List of Common Names with cory

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Language Country Species Type
Acre corydoras English USA Corydoras acrensis AFS
Amapa corydoras English USA Corydoras amapaensis AFS
Banded corydoras English USA Scleromystax barbatus AFS
Bandit corydoras English USA Corydoras melini AFS
Barredtail corydoras English USA Corydoras cochui AFS
Blackstripe corydoras English USA Corydoras bondi AFS
Blacktop corydoras English USA Corydoras acutus AFS
Blue corydoras English USA Corydoras nattereri AFS
Bluespotted corydoras English USA Corydoras melanistius AFS
Bronze corydoras English USA Corydoras aeneus AFS
Dotted corydoras English USA Corydoras maculifer AFS
Dwarf corydoras English USA Corydoras hastatus AFS
Elegant corydoras English USA Corydoras elegans AFS
Guapore corydoras English USA Corydoras guapore AFS
Gray corydoras English USA Corydoras griseus AFS
Leopard corydoras English USA Corydoras julii AFS
Longsnout corydoras English USA Corydoras treitlii AFS
Masked corydoras English USA Corydoras metae AFS
Mosaic corydoras English USA Corydoras haraldschultzi AFS
Palespotted corydoras English USA Corydoras gossei AFS
Panda corydoras English USA Corydoras panda AFS
Paraná corydoras English USA Corydoras steindachneri AFS
Pastaza corydoras English USA Corydoras pastazensis AFS
Peppered corydoras English USA Corydoras paleatus AFS
Pink corydoras English USA Corydoras axelrodi AFS
Pinkthroat corydoras English USA Corydoras spilurus AFS
Pretty corydoras English USA Corydoras pulcher AFS
Pygmy corydoras English USA Corydoras pygmaeus AFS
Reticulated corydoras English USA Corydoras reticulatus AFS
Rust corydoras English USA Corydoras rabauti AFS
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12