gronow, 1854 Enchelycore nigricans Muraenidae Viper moray
Muraena angusticauda Weber & de Beaufort, 1916 Gymnothorax angusticauda Muraenidae Narrowtail moray
Muraena annulata Ahl, 1789 Myrichthys colubrinus Ophichthidae Harlequin snake eel
Muraena appendiculata (Guichenot, 1848) Muraena appendiculata Muraenidae
Muraena arabica Bloch & Schneider, 1801 Muraenesox cinereus Muraenesocidae Daggertooth pike conger
Muraena arabicus Bloch & Schneider, 1801 Muraenesox cinereus Muraenesocidae Daggertooth pike conger
Muraena argentea Lesueur, 1817 Anguilla rostrata Anguillidae American eel
Muraena argus (Steindachner, 1870) Muraena argus Muraenidae Argus moray
Muraena augusti (Kaup, 1856) Muraena augusti Muraenidae
Muraena aurea Mowbray, 1931 Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena australiae Richardson, 1848 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena australis (Richardson, 1841) Anguilla australis Anguillidae Short-finned eel
Muraena bagio Hamilton, 1822 Muraenesox bagio Muraenesocidae Common pike conger
Muraena balearica Delaroche, 1809 Ariosoma balearicum Congridae Bandtooth conger
Muraena bengalensis Gray, 1831 Anguilla bengalensis Anguillidae Indian mottled eel
Muraena bettencourti Osório, 1911 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena blematigrina Roberts, 1993 Gymnothorax polyuranodon Muraenidae Freshwater moray
Muraena boschii Bleeker, 1853 Echidna nebulosa Muraenidae Starry moray
Muraena bostoniensis Lesueur, 1817 Anguilla rostrata Anguillidae American eel
Muraena brummeri Bleeker, 1858 Pseudechidna brummeri Muraenidae White ribbon eel
Muraena bullata Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax fimbriatus Muraenidae Fimbriated moray
Muraena buroensis Bleeker, 1857 Gymnothorax buroensis Muraenidae Vagrant moray
Muraena caeca Linnaeus, 1758 Apterichtus caecus Ophichthidae European finless eel
Muraena callorhyncha Günther, 1870 Gymnothorax prasinus Muraenidae Yellow moray
Muraena cancellata Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax undulatus Muraenidae Undulated moray
Muraena canina Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 Enchelynassa canina Muraenidae Longfang moray
Muraena cassini Risso, 1810 Ariosoma balearicum Congridae Bandtooth conger
Muraena catenata (Bloch, 1795) Echidna catenata Muraenidae Chain moray
Muraena chilensis Günther, 1872 Gymnothorax porphyreus Muraenidae Lowfin moray
Muraena chlorostigma (Kaup, 1856) Gymnothorax meleagris Muraenidae Turkey moray
Muraena cinerascens Rüppell, 1830 Gymnothorax hepaticus Muraenidae Liver-colored moray eel
Muraena cinerea Forsskål, 1775 Muraenesox cinereus Muraenesocidae Daggertooth pike conger
Muraena clepsydra Gilbert, 1898 Muraena clepsydra Muraenidae Hourglass moray
Muraena colubrina Boddaert, 1781 Myrichthys colubrinus Ophichthidae Harlequin snake eel
Muraena compressa Walbaum, 1792 Gempylus serpens Gempylidae Snake mackerel
Muraena conger Linnaeus, 1758 Conger conger Congridae European conger
Muraena congeroides Bleeker, 1860 Enchelycore schismatorhynchus Muraenidae White-margined moray
Muraena corallina Klunzinger, 1871 Gymnothorax buroensis Muraenidae Vagrant moray
Muraena dovii Günther, 1870 Gymnothorax dovii Muraenidae Finespotted moray
Muraena elaborata Poey, 1860 Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena euptera Günther, 1870 Gymnothorax nubilus Muraenidae Grey moray
Muraena fasciata Ahl, 1789 Myrichthys colubrinus Ophichthidae Harlequin snake eel
Muraena fascigula Peters, 1855 Echidna polyzona Muraenidae Barred moray
Muraena fimbriata Bennett, 1832 Gymnothorax fimbriatus Muraenidae Fimbriated moray
Muraena flavimarginata Rüppell, 1830 Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Muraenidae Yellow-edged moray
Muraena flavopicta (Kaup, 1856) Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena fusca Zuiew, 1793 Yirrkala fusca Ophichthidae
Muraena geometrica Rüppell, 1830 Gymnothorax griseus Muraenidae Geometric moray
Muraena gracilis Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax tile Muraenidae Indian mud moray
Muraena guttata Forsskål, 1775 Haliophis guttatus Pseudochromidae African eel blenny
Muraena gymnopterus Bleeker, 1853 Muraenichthys gymnopterus Ophichthidae
Muraena halmaherensis Bleeker, 1863 Anguilla bicolor Anguillidae Indonesian shortfin eel
Muraena hauannensis Bloch & Schneider, 1801 Ophichthus ophis Ophichthidae Spotted snake eel
Muraena helaena Linnaeus, 1758 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena helena Linnaeus, 1758 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena helena australiae Richardson, 1848 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena hemprichii Klunzinger, 1871 Enchelycore schismatorhynchus Muraenidae White-margined moray
Muraena hepatica Rüppell, 1830 Gymnothorax hepaticus Muraenidae Liver-colored moray eel
Muraena insularum Jordan & Davis, 1891 Muraena lentiginosa Muraenidae Jewel moray
Muraena interrupta Kaup, 1856 Gymnothorax rueppelliae Muraenidae Banded moray
Muraena irregularis (Kaup, 1856) Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena isingleenoides Bleeker, 1852 Gymnothorax fimbriatus Muraenidae Fimbriated moray
Muraena isingteena Richardson, 1845 Gymnothorax isingteena Muraenidae
Muraena javanica Bleeker, 1859 Gymnothorax javanicus Muraenidae Giant moray
Muraena kailuae Jordan & Evermann, 1903 Enchelycore pardalis Muraenidae Leopard moray eel
Muraena kauila Jenkins, 1903 Enchelycore pardalis Muraenidae Leopard moray eel
Muraena kidako Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Gymnothorax kidako Muraenidae Kidako moray
Muraena labiata Peters, 1852 Anguilla labiata Anguillidae African mottled eel
Muraena lampra Jenkins, 1903 Enchelycore pardalis Muraenidae Leopard moray eel
Muraena laysana Steindachner, 1900 Gymnothorax eurostus Muraenidae Abbott's moray eel
Muraena lentiginosa Jenyns, 1842 Muraena lentiginosa Muraenidae Jewel moray
Muraena longicauda Peters, 1877 Anarchias longicauda Muraenidae
Muraena longicollis Cuvier, 1816 Echelus myrus Ophichthidae Painted eel
Muraena macrocephala Lesueur, 1817 Anguilla rostrata Anguillidae American eel
Muraena macrocephala Rapp, 1849 Anguilla bicolor Anguillidae Indonesian shortfin eel
Muraena macrophthalma Peters, 1852 Anguilla labiata Anguillidae African mottled eel
Muraena macrophthalmos Peters, 1852 Anguilla labiata Anguillidae African mottled eel
Muraena macrurus Bleeker, 1854 Strophidon sathete Muraenidae Slender giant moray
Muraena maculata Lacepède, 1800 Haliophis guttatus Pseudochromidae African eel blenny
Muraena maculosa Cuvier, 1816 Myrichthys maculosus Ophichthidae Tiger snake eel
Muraena maderensis (Johnson, 1862) Gymnothorax maderensis Muraenidae Sharktooth moray
Muraena manillensis Bleeker, 1864 Anguilla marmorata Anguillidae Giant mottled eel
Muraena mauritiana Kaup, 1856 Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Muraenidae Yellow-edged moray
Muraena melanospilos Bleeker, 1855 Gymnothorax isingteena Muraenidae
Muraena melanotis (Kaup, 1859) Muraena melanotis Muraenidae
Muraena meleagris Shaw, 1795 Gymnothorax meleagris Muraenidae Turkey moray
Muraena micropterus Bleeker, 1852 Uropterygius micropterus Muraenidae Tidepool snake moray
Muraena microspila Günther, 1870 Gymnothorax reevesii Muraenidae Reeve's moray
Muraena miliaris (Kaup, 1856) Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena milliaris (Kaup, 1856) Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena minor Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Gymnothorax minor Muraenidae
Muraena moa (Bleeker, 1849) Anguilla bicolor Anguillidae Indonesian shortfin eel
Muraena molendinaris Bennett, 1833 Gymnomuraena zebra Muraenidae Zebra moray
Muraena moluccensis (Bleeker, 1864) Gymnothorax moluccensis Muraenidae Moluccan moray
Muraena monochrous Bleeker, 1856 Gymnothorax monochrous Muraenidae Drab moray
Muraena monostigma Regan, 1909 Gymnothorax monostigma Muraenidae One-spot moray
Muraena mordax Ayres, 1859 Gymnothorax mordax Muraenidae California moray
Muraena moringa Cuvier, 1829 Gymnothorax moringa Muraenidae Spotted moray
Muraena mossambica Peters, 1852 Anguilla mossambica Anguillidae African longfin eel
Muraena multiocellata Poey, 1860 Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena myrialeucostictus Fowler, 1912 Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena myrus Linnaeus, 1758 Echelus myrus Ophichthidae Painted eel
Muraena mystax Delaroche, 1809 Gnathophis mystax Congridae Thinlip conger
Muraena nebulosa Ahl, 1789 Echidna nebulosa Muraenidae Starry moray
Muraena nigra Risso, 1810 Conger conger Congridae European conger
Muraena nigricans Bonnaterre, 1788 Enchelycore nigricans Muraenidae Viper moray
Muraena nigrolineata Kaup, 1856 Gymnothorax rueppelliae Muraenidae Banded moray
Muraena nubila Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax nubilus Muraenidae Grey moray
Muraena nudivomer Günther, 1867 Gymnothorax nudivomer Muraenidae Yellowmouth moray
Muraena ocellata (Agassiz, 1831) Gymnothorax ocellatus Muraenidae Ocellated moray
Muraena ophis Linnaeus, 1758 Ophichthus ophis Ophichthidae Spotted snake eel
Muraena oxyrhina Ekström, 1831 Anguilla anguilla Anguillidae European eel
Muraena panamensis Steindachner, 1876 Gymnothorax panamensis Muraenidae Masked moray
Muraena pardalis Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 Enchelycore pardalis Muraenidae Leopard moray eel
Muraena pavonina Richardson, 1845 Muraena pavonina Muraenidae Whitespot moray
Muraena pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855 Anguilla japonica Anguillidae Japanese eel
Muraena peli (Kaup, 1856) Echidna peli Muraenidae Pebbletooth moray
Muraena petelli Bleeker, 1856 Gymnothorax rueppelliae Muraenidae Banded moray
Muraena picta Ahl, 1789 Gymnothorax pictus Muraenidae Paintspotted moray
Muraena platyrhina Ekström, 1831 Anguilla anguilla Anguillidae European eel
Muraena polyuranodon Bleeker, 1854 Gymnothorax polyuranodon Muraenidae Freshwater moray
Muraena polyzona Richardson, 1845 Echidna polyzona Muraenidae Barred moray
Muraena porphyrea (Guichenot, 1848) Gymnothorax porphyreus Muraenidae Lowfin moray
Muraena prasina Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax prasinus Muraenidae Yellow moray
Muraena prosopeion Bleeker, 1853 Gymnothorax thyrsoideus Muraenidae Greyface moray
Muraena pseudothyrsoidea Bleeker, 1853 Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus Muraenidae Highfin moray
Muraena punctata Rafinesque, 1810 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena raitaborua Hamilton, 1822 Moringua raitaborua Moringuidae Purple spaghetti-eel
Muraena reevesii Richardson, 1845 Gymnothorax reevesii Muraenidae Reeve's moray
Muraena reticularis (Bloch, 1795) Gymnothorax reticularis Muraenidae
Muraena retifera Goode & Bean, 1882 Muraena retifera Muraenidae Reticulate moray
Muraena rhodochilus (Bleeker, 1863) Echidna rhodochilus Muraenidae Pink-lipped moray eel
Muraena richardsonii Bleeker, 1852 Gymnothorax richardsonii Muraenidae Richardson's moray
Muraena robusta Osório, 1911 Muraena robusta Muraenidae Stout moray
Muraena romana Shaw, 1803 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena rostrata Lesueur, 1817 Anguilla rostrata Anguillidae American eel
Muraena ruppelli (McClelland, 1844) Gymnothorax rueppelliae Muraenidae Banded moray
Muraena saga (Risso, 1810) Nettastoma melanura Nettastomatidae Blackfin sorcerer
Muraena sagenedota Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax sagenodeta Muraenidae
Muraena sagenodeta Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax sagenodeta Muraenidae
Muraena sanctaehelenae Günther, 1870 Enchelycore anatina Muraenidae Fangtooth moray
Muraena sathete (Hamilton, 1822) Strophidon sathete Muraenidae Slender giant moray
Muraena schismatorhynchus Bleeker, 1853 Enchelycore schismatorhynchus Muraenidae White-margined moray
Muraena serpens Linnaeus, 1758 Ophisurus serpens Ophichthidae Serpent eel
Muraena serpentina Lesueur, 1817 Anguilla rostrata Anguillidae American eel
Muraena sordida Cuvier, 1816 Echidna catenata Muraenidae Chain moray
Muraena tessellata Richardson, 1845 Gymnothorax favagineus Muraenidae Laced moray
Muraena thrysoidea Richardson, 1845 Gymnothorax thyrsoideus Muraenidae Greyface moray
Muraena tigrina Rüppell, 1830 Myrichthys maculosus Ophichthidae Tiger snake eel
Muraena tile (Hamilton, 1822) Gymnothorax tile Muraenidae Indian mud moray
Muraena trinitatis Miranda Ribeiro, 1919 Gymnothorax miliaris Muraenidae Goldentail moray
Muraena tristis Kaup, 1856 Gymnothorax afer Muraenidae Dark moray
Muraena unicolor (Delaroche, 1809) Gymnothorax unicolor Muraenidae Brown moray
Muraena unicolor (Kaup, 1856) Uropterygius concolor Muraenidae Unicolor snake moray
Muraena vagrans Seale, 1917 Gymnothorax vagrans Muraenidae
Muraena variegata Rafinesque, 1810 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena vermiculata Richardson, 1848 Gymnothorax tile Muraenidae Indian mud moray
Muraena virescens Peters, 1852 Anguilla bicolor Anguillidae Indonesian shortfin eel
Muraena viridipinnna Seale, 1917 Gymnothorax flavimarginatus Muraenidae Yellow-edged moray
Muraena vorax Ogilby, 1907 Muraena helena Muraenidae Mediterranean moray
Muraena vulgaris Kaup, 1856 Echelus myrus Ophichthidae Painted eel
Muraena xanthospilos Bleeker, 1859 Echidna xanthospilos Muraenidae Yellow-spotted moray
Muraena zebra (Shaw, 1797) Gymnomuraena zebra Muraenidae Zebra moray
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