Biblio Entry Summary for Cottoperca gobio
Αναφορά Arkhipkin, A., P. Brickle, V. Laptikhovsky, L. Butcher, E. Jones, M. Potter and D. Poulding, 2001, Variation in the diet of the red cod with size and season around the Falkland Islands (south-west Atlantic).. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 81(6):1035-1040.
Αναφ. 43117 Arkhipkin, A., P. Brickle, V. Laptikhovsky, L. Butcher, E. Jones, M. Potter and D. Poulding, 2001
Named Used as Valid Cottoperca gobio
Σχόλιο predators;
Επιστροφή στην αναζήτηση
Σχόλια & Διορθώσεις