List of Common Names with angelfish

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Language Country Species Type
Clarion angelfish English Mexico Holacanthus clarionensis AFS
King angelfish English Mexico Holacanthus passer AFS
Arabian angelfish English USA Pomacanthus asfur AFS
Ballina angelfish English USA Chaetodontoplus ballinae AFS
Banded angelfish English USA Apolemichthys arcuatus AFS
Barred angelfish English USA Paracentropyge multifasciata AFS
Bicolor angelfish English USA Centropyge bicolor AFS
Blackear angelfish English USA Centropyge hotumatua AFS
Blackedged angelfish English USA Genicanthus watanabei AFS
Blackspot angelfish English USA Centropyge nigriocellus AFS
Blackstriped angelfish English USA Genicanthus lamarck AFS
Blacktail angelfish English USA Centropyge eibli AFS
Black-velvet angelfish English USA Chaetodontoplus melanosoma AFS
Blue angelfish English USA Holacanthus bermudensis AFS
Blueface angelfish English USA Chaetodontoplus personifer AFS
Bluegirdled angelfish English USA Pomacanthus navarchus AFS
Bluering angelfish English USA Pomacanthus annularis AFS
Bluespotted angelfish English USA Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus AFS
Bluestriped angelfish English USA Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis AFS
Clarion angelfish English USA Holacanthus clarionensis AFS
Clipperton angelfish English USA Holacanthus limbaughi AFS
Cocos-Keeling angelfish English USA Centropyge colini AFS
Conspicuous angelfish English USA Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus AFS
Cortez angelfish English USA Pomacanthus zonipectus AFS
Dusky angelfish English USA Centropyge multispinis AFS
Earspot angelfish English USA Pomacanthus chrysurus AFS
Emperor angelfish English USA Pomacanthus imperator AFS
Flameback angelfish English USA Centropyge aurantonotus AFS
Flaming angelfish English USA Centropyge loriculus AFS
French angelfish English USA Pomacanthus paru AFS
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12