List of Common Names with hum

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Language Country Species Type
Humpback chub English Global Gila cypha FAO
Humpback grouper English Global Chromileptes altivelis FAO
Humpback red snapper English Global Lutjanus gibbus FAO
Humpback smooth-hound English Global Mustelus whitneyi FAO
Humpbacked scorpionfish English Global Scorpaenopsis gibbosa FAO
Humped rockcod English Global Gobionotothen gibberifrons FAO
Humphead cichlid English Global Cyphotilapia frontosa FAO
Humphead snapper English Global Lutjanus sanguineus FAO
Humphead wrasse English Global Cheilinus undulatus FAO
Humpnose big-eye bream English Global Monotaxis grandoculis FAO
Thumbprint emperor English Global Lethrinus harak FAO
Thumbprint monocle bream English Global Scolopsis bimaculata FAO
Humpback anglerfish English UK Melanocetus johnsonii FAO ctry
Humpback salmon English UK Oncorhynchus gorbuscha FAO old
Blue humphead parrotfish English Global Chlorurus cyanescens FAO old
Chum salmon English Global Oncorhynchus keta FAO Old
Humpback grunt English Global Microlepidotus brevipinnis FAO old
Humpback hairfin anchovy English Global Setipinna paxtoni FAO old
Humpback scorpionfish English Global Scorpaenopsis gibbosa FAO old
Humpback toadfish English Global Chatrabus melanurus FAO old
Humpback unicornfish English Global Naso brachycentron FAO old
Humphead thryssa English Global Thryssa polybranchialis FAO old
Humpnose unicornfish English Global Naso tonganus FAO old
Thumb grenadier English Global Nezumia pulchella FAO old
Uniform humphead parrotfish English Global Chlorurus oedema FAO old
Humphead Maori wrasse English Australia Cheilinus undulatus Market
Indian hump head English Myanmar Kurtus indicus Market
Humpback red snapper English Maldives Lutjanus gibbus Market
Eglefino ahumado Spanish Spain Melanogrammus aeglefinus Market
Humpback salmon English USA Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Market
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12