Biblio Entry Summary for Crenimugil seheli
Citação Durand, J.-D., K.-N. Shen, W.-J. Chen, B.W. Jamandre, H. Blel, K. Diop, M. Nichio, F.J. Garcia de León, A.K. Whitfield, C-W. Chang and P. Borsa, 2012, Systematics of the grey mullets (Teleostei: Mugiliformes: Mugilidae): Molecular phylogenetic evidence challenges two centuries of morphology-based taxonomy.. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 64:73-92.
Ref. 90274 Durand, J.-D., K.-N. Shen, W.-J. Chen, B.W. Jamandre, H. Blel, K. Diop, M. Nichio, F.J. Garcia de León, A.K. Whitfield, C-W. Chang and P. Borsa, 2012
Página 78-9;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Moolgarda seheli
Comentário mitochondrial DNA sequence;
Distribuição Persian Gulf, Tanzania, Seychelles, Maldives, Fiji, Taiwan, Philippines, West Papua, Australia, Saipan, New Caledonia.
Quote 16S rRNA, COI, cytb
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